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Corriverton 12-year-old claims pastor abducted, fondled her


A 12- year-old girl of Rampoor, Corriverton is claiming that a 23- year- old pastor-in-training picked her up two Tuesdays ago on her way to school, held her against her will, took her to a house in the area, locked her in, fondled her and even took photographs of sexual poses on the bed.
The child (name given), stated that she was returning to the Skeldon High School for the afternoon session around 11:45 hrs when the driver of a Spacio (name given) “pulled up to me and said that he was going in the same direction”.
The child said that she knew the boy since he was a Bible student and young pastor in the village, so she decided to take the ride but she got more than she bargained for.
“He told me that he will take me straight to school….I knew him by seeing him and as a trained pastor—the car turned into Baljit Street (not the direction of the school)”, and she began to question the diversion.
“I asked him why he turned into that street and he didn’t answer me and he took me straight to his uncle’s house and drive straight in.” The child continued to relate what happened.
“He held on to my hand tightly so I could not have escaped and he pulled me straight upstairs in the back house and locked me up inside the house so I couldn’t get to come out.
“I asked him to get me out of the house because I want to go back home and he didn’t allow me to leave. He locked the door and had the key. He pulled me into the room and put me on the bed and started to fondle me”.
The child stated that they did not have sex.
He then left her in the house at 15:30 hrs for Bible Class. She then called for her father who came and picked her up. The man (name given) was shocked to discover his daughter lying on the bed. He also discovered a cell phone, presumably belonging to the pastor, which is believed to have been used to shoot nude photographs of the child, photographs the father discovered in the phone. He has since confiscated the device as evidence.
The girl’s father took her to the Springlands Police Station, made a report and then visited the Skeldon Hospital where the child was medically examined.
The father is claiming that the suspect is still roaming freely and the police are not taking on the matter seriously.
He even made reports to the Domestic Violence personnel in Skeldon but to no avail. The pastor, who is originally from Georgetown, is believed to be in the city.
The girl’s father also claimed that the pastor’s uncle visited his house three times to coerce him to take a bribe and settle the matter. “I picked up the phone and still has it as evidence and the uncle came to me on three occasions and offered me a bribe to settle the matter—He wanted me to call the price but I did not agree since he could have used that against me in court and tell the police that I want to use my daughter to do prostitution work”.
“The uncle is a billionaire and he got a lot of contacts, plus he is a superintendent of the Neighbourhood Policing Group,” the father stated.
“If they (the family) did not have contacts at the Springlands Station, this matter would have been done long already—They (the police) would have called up Brickdam (Police Station) and put roadblocks and made checks.”
He needs justice, for both himself and especially his daughter.

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Brummel is a waste, why is he allowing these types of cronyism to continue in Guyana? Is he not the commish, why isn't he holding those in charge of the region accountable? Why is it that he has to wait for Rhoee to step on his toes before action is taken? The more reason or a civilian review board to deal with these matters. I don't see either the PNC/AFC or PPP raising this issue in parliament. They just give rhetoric but now concrete sustainable plans to arrest corruption. 


A 23 year who is a pastor. R u joking. I read of 70 year old muslim men marrying 15 year old girls.


That 23 year old is using the Bible in the wrong way just as the Taliban who kill children.


They all should be struck down.


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