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Reply to "World’s Biggest Wealth Fund Wants Out of Oil and Gas"

Look at Crypto Currency. I bought some Bitcoin when it was around $ 550 years ago. I also mined Litecoin and Feathercoin and boy I got lucky. I intend to cash in soon. Lots of quick money to made with this extremely risky currency.

I fee that there is a bubble with Bitcoin and crypto currency in General but no one ever dreamt that it will rise to this level. I mined a shyte load of Feahtercoin and just kept my wallet and my jaw dropped at the price in value last night, I could not believe that it is now trading at such a high price.  

I had five computers with fairly expensive GPU's and my wife was complaining about the cost of electricity, no more complaining today. I mined Feathercoin when it was almost useless about five or six years ago.

Funny story, I was searching like a madman for the hard drive where I stored my Feathercoin wallet and finally found it !!!

Who really is pumping this much money in crypto currency these days ?

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