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2 more Guyanese busted with cocaine at JFK


Two more Guyanese are facing drug trafficking charges after they were separately busted at the John F Kennedy (JKF) Airport in New York, United States with cocaine.
Guyanese business owner Luke Kendall, was nabbed with cocaine pellets in his stomach upon his arrival on September 20, 2018, in the United States.
According to reports, Kendall arrived on a flight from Georgetown, Guyana and was subjected to a routine search by immigration agents at the airport. He was reportedly visiting the United Stated to purchase items for a business that he

Odessa Edmondson

usually operates for his mother.
However, when the man was asked by the agents to provide names and contact numbers for the persons he was visiting, those persons indicated that they had no idea Kendall was visiting. By this time, the ranks ordered the man to undergo an X-ray examination after which it was revealed that he had ingested cocaine pellets.
Further examinations showed that the drug mule had more than 200 pellets containing the illegal drug, which he swallowed. He later admitted to swallowing more than three pounds of the substance.
Kendall was charged and arraigned with the offence on September 24, 2018, before Magistrate Judge Steven Tiscione. His preliminary hearing is set for October 8.
Meanwhile, a young mother of Ituni, Upper Demerara River, is similarly facing drug trafficking charges after she was apprehended at with some 200 cocaine pellets in her stomach two Saturdays ago. The woman, Odessa Edmondson, who travelling with her baby, was intercepted by US Customs and Border agents.
Agents observed Edmondson perspiring and acting in a suspicious manner which led agents to question her further. It was then that the young woman reportedly admitted to ingesting the pellets, revealing that she was going to be paid some US$6000 to smuggle the drugs into the United States. Edmondson reportedly excreted the pellets weighing over three pounds. As such, charges have since

Cocaine pellets

been filed against her.
Guyanese Kurt and Maria Bruney were recently nabbed in similar circumstances when they were both busted by US Customs and Border officers at the JFK Airport. The couple allegedly attempted to smuggle hundreds of cocaine pellets into the US, after arriving in New York on a flight from Guyana on September 23.
The husband was reportedly approached by officers to do an X-ray and just then, his partner in life and crime reportedly spilled the beans that they had ingested cocaine pellets. The East Coast Demerara couple both cumulatively had well over 200 cocaine pellets in their systems, with the contents of an excreted pellet testing positive for cocaine. Reports indicate that a sum of US$6000 was promised for his efforts, which was a similar amount to that of the suspected Linden mule.
These individuals follow in the footsteps of several locals who were busted in the US attempting to smuggle drugs. The majority of the mules have been identified as women and they would often blame their economic and single-parent status for drug smuggling. However, Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) Deputy Head Lesley Ramlall recently outlined that one’s economic circumstances is no excuse for drug smuggling. As reported in sections of the media, CANU is working closely with the US immigration unit to probe the β€œcocaine ring”.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

kp posted:

They all have one thing in common, 200 cocaine pellets each in their stomach, where is the DEA people are talking about stationed in Guyana.  The US government needs to dig deep and find the source in Guyana, too many MULES are coming from Guyana since PNC took office, now that the country is run by Jackasses.

the country has always been run by jackasses...if by that you mean shady characters. However, there is a resident drug culture in guyana so any government coming in would have problems dealing with the smugglers. I bet it is the same old heads doing it and according to the US and estimates from  Columbia, the output of cocaine in Columbia has almost doubled since farc moved out and smaller players moved in to fill the gap. We need to concentrate on these big wigs with unexplained wealth. However, in our small society these are the very individuals who would have compromised the officials so they remain "untouchables"


Cocaine pellets plain talk:

A mule swallows them. They make a slow short trip through her stomach, small intestine & large intestine. Meanwhile, like the mythical winged horse Pegasus, the mule travels from Timehri to New York. In a nondescript location shortly after a strong dose of Senokot, mule sits on a Miss Mary and ... splooosh ... pellets splash out. Wearing gloves (presumably), mule picks out pellets from feces and places them in a container and washes them under a faucet (presumably). Next, she opens up pellets and empties cocaine into little plastic sachets. She hands over sachets to a pusher who sells them surreptitiously to Joe, Jenny & Harry. When those buyers sniff that cocaine up their nostrils, do they care a shit where it came from or through? smh

D2 posted:
kp posted:

They all have one thing in common, 200 cocaine pellets each in their stomach, where is the DEA people are talking about stationed in Guyana.  The US government needs to dig deep and find the source in Guyana, too many MULES are coming from Guyana since PNC took office, now that the country is run by Jackasses.

the country has always been run by jackasses...if by that you mean shady characters. However, there is a resident drug culture in guyana so any government coming in would have problems dealing with the smugglers. I bet it is the same old heads doing it and according to the US and estimates from  Columbia, the output of cocaine in Columbia has almost doubled since farc moved out and smaller players moved in to fill the gap. We need to concentrate on these big wigs with unexplained wealth. However, in our small society these are the very individuals who would have compromised the officials so they remain "untouchables"

This is a different story you are telling here now. When Ramotar and Jagdeo were in office, you did not generalize. You went on a verbose tirade against the PPP. Please, let's call a spade a spade. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. 

kp posted:

Payless Advisors overseas are collecting the drugs to sell and fund re election campaign . If they defend criminals we must inform the authority.  PNC convert Rice  and Sugar factories into Drug factories big business. 

It is now evident that crime and drugs have escalated under AFC/PNC. It will only get worse. PNC cannot run even a cake shop, how can they manage an economy ?

They converted once hard working and thriving communities into crime haven. PNC will never change. They converted sugar estates on illegal drug manufacturing outlets.

Remember how the AFC weeder gang had ideas prior to the election to diversify the estates ? Well, they have done Katahar for sugar workers.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Payless Advisors overseas are collecting the drugs to sell and fund re election campaign . If they defend criminals we must inform the authority.  PNC convert Rice  and Sugar factories into Drug factories big business. 


Recreational marijuana will officially become legal in Canada on Oct. 17, 2018

It will help your sexual and mental illness. 

Admin, please warn him with his personal attacks.

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