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Search continues for 16 Guyanese missing after pirate attack

The families of some of the 16 Guyanese fishermen missing after pirate attacks off the coast of neighbouring Suriname remained desperate for word on their fates yesterday as authorities continued to search for them.

Although it had been four days since the attack, which some local fishers suspect is the result of an old rivalry between fishermen in that locale, Suriname’s police, coast guards and fishermen were reported to be intensifying their search yesterday, while additional support was expected from authorities in French Guiana.


Suriname’s Minister of Justice and Police Stuart Getrouw announced yesterday that the government will continue their searches for the men and there are plans to deploy an airplane to assist in the search efforts, Surinamese news agency Star News reported on its website.

The report stated that the authorities, including the coast guard, military and police, continue to look for survivors and have not lost hope that the men will be found alive.

Stabroek News was able to identify six of those presumed missing: Tilaknauth Mohabir, 50, also known as ‘Kai;’ Ganesh Persaud, 27, said to be a captain of one of the boats attacked by the pirates; Ralph Anthony Couchman, 19, also known as ‘Burnham;’ Vicky Persaud, 23; Ramesh Sanchara; and Glenroy Jones, 21.

While both Ganesh Persaud and Couchman hail from Number Two Village, East Canje, Berbice, many of the missing fishermen are said to be Guyanese who have been living in Paramaribo, Suriname for a number of years now.

The Number 66 Village fishing complex yesterday.

Mohabir is said to have moved to Suriname with his Guyanese parents at a young age.

Relatives of Mohabir, Couchman, and Vicky and Ganesh Persaud last evening related that their families have also joined the search efforts.

According to Navita Harry, 22, a cousin of both Couchman and Vicky Persaud, the men would normally spend three to four months in Suriname and work, after which they would venture home, spend some time and then return to Suriname to ply their trade.

Harry said that after news broke of the attacks, they immediately started to contact persons in Suriname but they got little information. She explained that they were subsequently told that the boat the men were working on was found with no fishermen on board, leading relatives to immediately venture to Suriname.


Several relatives of other men from both Suriname and Guyana have taken to social media to speak out on the attacks. For most, their only source of information is what is published in the media. Nonetheless, they were all hopeful that despite the odds, their loved ones may be found.

Last Friday evening, five pirates attacked four boats carrying a total of 20 persons just off the Suriname Coast. It was reported that each boat was occupied by five persons, comprising the captain and four fishermen.

The pirates, reportedly armed with cutlasses and guns, chopped and beat the fishermen before robbing them.

It had been reported that some of the men were ordered to jump overboard with their injuries, while others were thrown overboard with batteries strapped to their legs.


However, four men who survived the attack, swam until they were rescued by passing vessels. One of the survivors has been identified as Darmandew Persaud.

Guyana’s Crime Chief Paul Williams yesterday told Stabroek News that he is keeping a close eye on the situation and is in contact with his counterparts in Suriname.

According to Williams, he was told by the Suriname police that while the attacks were carried out on Friday, it was only reported to them on Saturday. Williams said he was in receipt of information that Suriname police and coast guards, in a joint effort with fishermen, were intensifying the search for the 16 men yesterday.

The Crime Chief also noted that he was told that the attacks were carried out at Double Highbush, Suriname. However, he noted that the survivors had given Suriname officials two locations between which the attacks were carried out, and that was where the search was initially being focused.


Williams also said that it was confirmed to him that the men were beaten and thrown overboard with batteries tied to the legs of some.

Meanwhile, officials at the Number 66 Fishing Complex in Berbice confirmed that all of their boats have been accounted for since news broke of the attacks.

‘Old stories’

Up to yesterday, fishermen on the Corentyne believed that the attacks were due to a longstanding rivalry between fishermen in the Double Highbush area.

According to some of the Guyanese fishermen, there are “old stories” between fisher folks in that area.

One Corentyne fisherman, who has been in the fishing business for over 20 years, related yesterday that there are certain territories reserved for certain fishermen. He stated, “Sometimes when you go in somebody territory they does get them eye pon you and that does lead to problems.”

The man explained that he heard the attack happened at an area between the Cayenne, French Guiana border and Paramaribo, Suriname.

According to the local fisherman, Guyanese fisher folks need a certain licence to fish in that area. He said that sometimes some Guyanese fishermen rent licences from Surinamese and head to the area, and sometimes some head out illegally and fish there.

However, he further explained that mostly Surinamese fishermen ply their trade in that area, although most Suriname boat owners hire persons from Guyana.

“They does come over and hire people; some time from Mon Repos, Rosignol, all over,” he stated. “Them people that missing mussy living in Suriname, because the area where that thing happen is far and we boats them don’t go out there,” the man speculated.

“Them does hire you and take you over and you live deh for six months and you come and go back if you want,” he further explained.

It was also being reported yesterday that the pirates may also be Guyanese. The survivors had reportedly claimed that based on the way the pirates spoke during the attacks, they seemed to be from Guyana.


Meanwhile, according to information gathered, on Friday night one boat owner was contacted by one of his captains, who informed him that word was out that “hijackers” were out at sea.

The boat owner told journalists in Suriname that he encouraged his captain to hide for two days in a bushy area. However, the captain told him that he would be heading down.

It was while heading down that that boat captain informed the owner once more that another one of his boats was found abandoned in the water. The boat captain boarded the boat, which bore chop marks, and noticed that the catch was missing and the fishing net was in the water. The five fishermen who were working on that boat are still to be accounted for.

Star News had earlier reported that the members of the Fisherman’s Association had themselves joined the search efforts, deploying their own helicopter to search for the missing fishermen.

Chairman of the Association Willem Mohamed-Husein told Stabroek News yesterday that the search bore no results, but informed that a meeting was to be held last evening with a representative of government to determine the way forward.

Asked if he had heard any reports that the attack stemmed from a personal feud between the two groups, the Chairman responded in the negative, while relating that attacks such as this one were not uncommon in the area, although he noted that they usually occur on a much smaller scale.

Star News reported that an in-depth investigation has been initiated by the National Coordination Center for Disaster Relief, the National Army and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries in Suriname.

In light of the attacks, Getrouw also reportedly mentioned the need for a GPS system and the creation of special organisations to create safer environment for the fishermen.

De Ware Tijd Online had reported that Surinamese Coast Guard Director Jerry Slijngard stated that there was the need for the introduction of a Vessel Monitoring System, which will allow location monitoring as well as carry features such as a panic button and emergency signal. It was stated that such a system may be operational within a month’s time. (Additional reporting by Dreylan Johnson)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Fishermen jobs are risky without the appropriate protection from pirates. Rivalry is another concern. It's sad to see so many hardworking men from my neighborhood in Corentyne vanished without a trace. I hope God can provide a miracle for them.


Jagdeo people killing fishermen while Ministers deh pun drill ship

When people trying to live in peace, dem got people who doing everything to start a war. Imagine dem Guyanese had to beg Suriname fuh give dem fishing licence to fish in de Corentyne River. Dem get de licence, now dem killing people in de same river.

Imagine dem people who live pun de Corentyne and who de Chat-3 always seh is peaceful people, wuss than Fine Man and dem people who terrorise dis country. These people going in de Atlantic and attacking dem fishing boats.
Dem boys she, if was only attack was no big deal but dem attacking and killing de people like how butcher does kill cow. In previous times, dem use to just throw dem fisherman overboard. Nuff use to drown. Dis time, de killers mekking sure dem fisherman drown. Dem tying dem hand and tying battery pun dem foot.
When Jagdeo was campaigning in de 2015 Elections, he did seh dat if de people don’t vote fuh him de soldiers woulda kick down dem door and rape dem daughter. He never tell dem dat he people gon kill dem son and dem husband and throw dem in de ocean.
Fine Man and he gang kill 13 people at Lusignan; he kill 12 at Bartica. Dis set kill 16 at one time.
And when dis was happening, some Ministers travel out in de same ocean by helicopter. Dem never see nutten. Dem was too busy looking fuh de oil drill ship to see dem fisherman getting throw overboard. Pun de drill ship is wheh de whisky and de food been.
Dem boys hear dat whole day, dem Ministers walking round wid glass and ice in dem hand touring de ship. If you see dem, you woulda believe was a cruise ship. Of course when dem come back to land, some couldn’t walk straight.
Dem didn’t see de smile pun de Exxon people face.
Talk half and look out fuh more visits to de drill ship


High seas attack in Suriname…Three bodies sighted; local cops hunt killers






Five days after pirates attacked four fishing boats off Suriname waters throwing 20 crewmen overboard, the bodies have started to surface, confirming the fears of desperate Guyanese families who are awaiting news.
Of the 20, four, including a captain, managed to escape what they say was certain death.
Yesterday, one body was sighted from air, in the afternoon, in the vicinity of the attack at Wia Wia Bank area, about 40 miles from Paramaribo, near French Guiana. Two more were later spotted.
In Guyana, as a result of intelligence shared with Surinamese authorities, a hunt was on for several men believed to be linked to the killer gang.
Several Guyanese families, who received news that their loved ones had gone missing as a result of the attack on Friday night, have journeyed to that neighbouring country in the hopes of receiving good news.
According to Willem Mohamed Hosein, Chairman of Visserscollectief, a fishing organization in Suriname, three bodies have now been spotted by a helicopter search party along the Suriname shores. The Coast Guards have since been deployed to the location with the hopes that it could be recovered.
Assistant Commissioner and Guyana’s Crime Chief (ag), Paul Williams has confirmed that ‘B’ Division police, in Berbice, are currently on the hunt for suspects. Their names have been given to the Surinamese police as ‘Dick’, ‘Bolo’, ‘Sanbat’ and ‘Crack Head’- said to be known in Guyana as pirates.
Williams would, however, only say that information that was received yesterday include some names of the alleged suspects, which led to an ongoing manhunt.
Kaieteur News has also learnt that one of the alleged suspect commonly known as “Crackhead” is attached to the Rosignol Fisheremen’s Co-operative.
He was recently seen working at the location, a fisherman confirmed as well.

An aerial shot of body that spotted.

Cruel News
Meanwhile, relatives of some of the missing fishermen are accepting the reality that their loved one might not have survived the horrific incident. Some of them added that they are just hopeful for the bodies to be recovered so that they may have a decent burial.
A cousin of Ralph ‘Burnham’ Couchman, 22, of Lord Street, No.2 Village, East Canje, Berbice said that she received a message on Saturday stating that there was a piracy attack on four boats and that her cousin was missing.
She added that Couchman left for sea approximately a month ago and that it is a norm for him to go back and forth to Suriname to work on fishing boats. He was expected to spend three months and return to Guyana as he usually would.
“I think the boss man he was working with suppose to be going out and looking because at the end of the day these are his workmen that bring some bread on his table as well,” she said. She added that worry has since taken over with news that a body has been spotted. It was also stated that Couchman only began working with the said “boss man” just over a year ago.
“My cousin is only 22; he doesn’t have a family as yet. Now is when he is starting his life and something like this just happen. It’s a job he is doing; he is not stealing and to know that these young lives going down the drain and nobody is doing anything about it”, the woman lamented.

Family members from Guyana at a Parimaribo jetty.

The missing fisherman’s grandmother, Doris Harrihar, 75, said that her grandson was very helpful. Whenever he returns to Guyana, he would assist her financially.
Another fisherman from Guyanese soil has also been identified as Bharrat Heralall. His daughter Lisa Heralall, explained that her father has been going back and forth to Suriname as a fisherman for over 20 years. On this trip, he left in January to work with Ramesh Sanchara aka ‘Ravo’ the boat captain of their fishing vessel. He is also among the missing.
She said she believes that her father risked his life for his fellow fishermen, since “he was a man like that”.
Lisa also said that they are “just hoping that we get the body to get him a decent funeral”.
A relative of Joshua Glenroy Jones, said in a Facebook post that he has lost hope “in finding my brother” but went on to add, “We need his body, we need to bury him; he was loved. When we were begging for a helicopter to go and search for our loved one y’all didn’t go because y’all said y’all don’t have money”.
Government has activated its mechanism of cooperation with Suriname.

The sunken fishing vessel

Speaking from Suriname yesterday, Ambassador Keith George, disclosed that information has been passed to authorities in Guyana with regards to the shocking incident.
He met with a number of families yesterday.
While not immediately releasing names of the confirmed missing men, the ambassador noted that the operations were made harder by the fact that there is sort of “itinerant” situation with fishermen between the two countries.
Guyanese would travel to Suriname, hop on a boat if they are short of workers without any need for documents. Call names would suffice.
What is known is that 15 of the 16 men that are missing are Guyanese, the Ambassador confirmed.
A number of the fishermen were said to be living between Guyana and Suriname for years.

Wife of Ganesh ‘Vicky’ Persaud is hoping for good news.

In Guyana, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) said it remains gravely concerned about the matter.
“This is a tragedy and we empathize with the families, who continue to be in anguish given the state of affairs. The horror that reportedly unfolded once again highlights the danger that our country’s fisher folk face every day to earn their livelihoods and to provide for their families.”
The party called on Government to make every effort and take urgent steps to ensure that fishermen are found.
“In addition, our party urges the government to ensure that the families are kept informed of the efforts being made. We hope for a swift resolution of the situation and that the families can be comforted during their time of distress.”
The names of the missing Guyanese fisherman are were given as Bharrat Heralall, Bobby Ibrahim, Ralph ‘Burnham’ Couchman, Ganesh ‘Vicky’ Persaud, Joshua Glenroy Jones, Randy Burnette, Ramnarine Singh and Ramesh Sanichar.
On Friday evening, the pirates attacked the ‘Romina’, a Guyanese-owned boat, chopping workers and throwing them overboard. A number of the crewmen had batteries attached to their legs to sink them.
The attack was swift with the intent clear- the pirates came to kill. Men were seen being beaten with pieces of wood while treading water in the Atlantic Ocean, between Suriname and French Guiana.
Four men, badly wounded, among them the captain of the Romina, made it to shore.
The Suriname police only received reports of the incident on Saturday night.
The difficulty in alerting Guyana was compounded by the fact that Guyanese fishermen in Suriname are not closely regulated.
Of the four boats, the Romina remains missing. One was sunk by the pirates.
The incident would be one of the worse cases of pirate attacks in recent years.


Prince posted:

Fishermen jobs are risky without the appropriate protection from pirates. Rivalry is another concern. It's sad to see so many hardworking men from my neighborhood in Corentyne vanished without a trace. I hope God can provide a miracle for them.


cain posted:

Yeh just as like how the PPP fix the issue and it stopped, never to happen again.

Suckers like you said vote PNC and everything will be alright. Did you also bought the Brooklyn Bridge????

Riff posted:

nehru...yuh just barking up the wrong tree on this

Alyuh leff Nehru alone, just yesterday alyuh was saying the banna was a "lucky dog" for getting a licking propositioned by the "lucky bitch"!

Mitwah posted:

High seas attack in Suriname…Three bodies sighted; local cops hunt killers






Five days after pirates attacked four fishing boats off Suriname waters throwing 20 crewmen overboard, the bodies have started to surface, confirming the fears of desperate Guyanese families who are awaiting news.
Of the 20, four, including a captain, managed to escape what they say was certain death.
Yesterday, one body was sighted from air, in the afternoon, in the vicinity of the attack at Wia Wia Bank area, about 40 miles from Paramaribo, near French Guiana. Two more were later spotted.
In Guyana, as a result of intelligence shared with Surinamese authorities, a hunt was on for several men believed to be linked to the killer gang.
Several Guyanese families, who received news that their loved ones had gone missing as a result of the attack on Friday night, have journeyed to that neighbouring country in the hopes of receiving good news.
According to Willem Mohamed Hosein, Chairman of Visserscollectief, a fishing organization in Suriname, three bodies have now been spotted by a helicopter search party along the Suriname shores. The Coast Guards have since been deployed to the location with the hopes that it could be recovered.
Assistant Commissioner and Guyana’s Crime Chief (ag), Paul Williams has confirmed that ‘B’ Division police, in Berbice, are currently on the hunt for suspects. Their names have been given to the Surinamese police as ‘Dick’, ‘Bolo’, ‘Sanbat’ and ‘Crack Head’- said to be known in Guyana as pirates.
Williams would, however, only say that information that was received yesterday include some names of the alleged suspects, which led to an ongoing manhunt.
Kaieteur News has also learnt that one of the alleged suspect commonly known as “Crackhead” is attached to the Rosignol Fisheremen’s Co-operative.
He was recently seen working at the location, a fisherman confirmed as well.

An aerial shot of body that spotted.

Cruel News
Meanwhile, relatives of some of the missing fishermen are accepting the reality that their loved one might not have survived the horrific incident. Some of them added that they are just hopeful for the bodies to be recovered so that they may have a decent burial.
A cousin of Ralph ‘Burnham’ Couchman, 22, of Lord Street, No.2 Village, East Canje, Berbice said that she received a message on Saturday stating that there was a piracy attack on four boats and that her cousin was missing.
She added that Couchman left for sea approximately a month ago and that it is a norm for him to go back and forth to Suriname to work on fishing boats. He was expected to spend three months and return to Guyana as he usually would.
“I think the boss man he was working with suppose to be going out and looking because at the end of the day these are his workmen that bring some bread on his table as well,” she said. She added that worry has since taken over with news that a body has been spotted. It was also stated that Couchman only began working with the said “boss man” just over a year ago.
“My cousin is only 22; he doesn’t have a family as yet. Now is when he is starting his life and something like this just happen. It’s a job he is doing; he is not stealing and to know that these young lives going down the drain and nobody is doing anything about it”, the woman lamented.

Family members from Guyana at a Parimaribo jetty.

The missing fisherman’s grandmother, Doris Harrihar, 75, said that her grandson was very helpful. Whenever he returns to Guyana, he would assist her financially.
Another fisherman from Guyanese soil has also been identified as Bharrat Heralall. His daughter Lisa Heralall, explained that her father has been going back and forth to Suriname as a fisherman for over 20 years. On this trip, he left in January to work with Ramesh Sanchara aka ‘Ravo’ the boat captain of their fishing vessel. He is also among the missing.
She said she believes that her father risked his life for his fellow fishermen, since “he was a man like that”.
Lisa also said that they are “just hoping that we get the body to get him a decent funeral”.
A relative of Joshua Glenroy Jones, said in a Facebook post that he has lost hope “in finding my brother” but went on to add, “We need his body, we need to bury him; he was loved. When we were begging for a helicopter to go and search for our loved one y’all didn’t go because y’all said y’all don’t have money”.
Government has activated its mechanism of cooperation with Suriname.

The sunken fishing vessel

Speaking from Suriname yesterday, Ambassador Keith George, disclosed that information has been passed to authorities in Guyana with regards to the shocking incident.
He met with a number of families yesterday.
While not immediately releasing names of the confirmed missing men, the ambassador noted that the operations were made harder by the fact that there is sort of “itinerant” situation with fishermen between the two countries.
Guyanese would travel to Suriname, hop on a boat if they are short of workers without any need for documents. Call names would suffice.
What is known is that 15 of the 16 men that are missing are Guyanese, the Ambassador confirmed.
A number of the fishermen were said to be living between Guyana and Suriname for years.

Wife of Ganesh ‘Vicky’ Persaud is hoping for good news.

In Guyana, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) said it remains gravely concerned about the matter.
“This is a tragedy and we empathize with the families, who continue to be in anguish given the state of affairs. The horror that reportedly unfolded once again highlights the danger that our country’s fisher folk face every day to earn their livelihoods and to provide for their families.”
The party called on Government to make every effort and take urgent steps to ensure that fishermen are found.
“In addition, our party urges the government to ensure that the families are kept informed of the efforts being made. We hope for a swift resolution of the situation and that the families can be comforted during their time of distress.”
The names of the missing Guyanese fisherman are were given as Bharrat Heralall, Bobby Ibrahim, Ralph ‘Burnham’ Couchman, Ganesh ‘Vicky’ Persaud, Joshua Glenroy Jones, Randy Burnette, Ramnarine Singh and Ramesh Sanichar.
On Friday evening, the pirates attacked the ‘Romina’, a Guyanese-owned boat, chopping workers and throwing them overboard. A number of the crewmen had batteries attached to their legs to sink them.
The attack was swift with the intent clear- the pirates came to kill. Men were seen being beaten with pieces of wood while treading water in the Atlantic Ocean, between Suriname and French Guiana.
Four men, badly wounded, among them the captain of the Romina, made it to shore.
The Suriname police only received reports of the incident on Saturday night.
The difficulty in alerting Guyana was compounded by the fact that Guyanese fishermen in Suriname are not closely regulated.
Of the four boats, the Romina remains missing. One was sunk by the pirates.
The incident would be one of the worse cases of pirate attacks in recent years.


This is all happening under the careless watch of the PNC + Rumjaat. Just think about it ,SIXTEEN MISSING/ DEAD. this is mass killing, it's a war.

kp posted:

This is all happening under the careless watch of the PNC + Rumjaat. Just think about it ,SIXTEEN MISSING/ DEAD. this is mass killing, it's a war.

Do you expect the Guyana Government to fight crime in neighboring Surinamese waters, Knucklehead?

When two Guyanese drunks chop up each other in Richmond Hill, NY, I guess the Guyana Government is responsible?

Last edited by Mars
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

High seas attack in Suriname…Three bodies sighted; local cops hunt killers






Five days after pirates attacked four fishing boats off Suriname waters throwing 20 crewmen overboard, the bodies have started to surface, confirming the fears of desperate Guyanese families who are awaiting news.
Of the 20, four, including a captain, managed to escape what they say was certain death.
Yesterday, one body was sighted from air, in the afternoon, in the vicinity of the attack at Wia Wia Bank area, about 40 miles from Paramaribo, near French Guiana. Two more were later spotted.
In Guyana, as a result of intelligence shared with Surinamese authorities, a hunt was on for several men believed to be linked to the killer gang.
Several Guyanese families, who received news that their loved ones had gone missing as a result of the attack on Friday night, have journeyed to that neighbouring country in the hopes of receiving good news.
According to Willem Mohamed Hosein, Chairman of Visserscollectief, a fishing organization in Suriname, three bodies have now been spotted by a helicopter search party along the Suriname shores. The Coast Guards have since been deployed to the location with the hopes that it could be recovered.
Assistant Commissioner and Guyana’s Crime Chief (ag), Paul Williams has confirmed that ‘B’ Division police, in Berbice, are currently on the hunt for suspects. Their names have been given to the Surinamese police as ‘Dick’, ‘Bolo’, ‘Sanbat’ and ‘Crack Head’- said to be known in Guyana as pirates.
Williams would, however, only say that information that was received yesterday include some names of the alleged suspects, which led to an ongoing manhunt.
Kaieteur News has also learnt that one of the alleged suspect commonly known as “Crackhead” is attached to the Rosignol Fisheremen’s Co-operative.
He was recently seen working at the location, a fisherman confirmed as well.

An aerial shot of body that spotted.

Cruel News
Meanwhile, relatives of some of the missing fishermen are accepting the reality that their loved one might not have survived the horrific incident. Some of them added that they are just hopeful for the bodies to be recovered so that they may have a decent burial.
A cousin of Ralph ‘Burnham’ Couchman, 22, of Lord Street, No.2 Village, East Canje, Berbice said that she received a message on Saturday stating that there was a piracy attack on four boats and that her cousin was missing.
She added that Couchman left for sea approximately a month ago and that it is a norm for him to go back and forth to Suriname to work on fishing boats. He was expected to spend three months and return to Guyana as he usually would.
“I think the boss man he was working with suppose to be going out and looking because at the end of the day these are his workmen that bring some bread on his table as well,” she said. She added that worry has since taken over with news that a body has been spotted. It was also stated that Couchman only began working with the said “boss man” just over a year ago.
“My cousin is only 22; he doesn’t have a family as yet. Now is when he is starting his life and something like this just happen. It’s a job he is doing; he is not stealing and to know that these young lives going down the drain and nobody is doing anything about it”, the woman lamented.

Family members from Guyana at a Parimaribo jetty.

The missing fisherman’s grandmother, Doris Harrihar, 75, said that her grandson was very helpful. Whenever he returns to Guyana, he would assist her financially.
Another fisherman from Guyanese soil has also been identified as Bharrat Heralall. His daughter Lisa Heralall, explained that her father has been going back and forth to Suriname as a fisherman for over 20 years. On this trip, he left in January to work with Ramesh Sanchara aka ‘Ravo’ the boat captain of their fishing vessel. He is also among the missing.
She said she believes that her father risked his life for his fellow fishermen, since “he was a man like that”.
Lisa also said that they are “just hoping that we get the body to get him a decent funeral”.
A relative of Joshua Glenroy Jones, said in a Facebook post that he has lost hope “in finding my brother” but went on to add, “We need his body, we need to bury him; he was loved. When we were begging for a helicopter to go and search for our loved one y’all didn’t go because y’all said y’all don’t have money”.
Government has activated its mechanism of cooperation with Suriname.

The sunken fishing vessel

Speaking from Suriname yesterday, Ambassador Keith George, disclosed that information has been passed to authorities in Guyana with regards to the shocking incident.
He met with a number of families yesterday.
While not immediately releasing names of the confirmed missing men, the ambassador noted that the operations were made harder by the fact that there is sort of “itinerant” situation with fishermen between the two countries.
Guyanese would travel to Suriname, hop on a boat if they are short of workers without any need for documents. Call names would suffice.
What is known is that 15 of the 16 men that are missing are Guyanese, the Ambassador confirmed.
A number of the fishermen were said to be living between Guyana and Suriname for years.

Wife of Ganesh ‘Vicky’ Persaud is hoping for good news.

In Guyana, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) said it remains gravely concerned about the matter.
“This is a tragedy and we empathize with the families, who continue to be in anguish given the state of affairs. The horror that reportedly unfolded once again highlights the danger that our country’s fisher folk face every day to earn their livelihoods and to provide for their families.”
The party called on Government to make every effort and take urgent steps to ensure that fishermen are found.
“In addition, our party urges the government to ensure that the families are kept informed of the efforts being made. We hope for a swift resolution of the situation and that the families can be comforted during their time of distress.”
The names of the missing Guyanese fisherman are were given as Bharrat Heralall, Bobby Ibrahim, Ralph ‘Burnham’ Couchman, Ganesh ‘Vicky’ Persaud, Joshua Glenroy Jones, Randy Burnette, Ramnarine Singh and Ramesh Sanichar.
On Friday evening, the pirates attacked the ‘Romina’, a Guyanese-owned boat, chopping workers and throwing them overboard. A number of the crewmen had batteries attached to their legs to sink them.
The attack was swift with the intent clear- the pirates came to kill. Men were seen being beaten with pieces of wood while treading water in the Atlantic Ocean, between Suriname and French Guiana.
Four men, badly wounded, among them the captain of the Romina, made it to shore.
The Suriname police only received reports of the incident on Saturday night.
The difficulty in alerting Guyana was compounded by the fact that Guyanese fishermen in Suriname are not closely regulated.
Of the four boats, the Romina remains missing. One was sunk by the pirates.
The incident would be one of the worse cases of pirate attacks in recent years.


This is all happening under the careless watch of the PNC + Rumjaat. Just think about it ,SIXTEEN MISSING/ DEAD. this is mass killing, it's a war.

You are one drunk skunk to think that this happened in Guyana. Comprehension was never your forte.

Reeper posted:

Damn, that is cruel, to kill so many over fish?  This is worse than a drug war among rival dealers. 

We had a poster here that was keeping track on the crimes in Guyana. You may resurrect that thread. 


Piracy attack a ‘great tragedy’ – Granger

May 3 2018


President David Granger


The recent piracy attack brings an end to three years of success in suppressing this crime, President David Granger said today while assuring that the Guyana and Suriname governments are working together to deal with the present tragedy.

“It is a great massacre, a great tragedy and we have been very successful over the last three years in curbing piracy. So this has come as a great setback and we extend sympathy to the families of the bereaved”, he told reporters while announcing government’s intention to observe public mourning.

He noted that at the moment, all the information is not available but the two governments are “in touch”.

Based on reports, last Friday evening, five pirates attacked four boats carrying a total of 20 persons just off the Suriname Coast. It was reported that each boat was occupied by five persons, comprising the captain and four fishermen.

The pirates, reportedly armed with cutlasses and guns, chopped and beat the fishermen before robbing them.

It had been reported that some of the men were ordered to jump overboard with their injuries, while others were thrown overboard with batteries strapped to their legs.

However, four men who survived the attack, swam until they were rescued by passing vessels. One of the survivors has been identified as Darmandew Persaud.

Sixteen men are said to be missing and the majority are thought to be Guyanese. (See story below.)

Granger while stating that government is “deeply grieved by the tragedy”, did not specifically speak about Guyana’s response during the brief engagement with reporters.

“Clearly some Guyanese are victims and we are in touch with the Surinamese government and also the Surinamese police authorities. Our police in B Division are in touch with families and we plan to observe …formal mourning”, he said.

He said too that Minister of State, Joseph Harmon will make a public statement “hopefully” tomorrow during the post-cabinet press briefing.


Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

High seas attack in Suriname…Three bodies sighted; local cops hunt killers






Five days after pirates attacked four fishing boats off Suriname waters throwing 20 crewmen overboard, the bodies have started to surface, confirming the fears of desperate Guyanese families who are awaiting news.
Of the 20, four, including a captain, managed to escape what they say was certain death.
Yesterday, one body was sighted from air, in the afternoon, in the vicinity of the attack at Wia Wia Bank area, about 40 miles from Paramaribo, near French Guiana. Two more were later spotted.
In Guyana, as a result of intelligence shared with Surinamese authorities, a hunt was on for several men believed to be linked to the killer gang.
Several Guyanese families, who received news that their loved ones had gone missing as a result of the attack on Friday night, have journeyed to that neighbouring country in the hopes of receiving good news.
According to Willem Mohamed Hosein, Chairman of Visserscollectief, a fishing organization in Suriname, three bodies have now been spotted by a helicopter search party along the Suriname shores. The Coast Guards have since been deployed to the location with the hopes that it could be recovered.
Assistant Commissioner and Guyana’s Crime Chief (ag), Paul Williams has confirmed that ‘B’ Division police, in Berbice, are currently on the hunt for suspects. Their names have been given to the Surinamese police as ‘Dick’, ‘Bolo’, ‘Sanbat’ and ‘Crack Head’- said to be known in Guyana as pirates.
Williams would, however, only say that information that was received yesterday include some names of the alleged suspects, which led to an ongoing manhunt.
Kaieteur News has also learnt that one of the alleged suspect commonly known as “Crackhead” is attached to the Rosignol Fisheremen’s Co-operative.
He was recently seen working at the location, a fisherman confirmed as well.

An aerial shot of body that spotted.

Cruel News
Meanwhile, relatives of some of the missing fishermen are accepting the reality that their loved one might not have survived the horrific incident. Some of them added that they are just hopeful for the bodies to be recovered so that they may have a decent burial.
A cousin of Ralph ‘Burnham’ Couchman, 22, of Lord Street, No.2 Village, East Canje, Berbice said that she received a message on Saturday stating that there was a piracy attack on four boats and that her cousin was missing.
She added that Couchman left for sea approximately a month ago and that it is a norm for him to go back and forth to Suriname to work on fishing boats. He was expected to spend three months and return to Guyana as he usually would.
“I think the boss man he was working with suppose to be going out and looking because at the end of the day these are his workmen that bring some bread on his table as well,” she said. She added that worry has since taken over with news that a body has been spotted. It was also stated that Couchman only began working with the said “boss man” just over a year ago.
“My cousin is only 22; he doesn’t have a family as yet. Now is when he is starting his life and something like this just happen. It’s a job he is doing; he is not stealing and to know that these young lives going down the drain and nobody is doing anything about it”, the woman lamented.

Family members from Guyana at a Parimaribo jetty.

The missing fisherman’s grandmother, Doris Harrihar, 75, said that her grandson was very helpful. Whenever he returns to Guyana, he would assist her financially.
Another fisherman from Guyanese soil has also been identified as Bharrat Heralall. His daughter Lisa Heralall, explained that her father has been going back and forth to Suriname as a fisherman for over 20 years. On this trip, he left in January to work with Ramesh Sanchara aka ‘Ravo’ the boat captain of their fishing vessel. He is also among the missing.
She said she believes that her father risked his life for his fellow fishermen, since “he was a man like that”.
Lisa also said that they are “just hoping that we get the body to get him a decent funeral”.
A relative of Joshua Glenroy Jones, said in a Facebook post that he has lost hope “in finding my brother” but went on to add, “We need his body, we need to bury him; he was loved. When we were begging for a helicopter to go and search for our loved one y’all didn’t go because y’all said y’all don’t have money”.
Government has activated its mechanism of cooperation with Suriname.

The sunken fishing vessel

Speaking from Suriname yesterday, Ambassador Keith George, disclosed that information has been passed to authorities in Guyana with regards to the shocking incident.
He met with a number of families yesterday.
While not immediately releasing names of the confirmed missing men, the ambassador noted that the operations were made harder by the fact that there is sort of “itinerant” situation with fishermen between the two countries.
Guyanese would travel to Suriname, hop on a boat if they are short of workers without any need for documents. Call names would suffice.
What is known is that 15 of the 16 men that are missing are Guyanese, the Ambassador confirmed.
A number of the fishermen were said to be living between Guyana and Suriname for years.

Wife of Ganesh ‘Vicky’ Persaud is hoping for good news.

In Guyana, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) said it remains gravely concerned about the matter.
“This is a tragedy and we empathize with the families, who continue to be in anguish given the state of affairs. The horror that reportedly unfolded once again highlights the danger that our country’s fisher folk face every day to earn their livelihoods and to provide for their families.”
The party called on Government to make every effort and take urgent steps to ensure that fishermen are found.
“In addition, our party urges the government to ensure that the families are kept informed of the efforts being made. We hope for a swift resolution of the situation and that the families can be comforted during their time of distress.”
The names of the missing Guyanese fisherman are were given as Bharrat Heralall, Bobby Ibrahim, Ralph ‘Burnham’ Couchman, Ganesh ‘Vicky’ Persaud, Joshua Glenroy Jones, Randy Burnette, Ramnarine Singh and Ramesh Sanichar.
On Friday evening, the pirates attacked the ‘Romina’, a Guyanese-owned boat, chopping workers and throwing them overboard. A number of the crewmen had batteries attached to their legs to sink them.
The attack was swift with the intent clear- the pirates came to kill. Men were seen being beaten with pieces of wood while treading water in the Atlantic Ocean, between Suriname and French Guiana.
Four men, badly wounded, among them the captain of the Romina, made it to shore.
The Suriname police only received reports of the incident on Saturday night.
The difficulty in alerting Guyana was compounded by the fact that Guyanese fishermen in Suriname are not closely regulated.
Of the four boats, the Romina remains missing. One was sunk by the pirates.
The incident would be one of the worse cases of pirate attacks in recent years.


This is all happening under the careless watch of the PNC + Rumjaat. Just think about it ,SIXTEEN MISSING/ DEAD. this is mass killing, it's a war.

You are one drunk skunk to think that this happened in Guyana. Comprehension was never your forte.

Invalid drunk these are Guyanese they died while making a living this was not a work place accident they were murdered and robbed. According to your dumb brain they inherited their death from the PPP. 


Let me chim in here.

Nehru Bhai anger's is about the slow response of a numb skull AFC/PNC administration. Not even a minister visited the family members of the 16 presumed dead or missing to offer some support.

This tragedy is as a result of what appears to be a Fishing Truf War and possibly Surinamese involvement in this tragedy. Fishing is done in Surinam's territorial waters where Guyana has no jurisdiction. Fishermen register their boats in Suriname and get Suriname licences to fish in those waters.

The biggest tragedy is the failure of this administration to be able to offer sympathy in timely manner.

Last edited by Former Member

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