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1-year-old murdered, thrown out of window into swamp for earrings

Police say they have in custody a 20-year-old unemployed, A Field Sophia, manwho allegedly, in dastardly fashion, attempted to rob and murdered his 1-year-old niece.

Dead is one and a half years old Ronasha Pilgrim of 98 North Sophia, Greater Georgetown.

Based on information received the incident occurred between 03:30 -04:00hrs this morning, at the said address.

According to the Police, the deceased along with her brothers ages 10 and 12 years were left in the house by their father, a security guard, who went to work.

The suspect then allegedly broke a northern window, entered the house and attempted to relieve the baby of her earrings.

She reportedly began to scream and the suspect allegedly tossed her through a window into the swamped yard. On leaving, the suspect allegedly placed a pile of wood on top of the deceased who was submerged under the approximately 11/2 feet depth water and slush.

The body is presently at the Lyken’s Funeral Home awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Police say the suspected relative is assisting with the ongoing investigation.

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This story is tragic as it is, let alone the shock and devastation the child's parents must be experiencing right now. Once again, this is a human reaction that demonstrates a sick and heartless person. Please, let's leave the politics out of it and see it from a human perspective. If the child scream during the ordeal is because he may be tried to yank the earrings from the child's ear. An eighteen-month-old child wears small earrings that are not of much value to kill a baby in such a passionate manner. This is my take: He probably had family disputes; psychologically unstable; alcoholic or drug addiction. I am lost for words of what else may be involved.


Another tragic incident involving a child:

7-yr-old girl feared dead

reportedly swept into Atlantic during a swimming outing

By Ramona Luthi


A seven-year-old girl is feared dead following an incident on Saturday afternoon which resulted in her being swept into the Atlantic Ocean behind the Guyana Marriott Hotel in Georgetown.
Missing is Jayleena Titus of Lot 29 Second Street, Alberttown, Georgetown.

Jayleena resides with her father, Richard Titus and her mother, Onecia Henry, along with her three other siblings, ages 10, 15 and 19.

Feared dead: Jayleena Titus

On the day that the seven-year-old was last seen, she had left home with her father, 10-year-old brother and eight-year-old cousin to go to the seawalls, behind the Marriott Hotel, as was frequent for them to do on weekends.

Thirty-eight-year-old Henry told Guyana Times that according to her 10-year-old son, the three children were playing close to the water behind the Hotel, while his father was some distance away.
Richard Titus has indicated to his wife and Police that he was only a short distance away and he had been monitoring the children all the time, up until the incident which caused him his youngest child, as he became occupied briefly.

The 10-year-old child recalled that he continuously warned his sister and cousin against going closer to the water. However, he found himself having to run after his younger sister numerous times as she kept disregarding his warnings.
The tearful mother on Thursday morning said her son told her that at around 17:00h, as he and his cousin were playing, he noticed that Jayleena was not around. After scanning the area for several minutes, the young child recounted seeing his sister being swept away by the strong water currents.

β€œHe tell me how he run in the water and try fuh grab she hand but the waves deh too strong. Then he seh he shout fuh he cousin and told him to β€˜call daddy! Call daddy! Look the wave gone with Jayleena!’” the distraught mother of four said to this publication.
After being alerted, Titus reportedly jumped into the water in an attempt to save his youngest child. However, this proved futile.
The matter was reported at the Alberttown Police Station then the Brickdam Police Station and a search for Jayleena Titus was launched.

Anyone with information leading to the missing child is asked to contact the nearest Police station or her mother on telephone number 667-8860.


Toddler killed in arson: Suspect committed to stand trial for murder

The preliminary inquiry (PI) into the arson at Kaneville, East Bank Demerara which claimed the life of eight-month-old Romain Seth earlier this year concluded on Thursday with Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman ruling that sufficient evidence has been presented before the court to establish a prima facie case of murder against Nigel Dodson.
Deceased: Romain Seth
Nigel Dodson

Magistrate Latchman has committed him to stand trial at the next practicable sitting of the High Court in Georgetown.

In delivering her ruling after a moment of deliberation, the magistrate returned to the bench and declared, β€œI am of the opinion that the evidence has established a prima facie case on the charge of murder against the accused”.

Dodson appeared visibly upset as the magistrate handed down her ruling, and declined to say anything or present witnesses when given opportunity to so do.

Defence counsel Keoma Griffith, relying on the recently closed murder case of the Police versus Regan Rodrigues, aka β€œGrey Boy,” as one of his authorities, had earlier submitted that there was insufficient evidence to implicate his client in the crime.

Griffith made reference to a witness’s statement to the court (under cross-examination by the Defence during the PI) to the effect that a few days prior to the arson incident, he (the witness) had a confrontation with the accused, during which Dodson had mouthed threats directed solely at him (the witness).

Griffith therefore submitted that other witnesses who had heard the threat expressed should not have considered themselves likewise threatened, and their testimonies can only be deemed β€œhearsay”.

Moreover, Griffith continued, it was confirmed by police statements in court that the accused had said he did not set fire to the house, nor had he any intention of doing so, nor did he have any knowledge of how the fire had been set.

Referring to Grey Boy’s case, the lawyer reminded the court that concrete evidence is important; for, despite it being confirmed that a weapon found in a house had indeed been used in commission of a murder, the mere fact that this weapon was found in the dwelling house of the accused was undoubtedly insufficient to convict the defendant of murder.

Along this line, he argued that there was no direct evidence to link his client to the crime, except for the mere presence of the accused at the scene and the reported threats he had uttered.

Conversely, Police Prosecutor Shawn Gonsalves submitted that a prima facie case had been made out against the defendant, as the witnesses’ evidence was solid and well corroborated, at no point being discredited by intense cross-examination by the Defence during the course of the PI.

The prosecutor argued that it is undisputed that the deceased was at the time in the said house, and lost his life as a result of smoke inhalation and burns β€” so confirmed by the post mortem report.

The prosecutor reiterated that the fire report had indicated that the blaze was not caused by electrical means, thus inferring the possibility of foul play. In addition, he requested that the court rely on voluntary oral statements made by the accused to investigators, admitting that he did threaten to kill the family.

While accepting that no eyewitness had seen the defendant commit the act, the prosecutor submitted that a properly directed jury would return a guilty verdict after putting together the β€œbits and pieces” of evidence presented.

An early morning fire on January 23, 2017 destroyed the three-bedroom home of Michelle Menezes several days after arson accused Nigel Dodson had threatened to kill her entire family. Most regrettably, it claimed the life of her eight-month-old grandson, Romain Seth.


Update: 09/02/17

Ex-con buries niece alive in shallow grave

After ripping off gold earrings, flinging toddler through window 
An 18-month-old girl was flung out of a window and then buried alive by her ex-convict uncle, who then covered the shallow grave with several pieces of wood to hide his tracks early yesterday morning.
The horrific series of actions took place after 20-year-old Sherwyn Roberts, who was recently released from prison, broke into his brother’s Lot 98 North Sophia, Georgetown home and savagely ripped a pair of gold earrings from the toddler’s ears. He was arrested at his β€˜B’ Field Sophia home shortly after the incident.

The suspect has since confessed to ranks at the Prashad Nagar Police Station. He even revisited the scene and explained what he did in detail. Roberts did not, however, provide any reason for his action. In fact, the only thing he told the ranks was that he was β€œhigh on weed”.

The dead infant is Ronasha Pilgrim. Her body was pulled from the three feet deep muddy grave approximately an hour after it was buried thereβ€”around 04:00 hrs. The grave was located just below the window through which the suspect had flung her.

Little Ronasha and her two older brothersβ€”12-year-old Ryan and 10-year-old Ron Juniorβ€”were at home in their one-bedroom shack when their uncle gained entry to their home by breaking a louvre window in the bedroom.

The children’s father, Ron Pilgrim, who works as a maintenance worker in the day and security at night, was at the time guarding someone’s property when his children were attacked by his younger brother, whom he described as a β€œbandit.”

Yesterday, the police said their investigation revealed that around 03:00 hrs, the suspect allegedly broke a northern window, entered the house, and attempted to relieve the toddler of her earrings. The child began to scream.

Kaieteur News was informed that the suspect managed to rip off the earrings and then tossed the child through a window into the swampy yard. Before leaving, the suspect placed a pile of wood on top of the shallow grave he buried her in. Her body was submerged in water and slush.

During an interview, the children’s father explained that he did not allow his brother to visit his home because of his habits of stealing from people. The older Pilgrim said that he had no idea as to what could have pushed his brother to murder his own niece.
β€œI never did anything to my brother. The only thing is, I stop him from coming by me, because he steals a lot. Only Monday I saw him and I talk to him,” the dead child’s father said.

He recalled that he left home Thursday night to go to work and yesterday morning, he received a call from a female neighbour who informed him that β€œsomething bad” had happened, and he needed to return home quickly.

β€œWhen I walking through the street, I saw them (neighbours) going by me and they tell me that Sherwyn (the suspect) bury Ronasha alive, and he tried to throw my small son out of the window,” Pilgrim said, while adding that he removed the boards and dug his daughter out, but she was already dead.

He said that the mud was so soft that he used his hands to dig her out.
β€œShe was black, black and muddy.”
The devastated father, who said that he works hard to give his children a better life, explained that when he left home on Thursday, the little girl and his 10-year-old son were sleeping while his eldest child was watching television.

β€œMy small son tell me he wake up when the window break, and he see his uncle jumping through the window. He (Ron Junior) said that Sherwyn tried to throw him out first, but he hold onto him tight and he put he down back,” Pilgrim said.

He added that he was further informed his brother went to the toddler, who was standing next to the 12-year-old and pulled off her earringsβ€”tearing her earlobes in the process.

This newspaper was informed that the child began screaming in the process, and as a result, the suspect then angrily picked her up and threw her through the window, and jumped out behind her.
β€œHer brothers said that they peeped out the window and saw him (suspect) digging a hole with his hands and then putting Ronasha, while she was crying, into it and cover it, and then rest wood on top of it and then he left,” the father related.

He said that his sons were scared and it was after some time that they ran to a female neighbour and informed the woman what had happened. It was then that the neighbour called the children’s father, but it was already too late.

Kaieteur News was informed that the older boys lost their mother at a young age and the dead girl’s mother would visit her from time to time.
Pilgrim has a smaller child with Ronasha’s mother, but that baby lives with her.
Investigations are ongoing.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Sad news, however this is not totally unexpected as hard times under the PNC push people to desperation,  they even kill 1 year old for jewelry.

Its interesting that you make excuses for this savage behavior. What's wrong with you?

This is not an excuse, it is a fact. The PNC run the country down to the point where the small man is suffering for the basic necessities to survive. Invariably society will deteriorate to savagery like this. You pnc boys don't want to hold them accountable for the demise of morals in Guyana but you were quite comfortable blaming the PPP during their tenure for the least of crimes.  


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