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Gov’t hands Surendra probe over to police

Posted By Staff Writer On September 13, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

Confident that the documents submitted by Surendra Engineering Company Limited (SECL) for the specialty hospital contract are bogus, government has asked the Guyana Police Force to begin criminal investigations.

“We have handed over to the Police Commission-er, on behalf of the Government of Guyana, the documents and the confirmation from the Central Bank of Trinidad with the request to launch an investigation,” Attorney General Anil Nandlall yesterday told Stabroek News.

Addressing an announcement by the government of its intention to terminate the hospital project contract and pursue legal action to recover public funds paid over to the company, SECL’s Manag-ing Director Brijen Parikh, in a statement on Thursday, rejected the allegations as baseless.

Anil Nandlall

Anil Nandlall

The company also accused the Donald Ramotar administration of seeking to back out of its commitments to the US$18M specialty hospital project and being responsible for the stoppage of work. The row between the two is a major embarrassment to the PPP/C government as both the Jagdeo and Ramotar administrations had been accused of favouring Surendra for high-profile contracts.

On Tuesday, the administration revealed that since late June of this year it has been engaging SECL on a number of issues relating to allegations of fraud and financial irregularities.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Surendra must name names and produce evidence of the greasing.

AFC must demand  that PPP Cabal explain why the 14 water pumps were long ordered but Surendra never delivered, yet Ramsammy misled the nation by claiming they were in the country.

AFC must demand the PPP Cabal explain US$2 million paid to BK on the foundation when it previously paid another contractor, Bovell GY$91 million for the same foundation preaparation.

Khemraj should push for the police to include the cabinet ministers and not only Surendra. This matter involves the Jagdeo and Ramotar administration who facilitated and approved everything. Parliament should probe the finances and assets of the cabinet ministers involved.

Let’s say no to corruption. A fish rots from the head down.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Surendra must name names and produce evidence of the greasing.

AFC must demand  that PPP Cabal explain why the 14 water pumps were long ordered but Surendra never delivered, yet Ramsammy misled the nation by claiming they were in the country.

AFC must demand the PPP Cabal explain US$2 million paid to BK on the foundation when it previously paid another contractor, Bovell GY$91 million for the same foundation preaparation.

Khemraj should push for the police to include the cabinet ministers and not only Surendra. This matter involves the Jagdeo and Ramotar administration who facilitated and approved everything. Parliament should probe the finances and assets of the cabinet ministers involved.

Let’s say no to corruption. A fish rots from the head down.

I AGREE with ALL the above Mits Bhai.  The Guyanese People need to know NOW!!!!!  


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