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La  Guardia Nacional Bolivariana confirmÓ ayer en la tarde la muerte de dos ciudadanos guyaneses en un enfrentamiento con funcionarios de este componente militar en el cual resultÓ herido un GNB. Dos indÍgenas se encuentran detenidos y son llevados a Tucupita por vÍa fluvial.


El hecho ocurriÓ ayer en la madrugada entre funcionarios del Destacamento Fluvial N° 11 y los tripulantes de una embarcaciÓn que se desplazaban por el caño conocido como Korosaima, limÍtrofe con Guyana desde la parroquia Aniceto Lugo, del municipio Antonio DÍaz, en Delta Amacuro.

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The National Guard yesterday afternoon confirmed the deaths of two Guyanese citizens in a confrontation with officials of the military component in which injured one GNB. Two Indians were detained and taken to Tucupita by river.
The incident occurred yesterday morning between officials River Detachment No. 11 and the crew of a boat that moved through the pipe known as Korosaima, bordering Guyana Aniceto Lugo from the parish, municipality Antonio Diaz in Delta Amacuro.


It looks like these two Guyanese citizens were executed in Venezuelan custody.  Like I said before. Only by becoming a part of the Commonwealth of the United States can we Guyanese prevent this from continuing to happen.


A father and son were on Thursday evening shot and killed on the Venezuelan border close to the North West District and it has been reported that lawmen in that country confronted the duo over a robbery and a shooting report.

While the relatives of 52-year-old Orlando Fitzpatrick and his 17-year-old son Jesse are reporting that the men were shot and killed during a robbery, there are other reports that the men were involved in an earlier shooting and had robbed two Guyanese.

The reputed wife of Orlando, Marlyn Allick, said her husband and son were brutally murdered sometime on Thursday evening, hours after he had called to say he was heading home. She said they were also beaten according to reports and questioned why two men who were in the boat with them escaped unharmed. The woman also wants to know why the men’s bodies were returned to Venezuela.

Orlando Fitzpatrick [right) and his son Jesse

Orlando Fitzpatrick (right) and his son Jesse

Asked about reports that the men were involved in a shooting prior to this incident, the woman responded in the affirmative but said the persons involved are trying to blame her husband and son. She said the two men allegedly involved had threatened her son and her husband. She said her husband will never rob and said the men claiming this are known to her.

However, relatives of the two men said the victims of the robbery had made a report against the father and son to the Venezuelan authorities and it was police in that country who confronted the men. Reports are that the men opened fire with two hand guns and the lawmen returned fire. One Venezuelan policeman was shot in the process.


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