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10-yr-old attempts suicide by hanging : …ill-treatment might be the cause, some say



A TEN-YEAR-OLD boy of Downer Canal, North Sophia, Georgetown was found hanging on the verandah of his parent’s home at about 10:00hrs yesterday. He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), and is battling for his life in the accident and emergency unit.When this publication visited the hospital yesterday, the boy’s mother, who had discovered him hanging, was being taken into custody to assist police with their investigations, but other family members refused to speak to this publication, and were being secretive about the incident. Residents of North Sophia speculate that the child is often ill-treated by his step-father.



A close family member reluctantly told this publication that the hanging incident might have been an accident (bull shit), because he does not believe that the boy would want to commit suicide, knowing that his family members love him.



That relative said he had earlier seen the boy playing in the yard, but moments later, he had heard the boy’s mother calling him for breakfast and saying he was nowhere to be found. A few minutes later, the boy started to scream at the top of his voice, and he was seen hanging from the laundry line on the verandah. (one minute playing and the other minute he was creaming).



Neighbours and friends of the boy’s family assisted in cutting him loose and rushing him to the GPHC; and a reliable source told this publication that the boy’s stepfather usually ill-treats and badly brutalizes him, and this may have triggered his decision to commit suicide, since he allegedly could not cope with the situation.



The source said he heard someone screaming, and when he peeped outside, he saw the boy hanging and his family members trying to keep him alive. The source said the boy had placed a belt around his neck and had tied it to the clothes line on the verandah, before jumping from the verandah to be left hanging in suspension.



The source pointed out that the boy’s father had died sometime ago in a shootout with police and bandits, and that the boy has since not been faring well.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Only recently we were discussing suicide and here we have a boy as young as 10 years old trying to hang himself. Now, we need to do some mind reading in this case because no body see this coming and the boy shows no sign of suicidal. A child at 10 years of age keep things to themselves. Where is the mother? Many claimed that the boy was ill treated by his stepfather, yet the mother never sense any ill treatment to her son? No, she's too busy taking care of sugar daddy for her to notice anything. Now, we can all blame it on the PPP. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

 Now, we can all blame it on the PPP. 

Which ever God who you worship will fix you.  Even if that god is Karl Marx.


When people were blaming the PPP it wasn't because each and every suicide is due to them.  Its because they refuse to see it as a problem and come up with solutions to mitigate the stress that forces people to do this.


Guyana's suicide rate is many times that of its Caribbean neighbors.  Clearly some thing wrong is happening in Guyana.


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