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Former Member

10-member Australian team looking to invest here Executive Officer of GO-Invest Peter Ramsaroop (center) and the Australian team [GO-Invest photo/ December 4, 2020]

A ten-member team from one of the world’s largest Iron Ore companies on Friday visited Guyana to look at investment opportunities.

The team from Australia, Fortescue (FMG) led by the Chief Executive Officer, Julie Shuttleworth, touched down at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) for a meeting with the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest).

According to the Investment office, the company discussed “projects related to the Low Carbon Development Strategy, including the Amalia Fall Hydro Project, in particular harvesting renewable energy to facilitate new Green Industry products such as Ammonia, Hydrogen, Fertilizers and Metals for both local and foreign markets.”

In attendance was the Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat; Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud and Chief Investment Officer and CEO of GO-Invest, Dr Peter Ramsaroop.[GO-Invest photo/ December 4, 2020]

“Fortescue is known for partnering with select countries to unlock green industry potential,” GO-Invest said.

Fortescue was established in 2003. The company boasts of discovering and developing major iron ore deposits, constructed some of the most globally significant mines and have grown to be one of the world’s largest producers of iron ore.

With integrated mining, rail, shipping and marketing teams, Fortescue exports 175 to 180 million tonnes of iron ore annually (mtpa).

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@Former Member posted:

10-member Australian team looking to invest here

According to the Investment office, the company discussed “projects related to the Low Carbon Development Strategy, including the Amalia Fall Hydro Project, in particular harvesting renewable energy to facilitate new Green Industry products such as Ammonia, Hydrogen, Fertilizers and Metals for both local and foreign markets.”

Australia has built and operated about 100 hydroelectric power projects


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