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12% drop in container cargo as decline in economy bites

May 03, 2017 News,

The Guyana Shipping Association has recorded a 12 percent drop in the amount of container cargo being imported for the year when compared to the same period last year.

Yesterday, a source from the shipping association said that the importation of containers was stable in 2015, and in 2016 there was an increase.

However, as of January this year, there was a significant reduction in the amount of goods that was imported. The reduction would come as no surprise since local business owners have claimed that sales have declined since the year started.

At Laparkan, while statistics are not available, it is being reported that as of February, last, containers being imported have reduced by almost half the amount when compared to the same period three years ago.

One businessman on America Street, Georgetown, said that he usually imports clothing from Panama and would bring in at least three containers every three months. But since his shipment in December, last, he has not made any additional purchase.

β€œIn December, we realized sales have dropped so what we did is, after the holiday, we put out stocks we already had, but we are not getting sales. Maybe a bag might sell today and a working suit will sell tomorrow…that is how it goes now,” the businessman said.

Businessmen have claimed that because of the decline in sales countrywide, they have reduced their spending as they are trying to cut back on expenses. Some have even laid-off employees to stay afloat.

On Friday, a number of store owners opened up to Kaieteur News about how business has been for the past few months.

One businessman in the furniture industry said that he has been doing business for more than 20 years and that the current decline in sales is the worst he has ever experienced.

While he does not intend to cut salaries, he is definitely laying off members of his staff. He asserted that if the slowdown in the economy doesn’t take a reverse pattern soon, he will be forced to implement more drastic measures.

The nightmare of having to shut down operations and close their doors is becoming more and more real for many businesses. Another businessman said that while migration has never been on the agenda for him and his family, they are now thinking about it.

β€œIf I get an offer now, I am going to take it, because I think it is the only option available for my family. Things are really bad and I have been a businessman for most of my life, but things are just not working out.”

Another businessman related the struggles that forced him to lay off two of his β€œvery good” employees, just last week. While he was able to hold on to three others, the lack of income by the business has made paying salaries very difficult. His personal savings have been taking a brutal hit in this regard.


12% drop in container cargo as decline in economy bites

May 03, 2017 News,

On Friday, a number of store owners opened up to Kaieteur News about how business has been for the past few months.

One businessman in the furniture industry said that he has been doing business for more than 20 years and that the current decline in sales is the worst he has ever experienced.

While he does not intend to cut salaries, he is definitely laying off members of his staff. He asserted that if the slowdown in the economy doesn’t take a reverse pattern soon, he will be forced to implement more drastic measures.

Perhaps, the focus and direction of the PNC/AFC officials.

Nehru posted:

When you give GADAHAS to run a Country this is expected. Guyanese Prapa STUPID(FILTH HEADS) For 28 years the GADAHAS destroyed Guyana, what the FILTH HEAD Guyanese do? Go figure!!!!!!!!!


It will get worse under PNC part 2. It took dictator Burnham 28 years to destroy Guyana.

PNC part two destroyed the economy in less that two years.

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

You are absolutely correct God be with Guyana if this Govt last more than 4 years!!!!

It will be back to Burnham days in 4 years.

What do you mean 4 years? IT'S ALREADY THERE!!!!! Don't let Carib, D2 and Django hear this. Dem might chat patai and fall down.

Alyuh r@ss seeing too much doom and gloom,APNU/AFC will be there for the long haul 1st term and 2nd term,by that time Jagdeo will be done, will not be able to show his face,caution to all PPP supporters start looking for some one to lead the party,find some one who is not tainted.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

You are absolutely correct God be with Guyana if this Govt last more than 4 years!!!!

It will be back to Burnham days in 4 years.

What do you mean 4 years? IT'S ALREADY THERE!!!!! Don't let Carib, D2 and Django hear this. Dem might chat patai and fall down.

Alyuh r@ss seeing too much doom and gloom,APNU/AFC will be there for the long haul 1st term and 2nd term,by that time Jagdeo will be done, will not be able to show his face,caution to all PPP supporters start looking for some one to lead the party,find some one who is not tainted.

ARE YOU BLIND AND ALSO DEAF. or your PNC bosses are telling you what to say. There is limit to foreign exchange one can get, once a year the bank would send me Canadian dollars to my account, I was recently told to wait for awhile, no specific time line. Django, the way you are constantly attacking Jagdeo, one would thing you had a bad love affair with him, did he left his wife for you?? The fact remains ,Guyana is spiraling into a deep hole that even if the PPP should come back, they would require another 20 years to clean up.

kp posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

You are absolutely correct God be with Guyana if this Govt last more than 4 years!!!!

It will be back to Burnham days in 4 years.

What do you mean 4 years? IT'S ALREADY THERE!!!!! Don't let Carib, D2 and Django hear this. Dem might chat patai and fall down.

Alyuh r@ss seeing too much doom and gloom,APNU/AFC will be there for the long haul 1st term and 2nd term,by that time Jagdeo will be done, will not be able to show his face,caution to all PPP supporters start looking for some one to lead the party,find some one who is not tainted.

ARE YOU BLIND AND ALSO DEAF. or your PNC bosses are telling you what to say. There is limit to foreign exchange one can get, once a year the bank would send me Canadian dollars to my account, I was recently told to wait for awhile, no specific time line. Django, the way you are constantly attacking Jagdeo, one would thing you had a bad love affair with him, did he left his wife for you?? The fact remains ,Guyana is spiraling into a deep hole that even if the PPP should come back, they would require another 20 years to clean up.

Lemme ask a question he is the only one that have economical answers for Guyana??

No need to get nasty,I haven't shown any disrespect towards you,suh keep it clean if you want to address my post.

Last edited by Django

Lemme ask a question he is the only one that have economical the answers for Guyana??

I just don't understand what you are saying.  Jagdeo is not the government, he is not the President or Prime Minister. So ,when there is a problem in the country we address the leader of that country, as they say "The Buck Stops at the TOP" When are you willing to call out the the mismanagement of the PNC government. It looks as though the country is running by Witches, because all they are doing is Witch Hunting.

kp posted:

Lemme ask a question he is the only one that have economical the answers for Guyana??

I just don't understand what you are saying.  Jagdeo is not the government, he is not the President or Prime Minister. So ,when there is a problem in the country we address the leader of that country, as they say "The Buck Stops at the TOP" When are you willing to call out the the mismanagement of the PNC government. It looks as though the country is running by Witches, because all they are doing is Witch Hunting.

Is it mismanagement or lack of various products for the export market to earn foreign exchange,or is it the junk that is imported which can be produced locally eats up the foreign exchange.

take your pick.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Lemme ask a question he is the only one that have economical the answers for Guyana??

I just don't understand what you are saying.  Jagdeo is not the government, he is not the President or Prime Minister. So ,when there is a problem in the country we address the leader of that country, as they say "The Buck Stops at the TOP" When are you willing to call out the the mismanagement of the PNC government. It looks as though the country is running by Witches, because all they are doing is Witch Hunting.

Is it mismanagement or lack of various products for the export market to earn foreign exchange,or is it the junk that is imported which can be produced locally eats up the foreign exchange.

take your pick.

It's a government  lack of vision and total mismanagement by your favourite PNC. No picking here.


The details of the article was hidden to mitigate the impact. Read between the lines (KN is giving the PNC a free ride)

"At Laparkan, while statistics are not available, it is being reported that as of February, last, containers being imported have reduced by almost half the amount when compared to the same period three years ago."

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

What do you mean 4 years? IT'S ALREADY THERE!!!!! Don't let Carib, D2 and Django hear this. Dem might chat patai and fall down.

Alyuh r@ss seeing too much doom and gloom,APNU/AFC will be there for the long haul 1st term and 2nd term,by that time Jagdeo will be done, will not be able to show his face,caution to all PPP supporters start looking for some one to lead the party,find some one who is not tainted.

I spoke to some relatives in Guyana recently, and it is actually "doom and gloom"!

kp posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

You are absolutely correct God be with Guyana if this Govt last more than 4 years!!!!

It will be back to Burnham days in 4 years.

What do you mean 4 years? IT'S ALREADY THERE!!!!! Don't let Carib, D2 and Django hear this. Dem might chat patai and fall down.

Alyuh r@ss seeing too much doom and gloom,APNU/AFC will be there for the long haul 1st term and 2nd term,by that time Jagdeo will be done, will not be able to show his face,caution to all PPP supporters start looking for some one to lead the party,find some one who is not tainted.

ARE YOU BLIND AND ALSO DEAF. or your PNC bosses are telling you what to say. There is limit to foreign exchange one can get, once a year the bank would send me Canadian dollars to my account, I was recently told to wait for awhile, no specific time line. Django, the way you are constantly attacking Jagdeo, one would thing you had a bad love affair with him, did he left his wife for you?? The fact remains ,Guyana is spiraling into a deep hole that even if the PPP should come back, they would require another 20 years to clean up.

My older brother(an American citizen) lives in Trinidad. If he has to get American dollars, he goes to the bank and fills in his name etc on a WAITING list. If and when there is money, they call him. He is planning to sell everything soon and return back to the States.

skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

You are absolutely correct God be with Guyana if this Govt last more than 4 years!!!!

It will be back to Burnham days in 4 years.

What do you mean 4 years? IT'S ALREADY THERE!!!!! Don't let Carib, D2 and Django hear this. Dem might chat patai and fall down.

Alyuh r@ss seeing too much doom and gloom,APNU/AFC will be there for the long haul 1st term and 2nd term,by that time Jagdeo will be done, will not be able to show his face,caution to all PPP supporters start looking for some one to lead the party,find some one who is not tainted.

ARE YOU BLIND AND ALSO DEAF. or your PNC bosses are telling you what to say. There is limit to foreign exchange one can get, once a year the bank would send me Canadian dollars to my account, I was recently told to wait for awhile, no specific time line. Django, the way you are constantly attacking Jagdeo, one would thing you had a bad love affair with him, did he left his wife for you?? The fact remains ,Guyana is spiraling into a deep hole that even if the PPP should come back, they would require another 20 years to clean up.

My older brother(an American citizen) lives in Trinidad. If he has to get American dollars, he goes to the bank and fills in his name etc on a WAITING list. If and when there is money, they call him. He is planning to sell everything soon and return back to the States.


My father in law is retired and said that his is considering selling out and moving back to the USA. He said things about Guyana under the PNC that I do not even want to post on GNI.

It is doom and gloom in Guyana. The economy is about to implode. It is time to jump the sinking AFC/PNC stinking ship.

He told me that Naga and Ramjattan bread is well buttered. They pretend as if they are no longer Indians. That is how bad things have gotten if you get my drift.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's only two years since they have been in office and the country's economy is already on a downward spiral.  The private sector was the first to sound the alarm bell, but the government continues to live in denial.  This is just the beginning. 

Any idea what's cause??

Mis-steps by the PNC, sending mixed messages, no clarity on policy, general lack of confidence in the PNC cabal.

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's only two years since they have been in office and the country's economy is already on a downward spiral.  The private sector was the first to sound the alarm bell, but the government continues to live in denial.  This is just the beginning. 

Any idea what's cause??

Mis-steps by the PNC, sending mixed messages, no clarity on policy, general lack of confidence in the PNC cabal.

Friends and families can do no wrong. Such is the case of the PNC. Family members, party members, and families are there to collect their monthly salary. Eat, drink, and be merry. Don't worry about anyone else or tomorrow..we do have dry coconuts.

skeldon_man posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's only two years since they have been in office and the country's economy is already on a downward spiral.  The private sector was the first to sound the alarm bell, but the government continues to live in denial.  This is just the beginning. 

Any idea what's cause??

Mis-steps by the PNC, sending mixed messages, no clarity on policy, general lack of confidence in the PNC cabal.

Friends and families can do no wrong. Such is the case of the PNC. Family members, party members, and families are there to collect their monthly salary. Eat, drink, and be merry. Don't worry about anyone else or tomorrow..we do have dry coconuts.

Ganger's son-in-law is part of the PNC Government family. Blood for blood.

yuji22 posted:

The details of the article was hidden to mitigate the impact. Read between the lines (KN is giving the PNC a free ride)

"At Laparkan, while statistics are not available, it is being reported that as of February, last, containers being imported have reduced by almost half the amount when compared to the same period three years ago."

You know dem barrels are also the ones shipped from NA to friends and family? It so happens we outside people hurting so bad that we can't afford to send back items. The free ride is over.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

The details of the article was hidden to mitigate the impact. Read between the lines (KN is giving the PNC a free ride)

"At Laparkan, while statistics are not available, it is being reported that as of February, last, containers being imported have reduced by almost half the amount when compared to the same period three years ago."

You know dem barrels are also the ones shipped from NA to friends and family? It so happens we outside people hurting so bad that we can't afford to send back items. The free ride is over.

Cain, please educate yourself. We are talking about containers not Barrels.

Please speak for yourself.

We are doing quite well in North America. Perhaps the folks in Brooklyn are hurting. I cannot speak for them and you. 

Thank you.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's only two years since they have been in office and the country's economy is already on a downward spiral.  The private sector was the first to sound the alarm bell, but the government continues to live in denial.  This is just the beginning. 

Any idea what's cause??

Mis-steps by the PNC, sending mixed messages, no clarity on policy, general lack of confidence in the PNC cabal.

Friends and families can do no wrong. Such is the case of the PNC. Family members, party members, and families are there to collect their monthly salary. Eat, drink, and be merry. Don't worry about anyone else or tomorrow..we do have dry coconuts.

Ganger's son-in-law is part of the PNC Government family. Blood for blood.

The PNC Government family also consists of two of Burnham's son-in-law - David Pollard and Van West Charles.  Funny how God didn't give neither Burnham nor Granger a son - the mighty maker works in mysterious ways.  Guyana would have another Papa Doc and Baby Doc.  And nuff other stupitee Docs.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's only two years since they have been in office and the country's economy is already on a downward spiral.  The private sector was the first to sound the alarm bell, but the government continues to live in denial.  This is just the beginning. 

Any idea what's cause??

Mis-steps by the PNC, sending mixed messages, no clarity on policy, general lack of confidence in the PNC cabal.

Friends and families can do no wrong. Such is the case of the PNC. Family members, party members, and families are there to collect their monthly salary. Eat, drink, and be merry. Don't worry about anyone else or tomorrow..we do have dry coconuts.

Ganger's son-in-law is part of the PNC Government family. Blood for blood.

The PNC Government family also consists of two of Burnham's son-in-law - David Pollard and Van West Charles.  Funny how God didn't give neither Burnham nor Granger a son - the mighty maker works in mysterious ways.  Guyana would have another Papa Doc and Baby Doc.  And nuff other stupitee Docs.

Add Katty and Nigelly to the crime family. Dem GNI AFC boys were hollering when a PPP supporter got a lil office job. Now the PNC Crime Family has taken over and they can't do shyte about it.

They loot is shared within the PNC Crime Family.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The PNC Government family also consists of two of Burnham's son-in-law - David Pollard and Van West Charles.  Funny how God didn't give neither Burnham nor Granger a son - the mighty maker works in mysterious ways.  Guyana would have another Papa Doc and Baby Doc.  And nuff other stupitee Docs.

Forbes Burnham indeed has a son ... his name is Kamana.


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