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$17M investment at Leonora to benefit the public

―$10M parking lot

―$4M RC bridge

―$3M timber revetment 

DPI, Guyana, Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Regional Administration of Essequibo Islands-West Demerara (Region Three) has invested $17M in infrastructural improvements at the Leonora Diagnostic and Treatment Centre and other service-providing entities in the area.

Speaking to the Department of Public Information (DPI), Regional Executive Officer, Jennifer Ferreira-Dougall explained that the road leading to the Leonora Diagnostic and Treatment Centre (Leonora Cottage Hospital) has always been known for traffic congestion. This is due mainly to the fact that street is the only egress and ingress for the hospital. The road is also the main access to the Leonora Post Office, Leonora Early Childhood and Day Care Centre, Leonora National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and government living quarters.

Recognising this congestion and the risk it presents, the Regional Administration took the necessary measures to have the road rehabilitated which will now benefit road users.

Also, a $10M parking lot was constructed on an empty plot of land near the hospital. Ferreira-Dougall explained that the project that began late last year and is now complete.

Region 3, Regional Executive Officer Jennifer Ferreira-Dougall cuts the ribbon to officially open the parking lot locate near the Leonora Diagnostic and Treatment Centre


The only vacant land that was available for the construction of the parking lot next to the hospital and near the other service providing entities was very low and swampy. “Last year we built it up with sand and loam but first had to excavate out the sap mud. We allowed the sand and loam to settle well on the land and this year upgraded the surface of the parking lot to Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST). The parking lot is ready to be used,” the REO remarked.

With regards to access to the parking lot, a reinforced concrete bridge with steel beams was constructed at the cost of $4M. This bridge is supported by 120 feet of greenheart timber revetment which not only supports the bridge but also the front boundary of the parking lot.

Senior Superintendent of Works (SSOW), Shanganan Singh, who was directly responsible for the execution of the project, noted that the investment is one that will last a lifetime.

“The work that was done at the parking lot will guarantee a long lifespan and caters for vehicles up to 10 tons. It was built with the intention of catering for vehicles of all types basically,” SSOW Singh said.

Persons with vehicles requiring the services of all the service providing entities around the area can now utilise the parking lot and it is the expectation of the Regional Administration for vehicles to now park comfortably in the parking lot, leaving the carriageway free from congestion.

Story and Images: Ganesh Mahipaul


Replies sorted oldest to newest

 Amral- Regardless of who is spending the big $$$. The majority will always vote race. PPP spend big $$$ in Linden and other Black areas and they voted solidly for the PNC. Same with Leonora and other Indo areas they will vote solidly for the PPP.



I think this is remarkable infrastructure work. 

The only vacant land that was available for the construction of the parking lot next to the hospital and near the other service providing entities was very low and swampy. “Last year we built it up with sand and loam but first had to excavate out the sap mud. We allowed the sand and loam to settle well on the land and this year upgraded the surface of the parking lot to Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST). The parking lot is ready to be used,” the REO remarked.

With regards to access to the parking lot, a reinforced concrete bridge with steel beams was constructed at the cost of $4M. This bridge is supported by 120 feet of greenheart timber revetment which not only supports the bridge but also the front boundary of the parking lot.

yuji22 posted:

Dem PNC can fool Mitwah. The rest of GNI ain’t stupidy. 

Imagine Mitwah is getting excited about chicken feed. 

Things are so bad in Guyana, that we ought to thank Lord Krishna for his small mercies.  Jai Shri Krishna. 


The reinforced concrete steel beam bridge and timber revetment at the Leonora Diagnostic and Treatment Centre

With regards to access to the parking lot, a reinforced concrete bridge with steel beams was constructed at the cost of $4M. This bridge is supported by 120 feet of greenheart timber revetment which not only supports the bridge but also the front boundary of the parking lot.

yuji22 posted:

Dem PNC can fool Mitwah. The rest of GNI ain’t stupidy. 

Imagine Mitwah is getting excited about chicken feed. 

Send some of your chicken feed my way. I can use it to buy an Alfa Romeo... Stelvio.

Amral posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is only $US 85,000.  Small change for some of you GNI posters.

really, I never figured that part out,  wow chicken feed

Really?  Simple, tek 2mil and divide um by 200.  Or easier yet, chop off them two last naughts from both and yuh guh geh $170k/2 = $85k USD.

Me thinks is even lesser dan duh if you use 215, a truer rate!

Like you drop out high school more less than turd farm bai!

Baseman posted:
Amral posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That is only $US 85,000.  Small change for some of you GNI posters.

really, I never figured that part out,  wow chicken feed

Really?  Simple, tek 2mil and divide um by 200.  Or easier yet, chop off them two last naughts from both and yuh guh geh $170k/2 = $85k USD.

Me thinks is even lesser dan duh if you use 215, a truer rate!

Like you drop out high school more less than turd farm bai!

Or you ask those two dunce judges what they think it is.

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Dem PNC can fool Mitwah. The rest of GNI ain’t stupidy. 

Imagine Mitwah is getting excited about chicken feed. 

Send some of your chicken feed my way. I can use it to buy an Alfa Romeo... Stelvio.

Good choice. I just switched from an Audi Q5 to the Stelvio. It’s a fun car to drive. Quick and nimble.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Aye.  You can blend in nice with dem drivers on Collins Avenue.

I don’t really like what South Beach has turned into today. A bit too trashy for me and very overpriced. I’d rather go to Las Olas Blvd.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Aye.  You can blend in nice with dem drivers on Collins Avenue.

I don’t really like what South Beach has turned into today. A bit too trashy for me and very overpriced. I’d rather go to Las Olas Blvd.

Las Olas is overpriced too and you don’t get the choice of restaurants you get in South Beach.

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Aye.  You can blend in nice with dem drivers on Collins Avenue.

I don’t really like what South Beach has turned into today. A bit too trashy for me and very overpriced. I’d rather go to Las Olas Blvd.

Las Olas has really changed lately. Lots of new places to eat and entertain. A bit easier finding parking too. Regarding cars, I like the Guilia. But I still need to get used to the front end design.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Aye.  You can blend in nice with dem drivers on Collins Avenue.

I don’t really like what South Beach has turned into today. A bit too trashy for me and very overpriced. I’d rather go to Las Olas Blvd.

Las Olas is overpriced too and you don’t get the choice of restaurants you get in South Beach.

Take another look next time you are here. Lots of new establishments now.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Aye.  You can blend in nice with dem drivers on Collins Avenue.

I don’t really like what South Beach has turned into today. A bit too trashy for me and very overpriced. I’d rather go to Las Olas Blvd.

Las Olas is overpriced too and you don’t get the choice of restaurants you get in South Beach.

Take another look next time you are here. Lots of new establishments now.

Heading out there later in the day.  Will take another look.  Do you have any recommendations? Heard I missed a rocking party with Terry Gajraj at Lallo’s over the weekend.

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Aye.  You can blend in nice with dem drivers on Collins Avenue.

I don’t really like what South Beach has turned into today. A bit too trashy for me and very overpriced. I’d rather go to Las Olas Blvd.

Las Olas has really changed lately. Lots of new places to eat and entertain. A bit easier finding parking too. Regarding cars, I like the Guilia. But I still need to get used to the front end design.

The Stelvio is basically the SUV version of the Giulia. It’s the same engine and interior. The Stelvio is a sports car in an SUV body. Outperforms every other crossover in its class. I had it for three weeks now and loving every minute of it. The SUV is more convenient when you have little kids or I’d be driving a sedan like the Giulia instead. South Beach has too many trashy people walking around with snakes on their necks, bikini girls selling shots and cigars, hookers and all other kinds of riff raff. I’d rather go to Las Olas where it’s less congested, quiet and a little less trashy. 

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Aye.  You can blend in nice with dem drivers on Collins Avenue.

I don’t really like what South Beach has turned into today. A bit too trashy for me and very overpriced. I’d rather go to Las Olas Blvd.

Las Olas has really changed lately. Lots of new places to eat and entertain. A bit easier finding parking too. Regarding cars, I like the Guilia. But I still need to get used to the front end design.

The Stelvio is basically the SUV version of the Giulia. It’s the same engine and interior. The Stelvio is a sports car in an SUV body. Outperforms every other crossover in its class. I had it for three weeks now and loving every minute of it. The SUV is more convenient when you have little kids or I’d be driving a sedan like the Giulia instead. South Beach has too many trashy people walking around with snakes on their necks, bikini girls selling shots and cigars, hookers and all other kinds of riff raff. I’d rather go to Las Olas where it’s less congested, quiet and a little less trashy. 

I can’t think about a new vehicle for myself now as I have to get my son one this year but I will look into it when I am ready as I am more comfortable in SUVs now. I am trying to get him interested in the Guilia since I really like it 😀. I do agree with you regarding SoBe versus Las Olas especially since Las Olas is going through lots of improvements.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Aye.  You can blend in nice with dem drivers on Collins Avenue.

I don’t really like what South Beach has turned into today. A bit too trashy for me and very overpriced. I’d rather go to Las Olas Blvd.

Las Olas is overpriced too and you don’t get the choice of restaurants you get in South Beach.

Take another look next time you are here. Lots of new establishments now.

Heading out there later in the day.  Will take another look.  Do you have any recommendations? Heard I missed a rocking party with Terry Gajraj at Lallo’s over the weekend.

I never been to Lallo’s yet but will go one of these days. I wouldn’t want to influence you regarding Las Olas as there are many nice dining establishments for you to choose from.


Coming back to SoBe, it seemed like there was violence everyday during the long spring break this year. I have clubbed in SoBe in the past till after 4AM but haven't gone by lately. But the news during spring break this year was very discouraging.


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