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Reply to "You can soar like kites through education’ –Prime Minister tells Berbice youths."

Zed posted:
Zed posted:

Jalil, please explain me how was it that kemraj  and Moses spent so many years calling these guys you are pointing to 'COMRADE' and worked together in on a regular basis, how as leading members of the PPP (central committee members of the PPP, if I am correct) they toed the line for so long and did not publicly oppose the involvement of these people,

When Jagan was alive the PPP was a disciplined, United, Majority Political Party in Guyana, .......... then Jagan Led the PPP fight against the Dirty Sperms in the PNC (1) De PNC Ballot Box Riggers and (2) De Black House of Israel thugs....... Zed is this Correct?

how Moses just a few short years ago was giving support to Jagdeo and the PPP. Bloody hypocrites and political opportunists, that is what they are. They were 'itching and scratching' (your favourite term) with the rest of the PPP and enjoying the benefits of being in government and being associated with the PPP, Ramotar and Jagdeo.

When Cheddi Jagan died in 1997 the PPP without a leader. Moses had resigned as a PPP minister and was in law school overseas.  There was no one in the Cabinet or PPP Leadership available who could replace Dr Jagan. ....... Zed is this Correct?

Janet Jagan agreed to take the fight to Hoyte/ De House of Israel thugs/ De PNC Ballot Box Riggers if Moses Nagamootoo support her in this fight. Moses agreed and Supported Janet..... PPP Remain a Majority Party........ Zed is this Correct?


Jagdeo undermine the PPP leadership and Hijacked the Party ..... many stop supporting PPP......... Zed is this Correct?


Now....Yes within the PPP they were many Bloody hypocrites and political opportunists. There was one who we would find out at the First opportunity

would sleep with the Devil and

give Corbin a Blow Job  and

accept the PNC Dutty Sperm ( De House of Israel thugs/ De PNC Ballot Box Riggers) .......

yes he is a real dirty funny fella........ Zed is this Correct?


And all those who embraced, supported and rollup with Jagdeo and Corbin Sperm end up itching and scratching........ Zed is this Correct?


Moses, Ramjattan and others who walked away from Jagdeo and the Corrupt Funny Fellas refused to accept or hold any ministerial position  with Jagdeo for a $tate Pay-Check from they were free from the diseased "Itching and Scratching" linked to Jogdeo & Corbin affair........ Zed is this Correct?


You are being used as they used all those voters who supported them in the last elections. False and broken promises.  Big pay raise, trapping of power, prime minister with no power, Harmon is the real prime minister and

But Jagdeo is still "De Foul Cock who give Cordin Blow Job and swallow all the PNC Dutty Sperm......and took De House of Israel thugs/ De PNC Ballot Box Riggers to Freedom House and Congress place......... Zed is this Correct?

Now the PNC Dutty Sperm all over yuh face............ Zed is this Correct?

Jagdeo Blow Corbin so good ......when Jagdeo finish WPA it was so easy for to join De-New PNC......... Zed is this Correct?


trottman has more power that both Moses and kemraj, lots of talk and little or no action, bring Moses out once in a while to dust him off.  Beats me how you like being used so. But each to his own.

Yuh focusing on the Prime Minister & Vice President..... Zed why yuh ignoring "De Foul Cock who give Corbin Blow Job and swallow all the PNC Dutty Sperm......and took De House of Israel thugs/ De PNC Ballot Box Riggers to Freedom House and Congress place......... Zed is this Correct? 

Here are the original questions and comments. No comments about Jagdeo or support for the PPP there. There is more about the duplicity of the leading members of the AFC and their current position in the government.

So yuh focusing only on the Honorable Prime Minister and Honorable Vice President....

you do not want to talk about "De Foul Cock who give Cordin Blow Job"..... and then swallow all the PNC Dutty Sperm......

and took De House of Israel thugs/ De PNC Ballot Box Riggers to Freedom House and Congress place......... Zed is this Correct?
