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Reply to "Wismar contextualized with the 1964 low-intensity tribal war . . . Eusi Kwayana is correct - there is no guilty "RACE""

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

the use of "massacre" is overreach....but this is how one person described it in a letter..

there were three official dead resulting from the terror at Wismar during May 25-28, 1964

styling this a "massacre" of 3 x 1000 is pure EVIL

3 x 3 is what you could call "overreach"

you live in a dutty pretend world . . . there is an ocean of difference


OK...suh....let me rephrase does "pogrom" swing with you?

i introduced that word to GNI years ago

what's your point? I said...I gon expose your racist bile...and those of the Indo KKKs

your fancy oratorical swagger is just a camouflage for who you really are....

I minor in English Literature...
