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2000-year-old Amerindian vessel donated to Walter Roth Museum

September 20, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


A valuable 2,000-year-old piece of Amerindian artifact has been handed over to the Walter Roth Museum.


Annette Arjoon-Martins of the Walter Roth Museum yesterday handing over the 2,000-year-old vessel to Culture Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony. Looking on is Permanent Secretary, Alfred King.

Annette Arjoon-Martins of the Walter Roth Museum yesterday handing over the 2,000-year-old vessel to Culture Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony. Looking on is Permanent Secretary, Alfred King.


The ceramic vessel, according to board member, Annette Arjoon-Martins, which contain flecks of gold at the bottom, is of Akawaio design and was excavated from under 30 feet of sand on the gravel bed at the bottom of the Mazaruni River, Region Seven.

The museum, located on Main Street, Georgetown, has been on a campaign to boost its collection.

One such Guyanese, who is now living overseas, has heeded the call.

“On a visit to my husband’s family in Canada recently, I was asked to bring back to Guyana a 2,080-year-old Amerindian ceramic vessel which had been found in the 1970’s by Mr. Bertie Leung who was mining in the Mazaruni area… the exact location was in the vicinity of Marshall Falls.”

Leung had taken the pot with him to Canada when he migrated in 1980 but decided that it needs to come back home to Guyana, said Arjoon-Martins yesterday.

The conservationist, a trained pilot, has also been working to save sea turtles and the country’s mangrove to help protect the Coastlands.

“I am humbled to be the emissary and take great pride in handing it over to the safekeeping of the Walter Roth Museum and the Ministry of Culture where it belongs,” she said yesterday.

Calling for other miners and Guyanese to donate pieces that they may have found, Arjoon-Martins said she has asked Patrick Harding, President of the Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) to assist by seeking the support of his members.


Source - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-walter-roth-museum/

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