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Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Also, If you ever get out your Cave and attend, you will not only look STupid at your lack of knowledge but will certainly learn a few things.

what exactly we gon learn at SMokey Park

You may finally realize what your Identity and Culture really is. Bring a Therapist with you.



pist with you.


Pity about the weather in Queens today, but the Event put on by Ralph Tamesh and others in the Indo-Caribbean Federation is not only worthy from thee stand point of the occasion it celebrates, but for the cultural and entertainment value in and of itself.


I would encourage all to go. Years from now we will look back at a period of cultural enrichment of Caribbean Indians in New York and say this was an essential building block in that process.




According to the official account, the number of ******s shipped from Calcutta, per Hesperus, was 155 men, five women, and ten children, in all 170 persons for Messrs. GLADSTONE and MOSS; per Whitby, they were shipped, 250 men, seven women, and ten children, in all 267 persons, to the care of JAMES MATTHEWS, Esq., attorney to ANDREW COLVILLE, Esq., and JOHN CAMERON, Esq., agent to Messrs. GILLANDERS & Co., of Calcutta. The ******s consigned to Mr. CAMERON, were disposed of to Messrs. DAVIDSONS, BARKLEY & Co., and to JAMES BLAIR, Esq. The mortality on board the Hesperus, during her voyage, was fourteen, of which number two are represented to have been drowned (suicides?) The mortality on board the Whitby, amounted to four. There were consequently landed from both vessels 419 ******s, which were distributed in the following manner, viz.:-


<colgroup><col span="3" /></colgroup>

Vreed-en-Hoop (John Gladstone, Esq.)655
Vriedestein - - Ditto310
Anna Regina, (Messrs. Moss,)463
Belle Vue, (A. Colville, Esq.)793
Waterloo, (James Blair, Esq.)470
Highbury, (Messrs. Davidsons & Co.)11711

In all 407 persons, according to the official returns of the special magistrates, printed by order of the House of Commons, 21st of February, 1840, No. 77, pp. 51, 52. This will show a difference in the numbers landed and located upon the estates, of twelve ******s, the cause of which cannot be gathered from the papers. It is of importance, that this point should be cleared up.


******s, C00LIES



On the 30th of August, 1838, GOVERNOR LIGHT, having just made the tour of the colony, writes to LORD GLENELG , as follows: - "From the reports I have received, and from my personal observation, the ******s appear satisfied with their position, and have not disappointed their employers." In another dispatch, dated the 19th of November, 1838, his Excellency states, that "the generalgood health of the emigrants from India, is equal to that of any other labourer in this colony," the Creole Negro, of course not excepted; and in this view the assistant Colonial Secretary, Mr. WOLSELEY, concurs, for he appends to his general report on the state of the immigrants, "The ******s have acclimatized well, and have suffered no disadvantage by emigrating to this colony." At a still later period, the 11th of January, 1839, Governor LIGHT, in a dispatch to LORD GLENELG, observes, "If my information be correct, the Hill ******s were accustomed to a marshy soil, to very low wages, and precarious scanty food, and though on limited wages, in comparison with the free labourer, yet are as carefully protected from oppression, and their complaints redressed as speedily, as those of other labourers!" He adds, "the ******s on Mr. GLADSTONE'S property, are a fine healthy body of men; they are beginning to marry or co-habit with the negresses, and take pride in their dress; the few words of English they know, added to signs common to all, prove that `Sahib' was good to them."

Vreed-en-Hoop (John Gladstone, Esq.)655
Vriedestein - - Ditto310
Anna Regina, (Messrs. Moss,)463
Belle Vue, (A. Colville, Esq.)793
Waterloo, (James Blair, Esq.)470
Highbury, (Messrs. Davidsons & Co.)11711




Hmm some serious shortage of women.


Quote "That's when de douglarization of GY started as they "co habit" wid de negresses " unquote


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
That's when de douglarization of GY started as they "co habit" wid de negresses

And that's why Indians despise Indo-Guyanese.  An Indian grocery store owner on 23rd Street in Manhattan told me that a long time ago. 

Speak for yourself. What you said is hearsay. Indians (Bharatiya) despise their own. You didn't say why the Indian grocery store owner despise you.

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
That's when de douglarization of GY started as they "co habit" wid de negresses

And that's why Indians despise Indo-Guyanese.  An Indian grocery store owner on 23rd Street in Manhattan told me that a long time ago. 

Indians are hypocrites.  What they cherish most of the world can do without.  He came from a land where 350 mil shit on the street every morning.

Vreed-en-Hoop (John Gladstone, Esq.)655
Vriedestein - - Ditto310
Anna Regina, (Messrs. Moss,)463
Belle Vue, (A. Colville, Esq.)793
Waterloo, (James Blair, Esq.)470
Highbury, (Messrs. Davidsons & Co.)11711




Hmm some serious shortage of women.


Quote "That's when de douglarization of GY started as they "co habit" wid de negresses " unquote


So Bro, what you are saying is the the c oo lies, began taking away the african sisters? there must have been serious fighting for the few Indo women that were available, hard to understand this. If what you are saying is so, then we can fairly say that most of the douglas were from the Hill C oolies and the african sisters, rather than the indo women and the african brothers......quite confusing


Just passed by Smokey Park - no nothing, no stalls, etc. I thought that even with the rainy weather, they would have done what they did in past years (almost all the years seem to have rainy weather), and that is use tarp covers.


The uck curry competition  at the nearby Nest is doing well - the duck curries all smell wonderful. I will lash a duck curry that my wife just brought back from Suriname.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

All Roads lead to Smokey Park today to Celebrate our Culture, Heritage and Struggle. We have come a long way Baby!!!  Come one, come all to Queens most important Event. WE will continue to remember our Heroes and reflect on the Struggle.  Be there or be square.

What is this celebration supposed to accomplish? Is it a display of arts and culture or simply vendors hocking their wares, illicit rum drinking from cars trunks, wine & go down?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


damn...I missed out on some culture

And I missed out on seeing Nehru wrapped up in his dhoti.

I hear de man still deh all decked out in he new dhoti but he lil confused it look like.

Dem boy say they tink he an a few of he drunk frens dem look like they from the f u **awe tribe, is like they been seen walking round an round in the park all the time sayin

"Where da f u ** a we, Where da f u * * awe?"

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Also, If you ever get out your Cave and attend, you will not only look STupid at your lack of knowledge but will certainly learn a few things.

what exactly we gon learn at SMokey Park

PNC Indians like Raymond are ashamed of their culture and celebration of a great people.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Also, If you ever get out your Cave and attend, you will not only look STupid at your lack of knowledge but will certainly learn a few things.

what exactly we gon learn at SMokey Park

PNC Indians like Raymond are ashamed of their culture and celebration of a great people.

He has all rights to, especially when they include the likes of a lying sissy ass,who can't do things on his own, has to follow others, wimp like you.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Also, If you ever get out your Cave and attend, you will not only look STupid at your lack of knowledge but will certainly learn a few things.

what exactly we gon learn at SMokey Park

PNC Indians like Raymond are ashamed of their culture and celebration of a great people.

The day I have to learn about my culture at Smokey Park will be a sad day...I leave you simpletons to learn about your culture there.

I'll take a bet that my son who was born here know ten times more than what you know about your culture, and he didn't get his knowledge at Smokey Park

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Also, If you ever get out your Cave and attend, you will not only look STupid at your lack of knowledge but will certainly learn a few things.

what exactly we gon learn at SMokey Park

PNC Indians like Raymond are ashamed of their culture and celebration of a great people.

PNC Indians = N1GGERS. Why are you calling Raymond a N1gger?


I have a bone to pick with Nehru. All this hype bout sunday celebration and not a damn thing happen.
Ow', abee ancestors had to cross that Kala Pani, suffer dysentry, sea sickness, de bakra man and dem big big wave wha' threatening Prado ville when tide high; but dey still mek it.
Sunday gone, lil rain fall and everybody run an hide. match call aff. I wonder what our ancestors must be thinking. how shameful.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I have a bone to pick with Nehru. All this hype bout sunday celebration and not a damn thing happen.
Ow', abee ancestors had to cross that Kala Pani, suffer dysentry, sea sickness, de bakra man and dem big big wave wha' threatening Prado ville when tide high; but dey still mek it.
Sunday gone, lil rain fall and everybody run an hide. match call aff. I wonder what our ancestors must be thinking. how shameful.

Dem come Merika, dem grow saff skin.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I have a bone to pick with Nehru. All this hype bout sunday celebration and not a damn thing happen.
Ow', abee ancestors had to cross that Kala Pani, suffer dysentry, sea sickness, de bakra man and dem big big wave wha' threatening Prado ville when tide high; but dey still mek it.
Sunday gone, lil rain fall and everybody run an hide. match call aff. I wonder what our ancestors must be thinking. how shameful.

Dem come Merika, dem grow saff skin.

Exactly. WE will not sit in Rain and sing Pana Re Pani. Sheik, Dis time nag laaang time, dis nah deh before time.


"It was cancelled due to bad weather. It rained the whole Day Bhai."

Oh, please. what kinda excuse is dis? What would have happened when rain fall in de atlantic during the journey and the Hesperus and Whitby decided to turn back.
Ayuh ain't got no gumption. A bunch of weakhearts. Even dem lil children pon de boat had mo' balls.


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