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Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ)
Top secret
Help to the People’s Progressive Party of British Guiana

Member of the Central Committee of the People’s Progressive Party of British Guiana, comrade George David, handed in the recommendation letter from prime minister of British Guiana dr. Cheddi Jagan and he asked in his name for help.

There is attached the proposal for help to the People’s Progressive Party of British Guiana.

Prepared by: comrade V. Koucký
15 July 1964
Number of pages: 5


Appendix I

Č.j. P3916/13


Re: Help to the People’s Progressive Party of British Guiana (comrade V. Koucký)


We approved to give the People’s Progressive Party of British Guiana:

2 motorbikes Jawa 250 with trailer

6 loudspeakers for street agitation

12 short 16 mm films about Czechoslovakia

A collection of political, economic and art literature in the English language

Financial cost for this help – 90,000 KČS [Czechoslovakian crowns] will be covered by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia as well as transport cost / about 300 US dollars

V. Koucký and J. Hendrych will be responsible for delivery of this help to British Guiana


Appendix III


On June 13, 1964 the member of the Central Committee of the People’s Progressive Party, Comrade George David, came to Prague as a special ambassador for the Prime Minister of British Guiana. He gave us a letter for the First Secretary of the Czechoslovakian Communist party Antonín Novotný from Dr. Cheddi Jagan empowering him to request assistance. Jagan also asked that the person who delivered this letter be given help.

In the conversation with the employees of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovakian Communist party this Comrade David said his party and Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s government are being attacked by two sides. The attacks by the British Colonial Office are complicated by the activities from the opposition parties and the yellow trade unions [trade unions allegedly controlled by the businesses that employed the workers], which are basically the servants of British and American imperialists. The activities of the parties and trade unions is to create disunity among the Guyanese people. And these colonialist attacks are more and more brutal and there is no day when the supporters of the People’s Progressive Party are not the object of these attacks.

Comrade George David tells us how the British and North American imperialists are creating pressure on the Guyanese people in the hope they will overthrow the government of Cheddi Jagan. In recent times, the British government has used local police, the court apparatus, and all the state’s power. The police commissioner is fully in the British service and as a British agent uses the police to destroy the workers’ movement. He brutally acts mostly during the strikes that the workers of the sugar plantations and sugar factories have participated in for more than three months. Out of 19,000 workers, 16,000 are on strike.

These reactionaries help create racial problems between the Indians and blacks. The owners of these sugar factories want to do everything to end the strike. They hire terrorist bands. This strike is only part of the struggle which British Guiana now faces. In recent times, there were several attacks by these terrorists and police at the workers’ villages. In a very short time 50 men and women were killed. The situation is getting worse. In the mining town Wilsmar [Wismar] these Fascist gangs that are supported by the British burned the houses of the supporters of the People’s Progressive Party and started the terror and for that reason 1,600 people left this town. The police commissioner refused the orders from the Minister of the Interior Mrs. Janet Jagan to send police forces to protect the workers. Mrs. Jagan resigned as a protest.

In the fall of this year the British imperialists want to organize elections in British Guiana under a new system of proportional representation. The aim of this election is to shake the position of Dr. Cheddi Jagan and the People’s Progressive Party. Because of this situation the leaders of the People’s Progressive Party and Dr. Cheddi Jagan decided to empower Comrade George David to ask the Central Committee of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party for help, that was presented at the beginning of this visit as 2 motorbikes Jawa 250 with trailer, 6 loudspeakers for street agitation, 12 short 16 mm films about Czechoslovakia and a collection of political, economical and art literature in the English language.

This help will cost:
2 motorbikes Jawa 250 with trailer 27,000 Kčs
6 loudspeakers for street agitation 31,200 Kčs
12 short 16 mm films 24,000 Kčs
Collection of literature 7,800 Kčs
Together 90,000 Kčs

These prices are only preliminary. It is necessary to add travel costs of about 300 USD for transport to Georgetown in British Guiana

Before his departure to Cuba, George David also asked for weapons, concretely a few pistols, ammunition, hand grenades, and a few small explosive materials.

The international division recommends to consider the first part of this request and to support it if possible. It does not recommend the second part of this request [the weapons] because the only means of transport which Comrade David recommends, is from one of the harbors in the German Democratic Republic with the delivery of Czechoslovak beer, which it considers risky and unrealistic.

From the point of view of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party, it is possible to inform Dr. Cheddi Jagan through the representative of the People’s Progressive Party of British Guiana through the Central Committee of the British Communist Party.

1st Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior Prague, August 17, 1962

Č.j. A/1–00317/21–62

Top secret

Minister of the Interior
Comrade Lubomír Štrougal
Re: business trip of Jaroslav Mercl to British Guyana – report
Annex: 26 sheets

Dear comrade minister,

From 12 July 1962 to 26 July 1962 the agent of the 1st Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior comrade Jaroslav Mercl made a business trip to the English colony British Guiana as the member of a legal business delegation.

Before his departure from Czechoslovakia he contacted via our fellow-worker in Košice, a scholarship holder with the code name BLACK [Rudolf David]. He gave him several contact letters to the prominent leaders of British Guiana, including the prime minister’s wife Janette [sic] Jagan.

During his stay in British Guiana he was in touch with these people: Mrs. Jagan, who is also the general secretary of the PPP (People’s Progressive Party), prime minister dr. Cheddy [sic] Jagan, the minister of industry, the minister of trade and several others members of the British Guyana government and PPP.

In conversation with them he gained information about the political and economic situation in this country, including information about gaining independence, perspective on developments in British Guiana after gaining independence, particularly the perspective of political and economic relations with Czechoslovakia after gaining independence. Besides this, he focused on gaining as much information as possible about the possibility to penetrate British Guiana through the Czechoslovakian secret service.

Mercl wrote a final report about his trip, but, I present to you comrade minister, for your information, the most important conclusions:

1. Jagan’s party and his government are trying to gain independence as soon as possible. Their activities are paralyzed with the policy of the British government, which initiated internal political and racial struggles and under this pretense is shifting to [postpone] giving British Guiana independence.

2. The movement for independence in British Guiana is strong and therefore it is probable that the British government will give independence. According to the prime minister Jaggan [sic] it will be at the latest in spring 1963.

3. Jaggan’s [sic] government is planning that when British Guiana gains independence, it will declare as an independent republic which will still be formally part of the British Commonwealth as are some African countries. However, dr. Jaggan [sic] suggested that if the English postpone granting independence to BG, his government could change this opinion.

4. British Guiana’s government is preparing the intensive building of industry with some socialistic features after BG gains independence. However, it will be necessary to calculate with the strong economic influence of British and US capital.

5. Jagan’s government shows strong interest in gaining economic help from socialist countries, especially from the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. From a political perspective it would be suitable to give BG this help after it gains independence. The next political development and stability of the relatively progressive Jaggan [sic] government will depend on how this government will solve economic problems in this country.

6. There is some possibility in foreign trade between BG and Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia could buy from BG oil, rice, bauxite etc. The BG market is open for our engineering industry and consumer goods.

7. As to mutual relations – it would be best to establish a branch of our foreign trade enterprise in Georgetown. It would be a branch of our office in London. After BG independence the BG government wants to open in Prague a trade mission that will operate in Eastern Europe, including the Soviet Union. This mission could be, at the convenient time, changed to a consulate. Jaggan’s [sic] government doesn’t think about establishing diplomatic relations between both countries at this time.

8. Mercl researched in British Guiana that there are good conditions for work by the Czechoslovakian secret service. Workers of the Czechoslovakian secret service could put effective pressure on the BG government and members of PPP to get rid of British influence and US imperialism. There are also good conditions in this country for work against our main enemy [i.e., the United States]. Thus, it would be convenient if our branch of the foreign trade enterprise, later consulate, was from the beginning filled by one worker of the 1st Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior who would be officially an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Trade or Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Head of the 1st Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior

Plk. (colonel) Houska

This letter was written twice:
Original copy was sent to the minister
Copy was sent to the file no. 1667.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

1st Directorate (Intelligence) Prague, 15 June 1962

č.j.: A/1-00243/21-62 (Top secret)

Minister of the Interior

s. [comrade] Lubomír Štrougal

Re: Jaroslav Mercl – proposal to send him to British Guiana to make a confidential probe

Dear comrade Minister,

On 18 June of this year the four man delegation consisting of staff of our foreign trade enterprises is leaving to British Guiana. Its aim is to establish the first economic and business contacts with the government of British Guiana and British Guiana businesses. This delegation is leaving at the direct request and interest of British Guiana Prime Minister Cheddi Jagan who is for political reasons looking to establish economic collaboration with the countries of the socialist bloc, especially with Czechoslovakia.

Our secret service has a possibility to use the stay of our trade delegation in British Guiana to make a confidential probe of a political character, including the preparation for the opening of diplomatic relations between both countries after British Guiana gains independence which should be in this year.

I suggest, comrade Minister, to send as a part of this delegation a member of the 1st Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior [foreign intelligence] Jaroslav Mercl, who works at a high position in the foreign trade enterprise OMNIA. He is very experienced because he served in the United States and at the residency [as a secret agent attached to the embassy] in Canada as the trade attaché.

Mercl as a head of the delegation will make a direct contact with British Guiana Prime Minister dr. Jagan and will talk with him about matters that we are interested in. To make a contact, he will use a recommendation letter from Jagan’s close friend Rudolf David who, from the decision of Jagan, currently studies in Czechoslovakia, and our 2nd department is in touch with him. Rudolf David should be appointed to one of the high government position after British Guiana gains independence and according to Mrs. Jagan, who spoke with him this spring in Prague, he will become minster of education. Rudolf David promised us every help.

We have confirmed Jagan’s interest in holding talks with representatives of Czechoslovakia from [agent] ALONSO – the confidential workmate of the resident [chief agent] in Mexico – whom we sent to British Guiana to meet with dr. Jagan. Jagan even asked Alonso if he has the ability to facilitate such a meeting. The same was confirmed by our resident [chief agent] in Rio de Janeiro KÁJA who made the first probe in British Guiana at the beginning of this year.

A high ranking official of the Cuban secret service told us that the Prime Minister of Cuba Fidel Castro recommended to Mrs. Jagan that she could ask the specific questions [e.g. a request of weapons] with confidence to the Czechoslovakians. Then Castro symbolically gave her a Czechoslovakian pistol.

[The next paragraph notes that the secretariat of the ministry of foreign trade agrees with the idea of sending the delegation and incorporating an agent to this delegation.]

Mercl and the other four members of the delegation will probably leave on 25 June 1962 and will stay abroad from 10 to 15 days. The expenses will be covered by the Ministry of Foreign Trade, we will cover only the expenses of this delegation in British Guiana.

I ask you, comrade Minister, for approval of this proposal

Head of 1st Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior

On behalf mjr. Pražský

Django posted:


Check the link there are more letters and  are in original scan.

Great information to debunk some of the Historians thesis.The other side of the story we weren't told.

These Commie Clowns on this forum will only tell about the activities of the US/CIA and the British in shaping Guyana's politics. You would think that these events took place in a vacuum if you listen to these fools. They never mention that the PPP was working with the KGB/USSR, Cuba and other countries from the Communist Bloc. Jagan was stupid if he thought that the British would just hand him Guiana for him to then turn it over to the Communists.

p.s. The same scenario played out in many other countries at the height of the Cold War but you'd only hear the one sided views from those who were indoctrinated by "The West on Trial". Today, they're all living in the West and enjoying the fruits that the West has to offer. Bunch of hypocrites.

Mars posted:
Django posted:


Check the link there are more letters and  are in original scan.

Great information to debunk some of the Historians thesis.The other side of the story we weren't told.

These Commie Clowns on this forum will only tell about the activities of the US/CIA and the British in shaping Guyana's politics. You would think that these events took place in a vacuum if you listen to these fools. They never mention that the PPP was working with the KGB/USSR, Cuba and other countries from the Communist Bloc. Jagan was stupid if he thought that the British would just hand him Guiana for him to then turn it over to the Communists.

p.s. The same scenario played out in many other countries at the height of the Cold War but you'd only hear the one sided views from those who were indoctrinated by "The West on Trial". Today, they're all living in the West and enjoying the fruits that the West has to offer. Bunch of hypocrites.


there are two sides to a story,some only believed what they are told.

Django posted:

I have noticed none have shown up,not even my frenno Gilly.

You trying to provoke Gilly, comrade?

Those were Cold War days. Declassified US State Department documents show how the CIA operated against the democratically elected PPP government. Jagan asked Kennedy personally for economic aid in 1961. Kennedy rejected his request. Naturally, Jagan had to resort to alternatives. The Czech declassified documents show some details. One of the 2 motorcycles was assigned to PPP organizer Pariag Sukhai of Anna Catherina  WCD.

But admittedly, the communist bloc did not give aid without strings. They had their own geopolitical self-interests. The East were dirty bastards just like the West. Thanks for posting the Czech documents.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

I have noticed none have shown up,not even my frenno Gilly.

You trying to provoke Gilly, comrade?

Those were Cold War days. Declassified US State Department documents show how the CIA operated against the democratically elected PPP government. Jagan asked Kennedy personally for economic aid in 1961. Kennedy rejected his request. Naturally, Jagan had to resort to alternatives. The Czech declassified documents show some details. One of the 2 motorcycles was assigned to PPP organizer Pariag Sukhai of Anna Catherina  WCD.

But admittedly, the communist bloc did not give aid without strings. They had their own geopolitical self-interests. The East were dirty bastards just like the West. Thanks for posting the Czech documents.

Naah no provocation.

Suh the bike "Dada" (Pariag Sukhai) was riding was from the Czech.

He was a good man,great motivation and spirits.

Last edited by Django

Bai dem PPP Accrebre skallahs dem does only talk how de West bad. All dem rass livin in de West though. Danal even ge he pickney dem Russian name. But dem want de coolie votes...Hey hey hey...

Django posted:
Mars posted:
Django posted:


Check the link there are more letters and  are in original scan.

Great information to debunk some of the Historians thesis.The other side of the story we weren't told.

These Commie Clowns on this forum will only tell about the activities of the US/CIA and the British in shaping Guyana's politics. You would think that these events took place in a vacuum if you listen to these fools. They never mention that the PPP was working with the KGB/USSR, Cuba and other countries from the Communist Bloc. Jagan was stupid if he thought that the British would just hand him Guiana for him to then turn it over to the Communists.

p.s. The same scenario played out in many other countries at the height of the Cold War but you'd only hear the one sided views from those who were indoctrinated by "The West on Trial". Today, they're all living in the West and enjoying the fruits that the West has to offer. Bunch of hypocrites.


there are two sides to a story,some only believed what they are told.

In the 60s, the older folks spoke in hushed tones about these things.  

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Django posted:
Mars posted:
Django posted:


Check the link there are more letters and  are in original scan.

Great information to debunk some of the Historians thesis.The other side of the story we weren't told.

These Commie Clowns on this forum will only tell about the activities of the US/CIA and the British in shaping Guyana's politics. You would think that these events took place in a vacuum if you listen to these fools. They never mention that the PPP was working with the KGB/USSR, Cuba and other countries from the Communist Bloc. Jagan was stupid if he thought that the British would just hand him Guiana for him to then turn it over to the Communists.

p.s. The same scenario played out in many other countries at the height of the Cold War but you'd only hear the one sided views from those who were indoctrinated by "The West on Trial". Today, they're all living in the West and enjoying the fruits that the West has to offer. Bunch of hypocrites.


there are two sides to a story,some only believed what they are told.

In the 60s, the older folks spoke in hushed tones about these things.  

And due to the threat of communism, many of the affluent ones started to move their wealth out of the country.

Mitwah posted:
And due to the threat of communism, many of the affluent ones started to move their wealth out of the country.

Yes, sir. Some Americans went to Guyana to escape Vietnam; a Nazarene pastor was staying near us, and Mom asked him how to get my big sis to NYC as a student. Mom sent our Rice funds to her to bank in the US; big sis sponsored us; then 6 months later we bought our first house. 

Mars posted:
Django posted:


Check the link there are more letters and  are in original scan.

Great information to debunk some of the Historians thesis.The other side of the story we weren't told.

These Commie Clowns on this forum will only tell about the activities of the US/CIA and the British in shaping Guyana's politics. You would think that these events took place in a vacuum if you listen to these fools. They never mention that the PPP was working with the KGB/USSR, Cuba and other countries from the Communist Bloc. Jagan was stupid if he thought that the British would just hand him Guiana for him to then turn it over to the Communists.

p.s. The same scenario played out in many other countries at the height of the Cold War but you'd only hear the one sided views from those who were indoctrinated by "The West on Trial". Today, they're all living in the West and enjoying the fruits that the West has to offer. Bunch of hypocrites.

Interesting information.

It goes to show how desperate the PPP was, and incapable of protecting their own supporters, much less being able to establish law and order in the country.

In addition, it shows how deeply Jagan was embedded in the communist cause, thinking that Eastern Europe and Cuba could help him during the height of the Cold War. (Obviously, the PNC was looked on favorably by the US too).

Papa Jagan was a confused politician...he was outfoxed at every move by Burnham...

Leonora posted:
Django posted:
Mars posted:
Django posted:


Check the link there are more letters and  are in original scan.

Great information to debunk some of the Historians thesis.The other side of the story we weren't told.

These Commie Clowns on this forum will only tell about the activities of the US/CIA and the British in shaping Guyana's politics. You would think that these events took place in a vacuum if you listen to these fools. They never mention that the PPP was working with the KGB/USSR, Cuba and other countries from the Communist Bloc. Jagan was stupid if he thought that the British would just hand him Guiana for him to then turn it over to the Communists.

p.s. The same scenario played out in many other countries at the height of the Cold War but you'd only hear the one sided views from those who were indoctrinated by "The West on Trial". Today, they're all living in the West and enjoying the fruits that the West has to offer. Bunch of hypocrites.


there are two sides to a story,some only believed what they are told.

In the 60s, the older folks spoke in hushed tones about these things.  

Dats why they living like refugees in other people country today...they dont want to blame Jagan...

Nehru posted:

Who thinks Django will ever post the declassified documents showing the PNC being bought for pennies by the CIA and worst???

Dat one needs clearance from Congress Place. How come Moses is not being asked questions about this ?


Yuji, for these shameless Monsters to blame THE FATHER OF THE NATION TO SEEK HELP FOR HIS PEOPLE WHEN THE PNC DOGS WERE RAPING, KILLING, BURNING HOUSES AND BUSINESSES OF INDIANS AND OTHER PPP SUPPORTERS THEY ARE BEYOND BEING DOGS AND ARE INDEED INHUMAN PARASITES!!!  One of them call the late, great Dr Jagan desperate for calling for help when his people are being RAPE, KILLED and their possessions Burn /stolen. Are these humans?? NO, wild animals will be classified above them!!!

Nehru posted:

Yuji, for these shameless Monsters to blame THE FATHER OF THE NATION TO SEEK HELP FOR HIS PEOPLE WHEN THE PNC DOGS WERE RAPING, KILLING, BURNING HOUSES AND BUSINESSES OF INDIANS AND OTHER PPP SUPPORTERS THEY ARE BEYOND BEING DOGS AND ARE INDEED INHUMAN PARASITES!!!  One of them call the late, great Dr Jagan desperate for calling for help when his people are being RAPE, KILLED and their possessions Burn /stolen. Are these humans?? NO, wild animals will be classified above them!!!

This was the case when Janet  Jagan was the foreign affairs minister, and they were helpless then....quite understandably...what happen in Wismar was atrocious.

However, how does the PPP explain incidents since then, after independence, when their supporters were left helpless to defend themselves while the big shots like Jagdeo live in his Mansion...such as the protests that takes place at every election under the PPP?

The biggest mystery of all is the PPP cadres walked around idolizing Che and Fidel and Stalin and Lenin...yet, these radical revolutionaries had no answers for removing the Burnham dictatorship for 28 years.

Would Africans allow Indians to do the same to Africans?

Just making an observation...


yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

Who thinks Django will ever post the declassified documents showing the PNC being bought for pennies by the CIA and worst???

Dat one needs clearance from Congress Place. How come Moses is not being asked questions about this ?

If you guys have it go ahead and post it. It should be available since as Nehru says that the document was declassified.  It' doesn't need clearance from Congress Place; it's a CIA declassified document.

Leonora posted:
Mitwah posted:
And due to the threat of communism, many of the affluent ones started to move their wealth out of the country.

Yes, sir. Some Americans went to Guyana to escape Vietnam; a Nazarene pastor was staying near us, and Mom asked him how to get my big sis to NYC as a student. Mom sent our Rice funds to her to bank in the US; big sis sponsored us; then 6 months later we bought our first house. 

Money laundering started in Guyana.


For those of you who are are blind to see the other side:

LFS Burnham was a member of the British Communist party.

From inception LFS claimed his party was socialist which dictated that the cooperative sector of the economy will become dominant.  Go read his speeches at the Sophia Declaration. The PNC supported communist forces in Southern Africa including their proxies (Cubans, East Germans, Soviets).  Cuban troops were allowed to re-fuel in Guyana in 1975 during the MPLA crisis. That's how many East German military trucks were left in Guyana for the PNC to use to transport their thugs to breakup PPP meetings.  The PNC was a leftist party all those years.  Dr. Harold Lutchman stated in his writings from the sixties that the PPP and PNC should have been in a coalition since their ideologies were almost the same.  


Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:

Who thinks Django will ever post the declassified documents showing the PNC being bought for pennies by the CIA and worst???

Well you can,the declassified information is out there.

Django is not sheeple,he was a kid in those days.I am finding out now what transpired.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

For those of you who are are blind to see the other side:

LFS Burnham was a member of the British Communist party.

From inception LFS claimed his party was socialist which dictated that the cooperative sector of the economy will become dominant.  Go read his speeches at the Sophia Declaration. The PNC supported communist forces in Southern Africa including their proxies (Cubans, East Germans, Soviets).  Cuban troops were allowed to re-fuel in Guyana in 1975 during the MPLA crisis. That's how many East German military trucks were left in Guyana for the PNC to use to transport their thugs to breakup PPP meetings.  The PNC was a leftist party all those years.  Dr. Harold Lutchman stated in his writings from the sixties that the PPP and PNC should have been in a coalition since their ideologies were almost the same.  


No one denies the fact that Burnham was a Commie Knucklehead just like you and Cheddi. You do know that the US and the British were backing Burnham and his coalition with the UF while the USSR and Cuba were supporting the PPP in the 60's, don't you? The US and the British saw Jagan as being more hostile to the West than Burnham and they supported Burnham, the lesser of two evils in their eyes. Jagan was far more open about his hatred of the West than Burnham during the 60's. Jagan was screaming nationalization from the time the British Flag was lowered in 1966. You should know since "The West on Trial" is your Bible. My grandfather used to tell me about you fools marching through the streets of GT in your red shirts chanting Commie songs.

Last edited by Mars
kp posted:
Leonora posted:
Mitwah posted:
And due to the threat of communism, many of the affluent ones started to move their wealth out of the country.

Yes, sir. Some Americans went to Guyana to escape Vietnam; a Nazarene pastor was staying near us, and Mom asked him how to get my big sis to NYC as a student. Mom sent our Rice funds to her to bank in the US; big sis sponsored us; then 6 months later we bought our first house. 

Money laundering started in Guyana.

"Mercl and the other four members of the delegation will probably leave on 25 June 1962 and will stay abroad from 10 to 15 days. The expenses will be covered by the Ministry of Foreign Trade, we will cover only the expenses of this delegation in British Guiana."


How about the above kp

VishMahabir posted:
The biggest mystery of all is the PPP cadres walked around idolizing Che and Fidel and Stalin and Lenin...yet, these radical revolutionaries had no answers for removing the Burnham dictatorship for 28 years.



They called themselves revolutionaries, idolizing everything Communist. Wearing red shirts, chanting Commie songs, naming their children Vladimir, growing their beards like Lenin. Man, my grandfather used to tell me some stories as a small boy. I used to go and help him in his drug store and get some good laughs. Revolutionaries in their dreams.

Nehru posted:

Yuji, for these shameless Monsters to blame THE FATHER OF THE NATION TO SEEK HELP FOR HIS PEOPLE WHEN THE PNC DOGS WERE RAPING, KILLING, BURNING HOUSES AND BUSINESSES OF INDIANS AND OTHER PPP SUPPORTERS THEY ARE BEYOND BEING DOGS AND ARE INDEED INHUMAN PARASITES!!!  One of them call the late, great Dr Jagan desperate for calling for help when his people are being RAPE, KILLED and their possessions Burn /stolen. Are these humans?? NO, wild animals will be classified above them!!!

Total bullcrap,

give a timeline when those incidents started,and what instigated such.

You are a smart fella.

Last edited by Django
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

For those of you who are are blind to see the other side:

LFS Burnham was a member of the British Communist party.

From inception LFS claimed his party was socialist which dictated that the cooperative sector of the economy will become dominant.  Go read his speeches at the Sophia Declaration. The PNC supported communist forces in Southern Africa including their proxies (Cubans, East Germans, Soviets).  Cuban troops were allowed to re-fuel in Guyana in 1975 during the MPLA crisis. That's how many East German military trucks were left in Guyana for the PNC to use to transport their thugs to breakup PPP meetings.  The PNC was a leftist party all those years.  Dr. Harold Lutchman stated in his writings from the sixties that the PPP and PNC should have been in a coalition since their ideologies were almost the same.  


No one denies the fact that Burnham was a Commie Knucklehead just like you and Cheddi. You do know that the US and the British were backing Burnham and his coalition with the UF while the USSR and Cuba were supporting the PPP in the 60's, don't you? The US and the British saw Jagan as being more hostile to the West than Burnham and they supported Burnham, the lesser of two evils in their eyes. Jagan was far more open about his hatred of the West than Burnham during the 60's. Jagan was screaming nationalization from the time the British Flag was lowered in 1966. You should know since "The West on Trial" is your Bible. My grandfather used to tell me about you fools marching through the streets of GT in your red shirts chanting Commie songs.

Burnham turned out to be the greater of the two evils. The Americans admitted that afterwards and helped Cheddie get back into office. Bill Clinton paid tribute to Cheddie. Cheddie had his faults. No one denies that, but at heart he was well meaning when it came to helping to uplift all Guyanese. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Burnham turned out to be the greater of the two evils. The Americans admitted that afterwards and helped Cheddie get back into office. Bill Clinton paid tribute to Cheddie. Cheddie had his faults. No one denies that, but at heart he was well meaning when it came to helping to uplift all Guyanese. 

The Americans were just exercising some measure of diplomacy towards Cheddi, something Cheddi knew nothing about. That was after they were sure that he was reduced to a subservient poodle and the USSR had fallen. If he understood how to play the game instead of putting y'all stupid Commie ideology over the interests of the country and its people, he might have been President a lot earlier. The country would have gone down the shithole anyway since Cheddi was looking to nationalize foreign interests from the day that Guyana became independent. We know from Guyana's experience and also that of our Western neighbor where Nationalization leads. Imagine a once rich country before Chavez sending its wh0res to wuk in Guyana now.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Burnham turned out to be the greater of the two evils. The Americans admitted that afterwards and helped Cheddie get back into office. Bill Clinton paid tribute to Cheddie. Cheddie had his faults. No one denies that, but at heart he was well meaning when it came to helping to uplift all Guyanese. 

The Americans were just exercising some measure of diplomacy towards Cheddi, something Cheddi knew nothing about. That was after they were sure that he was reduced to a subservient poodle and the USSR had fallen. If he understood how to play the game instead of putting y'all stupid Commie ideology over the interests of the country and its people, he might have been President a lot earlier. The country would have gone down the shithole anyway since Cheddi was looking to nationalize foreign interests from the day that Guyana became independent. We know from Guyana's experience and also that of our Western neighbor where Nationalization leads. Imagine a once rich country before Chavez sending its wh0res to wuk in Guyana now.

You must be one of them who subscribed to socialism and now pretending be a lover of western capitalism after implosion of the Soviet Union.  I will give you an example of a political commentators who was crazy about Marxism and is now brazenly acting as if he was Guyana's Joseph McCarthy.  Freddie Kissoon, a newspaper columnist, worked for the Bishop government in Grenada.  He went there because of his firm believe in Marxism/Lenism.  Today he is writing and behaving like a notorious Indian bitch pretending to be a pure virgin. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Burnham turned out to be the greater of the two evils. The Americans admitted that afterwards and helped Cheddie get back into office. Bill Clinton paid tribute to Cheddie. Cheddie had his faults. No one denies that, but at heart he was well meaning when it came to helping to uplift all Guyanese. 

The Americans were just exercising some measure of diplomacy towards Cheddi, something Cheddi knew nothing about. That was after they were sure that he was reduced to a subservient poodle and the USSR had fallen. If he understood how to play the game instead of putting y'all stupid Commie ideology over the interests of the country and its people, he might have been President a lot earlier. The country would have gone down the shithole anyway since Cheddi was looking to nationalize foreign interests from the day that Guyana became independent. We know from Guyana's experience and also that of our Western neighbor where Nationalization leads. Imagine a once rich country before Chavez sending its wh0res to wuk in Guyana now.

You must be one of them who subscribed to socialism and now pretending be a lover of western capitalism after implosion of the Soviet Union.  I will give you an example of a political commentators who was crazy about Marxism and is now brazenly acting as if he was Guyana's Joseph McCarthy.  Freddie Kissoon, a newspaper columnist, worked for the Bishop government in Grenada.  He went there because of his firm believe in Marxism/Lenism.  Today he is writing and behaving like a notorious Indian bitch pretending to be a pure virgin. 

My family had business interests in Guyana going back for close to 100 years that I know about. Selling every and anything except drugs and pvssy. During August Holidays from school, I used to go down to my grandfather's drug store and help him. My grandfather was a staunch anti-Communist and he schooled me on you clowns from an early age. You have the wrong person if you think I was ever associated with any of you Commie Knuckleheads.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Burnham turned out to be the greater of the two evils. The Americans admitted that afterwards and helped Cheddie get back into office. Bill Clinton paid tribute to Cheddie. Cheddie had his faults. No one denies that, but at heart he was well meaning when it came to helping to uplift all Guyanese. 

The Americans were just exercising some measure of diplomacy towards Cheddi, something Cheddi knew nothing about. That was after they were sure that he was reduced to a subservient poodle and the USSR had fallen. If he understood how to play the game instead of putting y'all stupid Commie ideology over the interests of the country and its people, he might have been President a lot earlier. The country would have gone down the shithole anyway since Cheddi was looking to nationalize foreign interests from the day that Guyana became independent. We know from Guyana's experience and also that of our Western neighbor where Nationalization leads. Imagine a once rich country before Chavez sending its wh0res to wuk in Guyana now.

You must be one of them who subscribed to socialism and now pretending be a lover of western capitalism after implosion of the Soviet Union.  I will give you an example of a political commentators who was crazy about Marxism and is now brazenly acting as if he was Guyana's Joseph McCarthy.  Freddie Kissoon, a newspaper columnist, worked for the Bishop government in Grenada.  He went there because of his firm believe in Marxism/Lenism.  Today he is writing and behaving like a notorious Indian bitch pretending to be a pure virgin. 

My family had business interests in Guyana going back for close to 100 years that I know about. Selling every and anything except drugs and pvssy. During August Holidays from school, I used to go down to my grandfather's drug store and help him. My grandfather was a staunch anti-Communist and he schooled me on you clowns from an early age. You have the wrong person if you think I was ever associated with any of you Commie Knuckleheads.

If this true why you are running behind the PNC whose comrades wore beards like Castro in the seventies and eighties?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Burnham turned out to be the greater of the two evils. The Americans admitted that afterwards and helped Cheddie get back into office. Bill Clinton paid tribute to Cheddie. Cheddie had his faults. No one denies that, but at heart he was well meaning when it came to helping to uplift all Guyanese. 

The Americans were just exercising some measure of diplomacy towards Cheddi, something Cheddi knew nothing about. That was after they were sure that he was reduced to a subservient poodle and the USSR had fallen. If he understood how to play the game instead of putting y'all stupid Commie ideology over the interests of the country and its people, he might have been President a lot earlier. The country would have gone down the shithole anyway since Cheddi was looking to nationalize foreign interests from the day that Guyana became independent. We know from Guyana's experience and also that of our Western neighbor where Nationalization leads. Imagine a once rich country before Chavez sending its wh0res to wuk in Guyana now.

You must be one of them who subscribed to socialism and now pretending be a lover of western capitalism after implosion of the Soviet Union.  I will give you an example of a political commentators who was crazy about Marxism and is now brazenly acting as if he was Guyana's Joseph McCarthy.  Freddie Kissoon, a newspaper columnist, worked for the Bishop government in Grenada.  He went there because of his firm believe in Marxism/Lenism.  Today he is writing and behaving like a notorious Indian bitch pretending to be a pure virgin. 

My family had business interests in Guyana going back for close to 100 years that I know about. Selling every and anything except drugs and pvssy. During August Holidays from school, I used to go down to my grandfather's drug store and help him. My grandfather was a staunch anti-Communist and he schooled me on you clowns from an early age. You have the wrong person if you think I was ever associated with any of you Commie Knuckleheads.

If this true why are running behind the PNC whose comrades wore beards like Castro in the seventies and eighties?

Again, you have the wrong person. I don't run behind any political party or person in Guyana and I've never had a beard or a moustache. I merely come on GNI and write. It keeps my mind sharp and dulls the effect of the lies that you propagandists try to spread.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Burnham turned out to be the greater of the two evils. The Americans admitted that afterwards and helped Cheddie get back into office. Bill Clinton paid tribute to Cheddie. Cheddie had his faults. No one denies that, but at heart he was well meaning when it came to helping to uplift all Guyanese. 

The Americans were just exercising some measure of diplomacy towards Cheddi, something Cheddi knew nothing about. That was after they were sure that he was reduced to a subservient poodle and the USSR had fallen. If he understood how to play the game instead of putting y'all stupid Commie ideology over the interests of the country and its people, he might have been President a lot earlier. The country would have gone down the shithole anyway since Cheddi was looking to nationalize foreign interests from the day that Guyana became independent. We know from Guyana's experience and also that of our Western neighbor where Nationalization leads. Imagine a once rich country before Chavez sending its wh0res to wuk in Guyana now.

You must be one of them who subscribed to socialism and now pretending be a lover of western capitalism after implosion of the Soviet Union.  I will give you an example of a political commentators who was crazy about Marxism and is now brazenly acting as if he was Guyana's Joseph McCarthy.  Freddie Kissoon, a newspaper columnist, worked for the Bishop government in Grenada.  He went there because of his firm believe in Marxism/Lenism.  Today he is writing and behaving like a notorious Indian bitch pretending to be a pure virgin. 

My family had business interests in Guyana going back for close to 100 years that I know about. Selling every and anything except drugs and pvssy. During August Holidays from school, I used to go down to my grandfather's drug store and help him. My grandfather was a staunch anti-Communist and he schooled me on you clowns from an early age. You have the wrong person if you think I was ever associated with any of you Commie Knuckleheads.

If this true why are running behind the PNC whose comrades wore beards like Castro in the seventies and eighties?

Again, you have the wrong person. I don't run behind any political party or person in Guyana and I've never had a beard or a moustache. I merely come on GNI and write. It keeps my mind sharp and dulls the effect of the lies that you propagandists try to spread.

Well, I am not affiliated with any political party, but I do care about the country of my birth and its people. I would love to see all parties respect the rights of the people and allow the system to work the way it should work. Political interference in  GECOM has only one aim - that is to rig elections and deny the Guyanese people of their right to choose. I will speak out against this no matter what.  No amount of evidence of the PPP's ideological links with the East would deter me from speaking out. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Well, I am not affiliated with any political party, but I do care about the country of my birth and its people. I would love to see all parties respect the rights of the people and allow the system to work the way it should work. Political interference in  GECOM has only one aim - that is to rig elections and deny the Guyanese people of their right to choose. I will speak out against this no matter what.  No amount of evidence of the PPP's ideological links with the East would deter me from speaking out. 

Oh Please!!! You were one of those who the PPP used to bus down from the country to march through GT singing Commie songs in your red shirt.

Did you speak out when the PPP rigged the elections against Balram Singh Rai? Did you speak out when the PPP stole a seat from the AFC? Did you speak out when the PPP took a shit on democracy by delaying local government elections? You must have been a bit hoarse from the flu.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Burnham turned out to be the greater of the two evils. The Americans admitted that afterwards and helped Cheddie get back into office. Bill Clinton paid tribute to Cheddie. Cheddie had his faults. No one denies that, but at heart he was well meaning when it came to helping to uplift all Guyanese. 

The Americans were just exercising some measure of diplomacy towards Cheddi, something Cheddi knew nothing about. That was after they were sure that he was reduced to a subservient poodle and the USSR had fallen. If he understood how to play the game instead of putting y'all stupid Commie ideology over the interests of the country and its people, he might have been President a lot earlier. The country would have gone down the shithole anyway since Cheddi was looking to nationalize foreign interests from the day that Guyana became independent. We know from Guyana's experience and also that of our Western neighbor where Nationalization leads. Imagine a once rich country before Chavez sending its wh0res to wuk in Guyana now.

You must be one of them who subscribed to socialism and now pretending be a lover of western capitalism after implosion of the Soviet Union.  I will give you an example of a political commentators who was crazy about Marxism and is now brazenly acting as if he was Guyana's Joseph McCarthy.  Freddie Kissoon, a newspaper columnist, worked for the Bishop government in Grenada.  He went there because of his firm believe in Marxism/Lenism.  Today he is writing and behaving like a notorious Indian bitch pretending to be a pure virgin. 

My family had business interests in Guyana going back for close to 100 years that I know about. Selling every and anything except drugs and pvssy. During August Holidays from school, I used to go down to my grandfather's drug store and help him. My grandfather was a staunch anti-Communist and he schooled me on you clowns from an early age. You have the wrong person if you think I was ever associated with any of you Commie Knuckleheads.

Was he prejudiced in his schooling to you. U come accross as a mixed putagee. I know this Gravesande guy, worked along side him at Blairmont. Man, dat chap hated cooolie ppl, he would say whatever was on his mind as if Indians were igorant of his english words.

Maybe, he believed they were still speaking Bhojpuri.

He was a carpenter, responsible for building scaffolds. I told his Black Foreman that I would not go up a scaffold that he built for me. His hate could turn to murder. 

The Foreman did not disagree. He was quiet. But Gravesande never made a scaffold for me since that day.

Strange enough, his sons and daugthers were in class with me. We were always cordial. 



I attended high school in Guyana and students of all races got along very well.

It was only during election time that political differences were noticed.

Things went back to normal after Burnham took his majority landslide victories and the army took over the ballot boxes. 

Imagine Burnham had landslide victories in Berbice. Old people used to laugh at the election results.

The younger generation is getting back a taste of the PNC. 


seignet posted:

Was he prejudiced in his schooling to you. U come accross as a mixed putagee. I know this Gravesande guy, worked along side him at Blairmont. Man, dat chap hated cooolie ppl, he would say whatever was on his mind as if Indians were igorant of his english words.

Maybe, he believed they were still speaking Bhojpuri.

He was a carpenter, responsible for building scaffolds. I told his Black Foreman that I would not go up a scaffold that he built for me. His hate could turn to murder. 

The Foreman did not disagree. He was quiet. But Gravesande never made a scaffold for me since that day.

Strange enough, his sons and daugthers were in class with me. We were always cordial. 


That guy was probably Dutch.


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