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@Ramakant-P posted:

Mustapha shows that he is progressive.  He has created more jobs in the agricultural Industry than the PNC created in their 5 years of mismanagement in all the ministries put together.

Mustapha is a square peg in a round hole. His past performance is a predictor of his future accomplishments. He got that Position as a  crony of the rat.

@Mitwah posted:

How long after you plant a coconut tree that you can see some revenue? How much nuts per tree on the onset of production, which is estimated to be about 5 years after planting?

Good question.

The facilities are said to have the capacity to produce 25,000 additional seedlings per year. This is a very remarkable achievement.  It does not matter how long it takes but it is better than the PNC doing nothing. 

Good bless the PPP.

@Totaram posted:

Any two bit farmer knows how to grow coconut plants.  In fact, if you just leave the coconuts on the ground when they fall off the tree they will usually grow.  You then transplant them.  What's the big deal about growing coconut plants?

Rama and the PPP needs to draft a coconut growing plan, that they have to study with Mustapha, before planting and not bear fruit, before they get thrown out of office. 

@Tola posted:

Rama gets a tie and wrist watch for the first time and it makes him intelligent.

That's one tie and wristwatch more than you.  I still get the ties I used to wear in British Guiana. Don't talk about wristwatches. I had a Timex for 15 years and it only cost G$2.00. A choke and robber grabbed it from my hand and gave it back to me and said, "you are a very poor man".

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's one tie and wristwatch more than you.  I still get the ties I used to wear in British Guiana. Don't talk about wristwatches. I had a Timex for 15 years and it only cost G$2.00. A choke and robber grabbed it from my hand and gave it back to me and said, "you are a very poor man".

Me glad the choke and robber did not take you bukta too.

@Totaram posted:

Any two bit farmer knows how to grow coconut plants.  In fact, if you just leave the coconuts on the ground when they fall off the tree they will usually grow.  You then transplant them.  What's the big deal about growing coconut plants?

Absolutely nothing. Yet this is what they fuss about. Meanwhile, they are intent on establishing a coconut INDUSTRY, complete with by products, without researching the markets, looking at distribution channels, or anything. That's what they should be doing. Coconut industry may not be viable for Guyana at all.

They are delving into another saturated industry like the sugar industry. And they are going to hang these farmers out to dry eventually. Morons.


Why are the token Indians against the PPP riving the Coconut Industry, Sugar Industry, building roads, and strengthening the sea wall?

Why do the cynics are against the PPP improving tourism by building more hotels and resorts?

Why are the PNC stooges fighting against the PPP government for hiring expatriates to work in the Oil Industry, which will bring in billions in revenue?

@Ramakant-P posted:

Why are the token Indians against the PPP riving the Coconut Industry, Sugar Industry, building roads, and strengthening the sea wall?

Why do the cynics are against the PPP improving tourism by building more hotels and resorts?

Why are the PNC stooges fighting against the PPP government for hiring expatriates to work in the Oil Industry, which will bring in billions in revenue?

So your were a night shipper with Nortel. Remember Buddy? His son is now a doctor.


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