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Former Member

a bit of perspective seems in order:


Trinidad/Tobago, with a constituency system, and nearly double Guyana's population, managed their last elections with slightly less polling stations than we did in 2011 (No. of private residences used = 0)


Suriname, with slightly less people and similar geographic profile managed their last electins with less than 600 polling stations!


a few things leap out here:


(i) Force strength of the GPF at the beginning of 2015 was 3,410 . . . GECOM requires that EVERY ONE of 2,369 polling station be manned by at least one officer on polling day . . . huh?


(ii) Within the past month the number of polling stations for May 11 has increased by 100!! from approx. 2,260  to 2,369 . . . THIS IS OBSCENE! we need to be told immediately where the 166 Private Residences are located, the process for selection, and WHY THEY ARE NEEDED IN THE FIRST PLACE; GECOM recruitment/staffing for election day remains incompetent; the Coalition better make sure that their poll day monitoring/logistics does not mirror the disaster of 2011


these arrangements GUARANTEE irregularities and confusion; it seems that those in charge have spent a lot of time, thought and effort designing a framework to frustrate democracy and facilitate rigging . . . the PPP is NOT rolling over!


for such a small population, and with all the money spent to get this right . . . WTF! are we doing?


Rohee and co are playing an interesing PR 'protest' game


Surujbally should hang his head in shame

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The distribution of population in Suriname and Trinidad is quite different from what exist in Guyana.

how exactly is "distribution of population" in Suriname that much different from Guyana allowing it to get along just fine with one quarter of the polling stations we supposedly need?


in 2011, 68% of Private Residences used as polling places were located in Region 4, accounting for nearly 37,000 votes cast in that region


is GECOM, with a straight face, telling the nation that we did not have enough institutional venues to be used as polling places in Region 4 of all areas?


this kind of disrespect, this kind of slackness, this kind of back door dutty wuk invites 'phenomena' like this: "An extract from the Statements of Poll in Good Hope showed the private residence of Oodwalack Prashad with ballot boxes 4,633 and 4,634 mired in forgeries and illegible data. Of the 360 valid votes, over 99 per cent of the votes were for the PPP"

- APNU 2011 Statement of Poll Examination Report, Feb. 28, 2012


people need to understand that the PPP only needs a little bit of strategic rigging to win . . . wholesale ballot box tiefin not necessary

Last edited by Former Member

If you do a search you'll find that I made mention of the printing of false ballot papers and the existence of false ballot boxes months ago. The PPP has been planning this for some time now. If they get catch red handed they'll claim is APNU. But only the PPP knows what the ballot papers will look like. And only their friends have the printing machines within Guyana to print and keep it under wraps.

Originally Posted by redux:


people need to understand that the PPP only needs a little bit of strategic rigging to win . . . wholesale ballot box tiefin not necessary

And hopefully APNU AFC have their game plan to deal with this.  No point allowing the PPP to rig and then crying about it later.


It is obvious that this will be among their plans.  Others will involve attempting to buy votes, such as telling people that those who got house lots but don't vote PPP, will lose them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:


people need to understand that the PPP only needs a little bit of strategic rigging to win . . . wholesale ballot box tiefin not necessary

And hopefully APNU AFC have their game plan to deal with this.  No point allowing the PPP to rig and then crying about it later.


It is obvious that this will be among their plans.  Others will involve attempting to buy votes, such as telling people that those who got house lots but don't vote PPP, will lose them.

I think all of you who are talking about the PPP rigging are being overzealous or are sowing seeds of discord. Despicable as they are the PPP have never rigged a general elections in Gy. So no history to go on to make those accusations 


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:


people need to understand that the PPP only needs a little bit of strategic rigging to win . . . wholesale ballot box tiefin not necessary

And hopefully APNU AFC have their game plan to deal with this.  No point allowing the PPP to rig and then crying about it later.


It is obvious that this will be among their plans.  Others will involve attempting to buy votes, such as telling people that those who got house lots but don't vote PPP, will lose them.

I think all of you who are talking about the PPP rigging are being overzealous or are sowing seeds of discord. Despicable as they are the PPP have never rigged a general elections in Gy.


Well Jagdeo did manipulate his party election demanding show of hands instead of secret ballot. This issue was discussed here before.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:


people need to understand that the PPP only needs a little bit of strategic rigging to win . . . wholesale ballot box tiefin not necessary

And hopefully APNU AFC have their game plan to deal with this.  No point allowing the PPP to rig and then crying about it later.


It is obvious that this will be among their plans.  Others will involve attempting to buy votes, such as telling people that those who got house lots but don't vote PPP, will lose them.

I think all of you who are talking about the PPP rigging are being overzealous or are sowing seeds of discord. Despicable as they are the PPP have never rigged a general elections in Gy. So no history to go on to make those accusations 

actually, u do not know that!


the fact that they will always beat the PNC in the 2-way ethnic census we have had as elections until recently does not mean that the PPP did not engage in rigging


did u not read what i posted about the ballot boxes in the home of Oodwalack Prashad in the 2011 elections?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
. Despicable as they are the PPP have never rigged a general elections in Gy. So no history to go on to make those accusations 


  Why don't rephrase your sentence that "the PPP never massively rigged elections".  Well here is the deal.


1.  Until 2011 the PPP always felt that the racial advantage which it allowed (Indian vote being the majority) ensured victory.


2.  2011 showed the PPP that a majority vote can no longer be taken for granted, as the Indian vote shrinks, and as more Indians become tempted to either not vote, or vote for other parties.


3.  The momentum this election cycle is running strongly against them.  There exists a significant cohort for which Burnham means nothing, and Jagan means little.  Many of these younger voters are more focused on the blatant corruption and arrogance which they see from the PPP leadership. The recent Jagdeo boasts about his lifestyle will harden their antipathy towards the PPP even further.


So yes the PPP will attempt to rig as they no longer feel as sure that they control the Indian vote.  Nor do they feel as sure that the Indian turn out mightn't drop below the non Indian turn out.  So you cannot look to the past and then exclaim that the PPP never rigged (massively) so that they will not do so this time.


The PPP will rig.  They are already intimidating people to "buy" their vote. And its an open secret that Jagdeo, Kwame, and the other PPP goons "know" who killed Crum Ewing.  Just as we "knew" that Hammie Green "knew" who killed Vincent Teekah.  The many who have received threatening phone calls from PPP connected individuals know exactly what the PPP is capable of. 


And indeed its the fear that a victorious PPP will carry Guyana right back to the days of fear of the late 70s up to the mid 80s is what motivates many Nagamootoo supporters to jump ship. What is interesting is that I note than many of these folks are indeed old enough to remember life under the Burnham regime, and see Burnhamesque behavior in Bharat Jagdeo, and they want to stop this before it is too late.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:


people need to understand that the PPP only needs a little bit of strategic rigging to win . . . wholesale ballot box tiefin not necessary

And hopefully APNU AFC have their game plan to deal with this.  No point allowing the PPP to rig and then crying about it later.


It is obvious that this will be among their plans.  Others will involve attempting to buy votes, such as telling people that those who got house lots but don't vote PPP, will lose them.

I think all of you who are talking about the PPP rigging are being overzealous or are sowing seeds of discord. Despicable as they are the PPP have never rigged a general elections in Gy. So no history to go on to make those accusations 

actually, u do not know that!


the fact that they will always beat the PNC in the 2-way ethnic census we have had as elections until recently does not mean that the PPP did not engage in rigging


did u not read what i posted about the ballot boxes in the home of Oodwalack Prashad in the 2011 elections?

Oodwalack Prashad

Originally Posted by redux:

actually, u do not know that!


the fact that they will always beat the PNC in the 2-way ethnic census we have had as elections until recently does not mean that the PPP did not engage in rigging


did u not read what i posted about the ballot boxes in the home of Oodwalack Prashad in the 2011 elections?

engage in rigging


did u not read what i posted about the ballot boxes in the home of Oodwalack Prashad in the 2011 elections?

because none of us can be everywhere al he time we have to rely or what are considered credible sources. The international bodies that have monitor the general elections in Gy have never accused the PPP of rigging any. 


Too many people on this site on both sides of the political spectrum are taking too may liberties in what they present as the "truth"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Why don't rephrase your sentence that "the PPP never massively rigged elections".



no credible international organization has every accused the PPP of rigging general elections in Gy. You constantly present your "factual numbers and truth" but that does not make it so, or scientific. However, you do take too many liberties with what is the truth. 

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by redux:

actually, u do not know that!


the fact that they will always beat the PNC in the 2-way ethnic census we have had as elections until recently does not mean that the PPP did not engage in rigging


did u not read what i posted about the ballot boxes in the home of Oodwalack Prashad in the 2011 elections?

engage in rigging


did u not read what i posted about the ballot boxes in the home of Oodwalack Prashad in the 2011 elections?

because none of us can be everywhere al he time we have to rely or what are considered credible sources. The international bodies that have monitor the general elections in Gy have never accused the PPP of rigging any. 


Too many people on this site on both sides of the political spectrum are taking too may liberties in what they present as the "truth"

respond to what i actually posted and stop reasoning like a naif

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

respond to what i actually posted and stop reasoning like a naif

I have also heard arguments from the other side as to why they did not win a majority and had to conceded, it does not make any of it factual. "Facts" are made up on the ground all of the time and we have to accept the statements made by the organizations sanctioned to validate, imperfect s they may be. Failure to do so results in chaos. 



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The distribution of population in Suriname and Trinidad is quite different from what exist in Guyana.

Redux has posted a narrative that suggests hanky-panky by the PPP which has a tremendous foot print on the electoral process including ballot printing, and all you could muster in response is the distribution of population? This is your usual way of diverting attention - maybe you're having a dialog with Redux whose methods you're both familiar with.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:

did u not read what i posted about the ballot boxes in the home of Oodwalack Prashad in the 2011 elections?

Oodwalack Prashad

Oh well elections held on May 11th.  Attempts to unravel clumsy PPP voter fraud and traditional Guyanese electoral inefficiency will lead to result in FINAL results on May 18th.  


G/town and other locations will see vociferous protests, given the heightened interest in the elections, and the increase evidence that the PPP are a Gang of Theives.


Jamaica, with almost 4X the population, announces results by early next morning, and at times even the EVENING of the elections.  Even as a significant part of the vote live in isolated mountain communities, and their constituency based system means that determining who the final winner is more complex than is the case in Guyana.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by redux:

respond to what i actually posted and stop reasoning like a naif

I have also heard arguments from the other side as to why they did not win a majority and had to conceded, it does not make any of it factual. "Facts" are made up on the ground all of the time and we have to accept the statements made by the organizations sanctioned to validate, imperfect s they may be. Failure to do so results in chaos. 

your interpretation of "rigging" is conveniently narrow


no one is arguing that the PNC would have won majorities in elections since 1992


re-read what i posted and try again

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Why don't rephrase your sentence that "the PPP never massively rigged elections".



no credible international organization has every accused the PPP of rigging general elections in Gy. You constantly present your "factual numbers and truth" but that does not make it so, or scientific. However, you do take too many liberties with what is the truth. 

You do NOT get the point.


1.  Prior to 2011 the PPP was confident of receiving the majority vote.


2.  In 2011 they did NOT get the majority vote, and lost control of parliament, though the DICTATORIAL constitution allowed them to over ride this fact, aided by a timid opposition.


3.  The PPP has LOST confidence that it is guaranteed the majority vote. Further more the coalition means that if it does NOT get the majority vote this time it risks losing the election altogether.   The minor parties aren't going to get enough votes to lead to a plurality, that is unless Benschop really has impact.



So the PPP views this election DIFFERENTLY from how it viewed the previous ones.  It no longer thinks that the large Indian vote is guaranteed to deliver a majority vote.  Based on the blatant corruption, and violence perpetrated by the PPP (many business people can tell you of threats that they have received from the more PPP connected rivals) it FEARS the consequences of a loss.  AT the very least many of them will see their ill gotten assets seized.


So this election will see a very different PPP because for the FIRST time the battle isn't between an Indian and an African vote. It is now between a pro PPP (almost exclusively Indian) and an ANTI PPP (containing more Indians than you would want to admit).



Here is the deal.  To many Jagdeo is not looking much better than Burnham.  And just as Burnham began to turn on those blacks who he considered a threat, after 1978, now Jagdeo is similarly turning on Indians who he sees as a threat. 


In addition, Guyana, is led by EX communists, as is Russia.  There is nothing on this planet more violent, vindictive and corrupt than an ex communist, who now worships at the alter of greed.   The business people, who were considered rivals of Putin's oligarchs, can describe the various methods to eliminate them.  Jagdeo is Guyana's PUTIN!



And just to show how arrogant Jagdeo is, hear his screams that Granger/Nagamootoo must debate him.  Is Jagdeo running for office?  So why should he be the one to debate for the PPP?



The BEST thing that the PPP did is to expose us to Jagdeo's fangs, because the man cannot help being the vicious and vindictive brute which he is.  People now remember Guyana of a few years ago when people were afraid to talk on the phone out of fear of a knock on the door, followed by  a BULLET!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:



The BEST thing that the PPP did is to expose us to Jagdeo's fangs, because the man cannot help being the vicious and vindictive brute which he is.  People now remember Guyana of a few years ago when people were afraid to talk on the phone out of fear of a knock on the door, followed by  a BULLET!

Funny that no one I know felt this fear you speak of.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

To Carib Beer, speculation is historical fact. You saying that the PPP never rigged an election and Carib Beer telling you that you are wrong because this year they will since they don't have the numbers they thought they had up to 2011.

I know that you need to be attached to the narrative of "black man baad....Indian good", but sorry to break it to you, threatened by a potential loss as Indian numbers dwindle, and as not insignificant numbers show impatience with the PPP, they will rig. 


Why I know this. Nagamootoo said so and he I suspect knows more of their inner workings than you do.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:



The BEST thing that the PPP did is to expose us to Jagdeo's fangs, because the man cannot help being the vicious and vindictive brute which he is.  People now remember Guyana of a few years ago when people were afraid to talk on the phone out of fear of a knock on the door, followed by  a BULLET!

Funny that no one I know felt this fear you speak of.

So then they are the "protected" class.  Loads of people I know didn't want to talk anything other than about the weather and how various people were doing. 


And indeed just yesterday an INDIAN business man who was visiting from Guyana was speaking about threatening phones that he had begun to receive because of his dealings with Nagamootoo.


But hey, you are the guy who hasn't been back for almost two decades but you know more than a man who actually LIVES there.


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