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The Obama Administration announced that 12 million Americans would be getting rebates from their insurance companies. The reason for the rebates was a regulation in the Affordable Care Act. Under the law, insurance companies must spend at least 80 percent of their premiums on actual patient care. (For some insurers, it's 85 percent.) Insurers that fail to meet that standard have to give some premium money back to their subscribers, in the form of rebate checks.


The rebates were not huge: The average was $151, although some consumers got rebates approaching $1000. But it’s yet another reminder that, by and large, the Affordable Care Act seems to be working. More than 5 million seniors have saved hundreds of dollars on their prescription drugs. As many as 6 million young adults now have comprehensive insurance coverage because, under the law, Americans under the age of 26 without access to coverage can enroll in their parents’ plans.


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Originally Posted by Kari:
...As many as 6 million young adults now have comprehensive insurance coverage because, under the law, Americans under the age of 26 without access to coverage can enroll in their parents’ plans.


The failure of the Obama administration to effectively address the nation's dismal economic and jobs situation has defined success as forcing unemployed youths back under the wings of their parents.  This must be a new definition of American success.  Hurray to Obama.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The Obama Administration announced that 12 million Americans would be getting rebates from their insurance companies. The reason for the rebates was a regulation in the Affordable Care Act. Under the law, insurance companies must spend at least 80 percent of their premiums on actual patient care. (For some insurers, it's 85 percent.) Insurers that fail to meet that standard have to give some premium money back to their subscribers, in the form of rebate checks.


Socialist doctrine at it's core.  The Govt deciding what Ins companies should charge and how much they should make in profits.  Insurance Cos are not public utilities, they operate in a market environment and customers are free to decide who serves them best.  I do agree some rule of the game should be prescribed by Govt, like with any business, however dictating the bounds of Corporate entrepreneurship are way outside of their mandate.


If Obama wants to control costs he should ask why Doctors have to pay 30% premium to protect themselves from frivolous lawsuits.  He should address the FDA, why does it take 12-14 years and 1.2 bil to bring a new drug to market.  He should address the overall complexity in the treatment regime, specialization etc  which drives enormous costs into the system and cause premiums to increase exponentially with little added value.


No instead, with his Socialist mind-set he is strangling the golden goose.


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