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Reply to "Young Buxton ‘scholar’ wants to be President of Guyana"

Originally Posted by caribny:

The operative word is that Jagan did nothing to stop Burnham because he was in agreement with him.  The only problem that Jagan had with Burnham is that he wasnt the one implementing this Marxist Leninist doctrine.


Will say even more.  Burnham allowed those of us who couldnt stand his rule to leave.  Fidel Cheddi Jagan Castro would have done to Guyanese exactly what his heroes in Cuba and the USSR did to their people.  Turn their countries into a prison where peole trying to leave could be shot and killed for doing so.


The development in Guyana is due to the $500M that Guyanese send back and the huge expansion of gold exports because gold prices are high?  Are you claiming that Jagdeo should be praised for this...or maybe because his best friends keep you well supplied with drugs.

I am not here to defend Jagan as I perceive him to be a dunce and coward. Jagdeo was the real deal, he put fire up the PNC rear with phantomizing. Then the greatest period of prosperity ensued in the nation. Give jack his jacket and get off of the blame the dead men bandwagon.
