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Reply to "Racist Woman yelling and demanding to see a white doctor born in Canada"

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

The woman has a right to ask for any color of doctor she wants. She pays the piper so she can call the tune. If she is not happy with that clinic, then she should look for a different one and request a white doctor when making an appointment or when she checks in.

She pays the piper so she can call the tune.

In Canada we have Universal Health Care, it's Free. She pays nothing, maybe she is on Welfare living off  the Paki Tax payers.

Nothing is free. The woman pays her care is not free.
