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Reply to "Racist Woman yelling and demanding to see a white doctor born in Canada"

seignet posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

I think she used the word paki

It is a renewal of the seventies racism when Englishmen brought the word to canadian vocabulary. The first time I was called a paki, I couldn't figure out wah the hell the English co-worker was talking about. And I training him on the job.

I heard this with my own ears in a Georgetown mini bus in the 1980s.

.A Guyanese East Indian woman said "I can't rent my flat to an Indian national they going to curry stink it up and bruck it up"                                                                                                              Last year I heard an Englishman said when he moved to Canada in 1976 his Canadian realtor told him not to buy a house from Canadian India indians because they probably stink the place up with curry and it probably need lots of repairs.


Same bloody stereotype thing.

Last edited by Prashad