AFC supporters are backing APNU and have less to do with the AFC. This has been going on for long while now and when you confront them with this political conflict of interest, they denied it and claim that the AFC is an independent party. Is this how Ralph Ramkarran defined an independent party? Mitwah, can you explain the difference? Board members, can you make an assessment on this political misery once and for all?
How could you confront anyone on any issue as to a conflict of interest when the PPP are an example of what are those who ignore protocols of best practices and simply are straight up nepotists and double and triple dippers? Ramotar sat on OMAI's board and that was a foriegn company doing business with the state. They leeched off us and he off them and that was the open and out right quid pro quo. Then I guess Jagdeo polished Ed's pelotas to get 29 tons of fixtures and furnishings for his home. I guess he got that home because he was a king of the Quants and so made a killing on wall street. The same goes for the rest of the crooks who populate the various incarnations of Pradovilles. Get real you deceptive punks defending this crooked administration and blowing smoke that the very thing you claim was honest somehow taints another that is associated with it. That is like being the little piggies and blowing your own house down!