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Reply to "You can soar like kites through education’ –Prime Minister tells Berbice youths."

Zed posted:

Jalil, please explain me how was it that kemraj  and Moses spent so many years calling these guys you are pointing to 'COMRADE' and worked together in on a regular basis, how as leading members of the PPP (central committee members of the PPP, if I am correct) they toed the line for so long and did not publicly oppose the involvement of these people,

Do u Understand

(1) Those years Jagan was alive and Jagdeo could not thief,

(2) Jagdeo could not infest Freedom House and Office of the President with his thiefing friends like Manniram, Brian Young, Bobby Ramroop  and other Crab Louse.

(3) Jagdeo could not infest Freedom House and Office of the President with Drug Dealers like Roger Khan, Buddies & Others.

(4) Jagan would not never get rid of loyal, honest Comrades like Moses, Kemraj, Ralph, Fazal Khan, Boyo and O'lall ....and Replace them with (1) thieves and crooks like Ramsammy and Gagraj or (2) Black House of Israel Hindu's like Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton and (3) Ballot Box Thieves & Riggers like McClean, Nascimento & Jerry Gouviea......... could not infest Freedom House and Office of the President with these thieves, crooks, cockroach, worms, vultures and crab louse.

(5) Jagan would never buy support from members of the PPP Execo and Central Committee .... Jagan would not Buy support or hijack the PPP leadership like Jagdeo did with a State Job & Paycheck.

(6) Jagan would not have a Comrade and fellow PPP Minister killed because he objected to a Land Deal for Roger Khan to expand his Narco Empire.


how Moses just a few short years ago was giving support to Jagdeo and the PPP. Bloody hypocrites and political opportunists, that is what they are. They were 'itching and scratching' (your favourite term) with the rest of the PPP and enjoying the benefits of being in government and being associated with the PPP, Ramotar and Jagdeo.

Do u Understand

(1) PPP broke up after Dr Jagan dead.

(2) Jagdeo Hijack the PPP Leadership & buying them out with high paying state jobs and positions.

(3) After Jagdeo Hijack the PPP Leadership & Govt....he quickly consolidated his power and position by isolating  and removing loyal, honest Comrades like Moses, Kemraj, Ralph, Fazal Khan, Boyo and O'lall.

And to stay in Power

(4) Jagdeo quietly bought Ravi Dev over..... after Ravi & Rhyan Shaw threaten to steal the Indian base of the PPP.

(5) Jagdeo turned the security of the country over to his Drug Dealer Friends and Phantom Killers.

(6) Jagdeo made a secret deal with Corbin to end PNC street violence and "Slow fia mo fia" ..... to clean up the Image of the PNC Quickly... by....

(a)  buying out the House of Israel Street Thugs from the PNC....... and give them top positions in the Freedom House and the Office of the President..... MAKING THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL THUGS BLACK PPP HINDU PUNDITS.

(b) Also incorporating into the PPP Leadership all the notorious PNC Ballot Box Riggers and thieves ( Nascimento, McClean & Jerry Gouviea) and making the senior officials in the PPP Govt......Under Jagdeo the Ballot Box Riggers were able to replace Indian Businessmen Tolsie Persaud, Kisoon, Mazharally & Yesu Persaud .....and run, represent and control the Private Sector.


You are being used as they used all those voters who supported them in the last elections. False and broken promises.  Big pay raise, trapping of power, prime minister with no power, Harmon is the real prime minister and trottman has more power that both Moses and kemraj, lots of talk and little or no action, bring Moses out once in a while to dust him off.  Beats me how you like being used so. But each to his own.

Now .....

after digesting everything that Jagdeo did to Destroy the PPP and Jagan Record and image......

Tell us what Moses or Khemraj did wrong?


Let us examine the Jagdeo Jihaji Party.......

(1) Drug Dealers, Crooks & Bandits

(2) Private Sector - "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

(3)  "Black Hindu Pandits" -  "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton"


Zed take your pick....

who yuh want moral authority from



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