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20 acres of land at Goedverwagting, Sparendaam transferred to Windsor Estate developers

NICIL officials, and representative of the Navigant Builders Inc turning sod at Ogle, East Coast Demerara [Photo taken in February 2020]

Some 20 acres of lands at Goedverwagting and Sparendam on the East Coast of Demerara have been transferred to Navigant Builders Incorporated – the developers of the Windsor Estate.

The transfer was done by the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) and the order was signed by caretaker Finance Minister Winston Jordan on June 11, 2020.

Navigant Builders Incorporated had earlier this year turned the sod for a US$84M project at Ogle, ECD – but the initiative was later put on hold due to the political uncertainty.

That development came at a time when the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) has before it a huge backlog of cases and thousands of dissatisfied ordinary citizens languishing in the system, made worse by the coalition government’s lack of ordinary house lot distribution policies.

Meanwhile, more tracts of lands have been transferred by the APNU/AFC coalition administration during its waning days in office.

There was the transfer of some 20 acres of land, also from Goedverwagting and Sparendam, to American Marine and Services Incorporated. The company, located at Lot 215 Cross Street and Mandela Avenue Alexander Village, was granted the land by NICIL on the basis of a signed order by Jordan also on June 11, 2020.

Guyana Times earlier reported that Bosai Minerals Group had a total of 1.427 acres of land transferred to it by NICIL, through an order signed by Jordan.

Source -

    GUYANA TIMES----- Today


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@Totaram posted:

Barat an Ramroop own Guyana Times....dem vex because sombady else get business....dem want all de business and dem kakish...ever hear bout GPC?  

Your post indicates that you are trying to cover up for the PNC.  The PNC is stealing again and you are not denying it. Just because 'Barat and Ramroom' own Guyana Times does not make it right for the PNC to steal again.     This would make the PNC hypocrites seeing that they just accused the PPP of rigging. 


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