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Former Member

16 popular cable TV channels to get axe; No rights in Caribbean region

By , August 23, 2015, Source


(Trinidad Express) The Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) is calling on cable television providers to remove 16 channels for which they have not acquired Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) from local channel line-ups.


The 16 channels are:

ABC; CBC; CBS; City TV; CMT; Comedy Central, USA Networks; CW(WPIX), Encore Western, FOX, KTLA, My TV 33, NBC, TLC, USA Network, VH-l, USA, WGN.


TATT said in a statement the affected channels fall into the following categories:
-Not available because the rights for them are not available to the Caribbean region

-Available, but rights for them have not been acquired by the provider.

β€œAny other channel which is legally available but for which the provider has not yet acquired rights will be removed and the Authority will work with providers on a case-by-case basis in this regard,” TATT said.

β€œThe above actions have become necessary to ensure that Trinidad and Tobago is in compliance with international IP treaties and agreements to which it is a signatory.

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Yes a friend of mine warned me that this was going to happen. I told him that people are LEGALLY buying packages from these providers, with the expectation that no laws are being broken.  He told me that they will soon find out otherwise.


Now we will see if these providers will cut the costs of their packages, given that some very popular channels will no longer be available.

Last edited by Former Member

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