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1000 houselots to be distributed at Amelia’s Ward One Stop Shop

Georgetown, GINA, October 13, 2011
Source - GINA

A total of 1000 houselots will be distributed at Ameila’s Ward, Region Ten on October 20 when the Ministry of Housing and Water hosts its one-stop-shop exercise in the Region, to fast-track the processing of allocations.

The disclosure was made today by Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon who explained that preparatory investments were made for roads and drains, potable water and electricity to the tune of $500M.

Speaking at today’s post Cabinet media briefing, Dr. Luncheon said the exercise will be the twelfth such for the Ministry for 2011, taking the total number of houselots distributed through the exercise to a record 6,500.

The first one stop shop exercise in Linden occurred in May 2009 and 1,000 houselots were up for grabs.

Recently an exercise was held at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara that provided for the distribution of 100 house lots at Hope South Housing Scheme, an area which benefitted from a $79M infrastructure investment by the Ministry of Housing and Water.

During the period 2000 – 2010 the Ministry invested $21B towards the provision of services, of which $15.2B was invested in housing, creating over 30,500 house lots and benefiting 125,000 persons on the East Coast of Demerara.

Along with providing allotees the opportunity to realise their dreams of owning a home, the Ministry’s housing drive has an added advantage of fostering the creation of integrated communities consolidating religions and ethnicities to interface and share resources.

Allottees are often warned against manipulating the One Stop Shop system to acquire more than one lot as the Ministry will be publicly display at the Neighbhourhood Democratic Council’s notice board the list of house-lot allottees.

Today Dr. Luncheon was asked about the Government’s approach to the policy of reclamation for persons who have been culpable of manipulations or have procrastinated on the stipulated time available to build.

Dr. Luncheon acknowledged that the situation has been one of concern to the Government even though alottees are often apprised at the level of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) of their obligation to build and the resources available to them.

“Efforts in the allocation are made to ensure as much as possible that the recipients can indeed access funding, or possess funding to commence construction. I think quite an amount of time is spent by the CH&PA functionaries in advising the houselot recipients what the expectations are and to be assured that in accepting the offer, it is understood that this obligation arises,” Dr Luncheon said.

Two more one stop shop exercises are planned to be held before year-end as the Housing Ministry hopes to make a further 4,500 lots available in Bath, Zeelugt, Leonora, Amelia’s Ward, Herstelling and Good Hope among other locations.

The CH&PA has been responsible for supervision of all the necessary roads and infrastructure, and according to Minister Ali, such a move has saved the Government hundreds of millions of dollars in investment.

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