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2012 students’ performance a reflection of Gov’t investment – Minister Manickchand


Georgetown GINA, October 24, 2012 -- Source - GINA


Top CSEC Regional Performers from left to right: Karran Singh, Deowattie Narine, Tamasha Maraj and Sarah Hack


The performance of Guyana’s students is a reflection of what was put into the education system and shows clearly that investments can bring returns, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand said at today’s Education Awards ceremony.


To the students, it was with a sense of pride that she told them, “You give us a reason to continue…because you have brought to us immense pride and joy and you really epitomised our success as a people and as a Ministry.”


Pointing out that the Ministry does not only serve Georgetown, the Minister noted that this could be seen by the performance of the top students and the schools they come from.


Singling out this year’s CSEC top performer Sarah Hack of the Abram’s Zuil Secondary School, Minister Manickchand stated that because of trained teachers around the country, a student from Essequibo has now topped the nation. “We can only do better and we must do better,” she said.


The Education Minister noted that the Education Awards also celebrated the four CSEC awardees who topped the Region, giving Guyana 4 of the 8 CSEC awards. The four awards scored this year are for the Top Performer Overall, in Business Education, in the Sciences and in Technical Vocational Education.


CSEC Regional awards started in 1988, but it was not until 1997 when Guyanese students began to bring them home. More followed in 1999, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012.


“Where there was investment we starting seeing the results. We want to promise you as the Government we will continue to put in the effort, we will continue to make the investments, we will continue to make demands at the excellence of our teachers and the Ministry staff and we will continue to do what we need to do to ensure that our children can get the best education we can offer,” Minister Manickchand assured.


Minister of Education Priya Manickchand expresses pride in the achievements of students at the Education Awards ceremony


She noted however, that partners are required since Government cannot do it alone. While teachers can be trained, free uniforms, textbooks and exercise books can be offered, parents also have a huge role to play in the education of their children.


“The children too will have a huge role to play and we ask that all partners join us and hold our hands to make sure we can give our children the best we can give them because it is only with a sound education that Guyana can develop at the pace they need to develop at.”


Top CSEC winners


Sarah Hach of Abram’s Zuil Secondary School, is the winner of the award for Most Outstanding Candidate Overall in the region. Sarah wrote 16 subjects and achieved Grade I in all 16 subjects with all As on the Profile grades.


Sarah’s exceptional performance has placed Abram’s Zuil Secondary School in the prestigious position of achieving the CSEC School of the Year award for 2012.


Tamasha Maraj from Bishops High School gained the award for the Most Outstanding Candidate in Business Education with 13 subjects.


The award for the Most Outstanding Candidate in the Sciences went to Deowattie Narine, also from Bishops High School, who achieved Grade I in 13 subjects.


Karran Singh, a student of St Rose’s High School is the Most Outstanding Candidate in Technical Vocational Education. Karran achieved Grade I in 12 subjects.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Kudos to minister Priya and the government. Investment in the children of Guyana will pay dividends and we are starting to see progress. It would be nice to see politicians set aside differences and make an effort to benefit all Guyanese.


The person in the mirror is responsible for their sucess not the teachers kudos to the students.That fat assed woman needs to shut up Guyana education system has fallen over the years....


One could tell when a government lacks initiatives. The minister always appears to be busy with current issues. The students did well, but I think all the hoopla is just the absense of future plans.


Employment is non existent and the future in Guyana is gloomy. Suh, there is no vision of the minister to be innovative in meeting the demands of the labor force.


Education prepares a labor force. 


Despite all the challenges with foreign countries cannabilizing Guyana's good teachers, it is heartening to hear that Guyanese kids are still kicking butt in the intellectual arena.  The naysayers like Shadow and Seignet will continue to downplay these accomplishments but it is there for all to see.


Now how % of Guyanese kids earn grade I or II in English and Maths.


That is really more important.  Not about the few who make it DESPITE the system because they must worker harder to succeed in an environment where excellent teaching is most available to those who can pay for it.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Now how % of Guyanese kids earn grade I or II in English and Maths.


That is really more important.  Not about the few who make it DESPITE the system because they must worker harder to succeed in an environment where excellent teaching is most available to those who can pay for it.

Shut yuh STUPID Mouth. You would NOT see PROGRESS if it was implanted on your BIG EMPTY Head!!!


Investment in People
a. Education.
•    Government expended a sum of $24 billion over the last year in the sector.
•    $1 billion was spent on the Cyril Potter College.
•    $47 million spent on the establishment of the Educational Television Broadcasting Service.
•    $768 million was spent on the operational costs of the 2 campuses of University of Guyana and $450 million on student loans.
•    Over $1 billion was spent on the National School Feeding programme which benefited more than 63,000 students.
•    $266 million was spent on ensuring each child had a uniform for school.
•    $1.8 billion was spent on technical and vocational training.
•    $2.8 billion was also expended towards the maintenance, rehabilitation, extension and construction of educational facilities throughout Guyana
•    $26.5 billion has been allocated towards the education sector.
•    $1 billion allocated for the National School Feeding programme
•    $1.2 billion has been budgeted for teacher training
•    3,500 teachers trained by end 2012
•    University of Guyana has been allocated $900 million towards the operations and maintenance of the Turkeyen and Tain campuses.
•    $80 million has been for curriculum reform for the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Guyana.
•    $450 million has been provided for student loans.
•    $3.3 billion has been allocated for the continued maintenance, rehabilitation, extension and construction of educational facilities countrywide.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

A large amount is budgeted yearly to the education sector

Then there should be alot more excellent students.

neASY LESSON GOOD FUH dunce. nyc SPEND OVER 12 billion dollare per  YEAR ON PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I hope you dont need me to explain more.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Over the past two decades, Guyana has experienced a sharp increase in the number of passes at the CSEC examinations

Still remains at or near the bottom, even though many of the islands havent seen improvement.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

neASY LESSON GOOD FUH dunce. nyc SPEND OVER 12 billion dollare per  YEAR ON PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I hope you dont need me to explain more.

No you dont.  We already know most of it went to corrupt PPP contractors as most of the good Guyanese teachers have long left Guyana.  And the others teach those who can afford their private schools.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shut yuh STUPID Mouth. You would NOT see PROGRESS if it was implanted on your BIG EMPTY Head!!!

You think progress is every shot of rum that pours down your throat before you pass out.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Now how % of Guyanese kids earn grade I or II in English and Maths.


That is really more important.  Not about the few who make it DESPITE the system because they must worker harder to succeed in an environment where excellent teaching is most available to those who can pay for it.

Why don't you tell us as it seems you have access to this statistic. Also what is the comparison to the rest of the Caribbean. 


caribny is a known pessimist, one can't expect better from him, its a fact, there is a sharp increase in the pass rate by Guyanese Students, he (caribny) continues to bury his head in the sand and fight the truth

Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny is a known pessimist, one can't expect better from him, its a fact, there is a sharp increase in the pass rate by Guyanese Students, he (caribny) continues to bury his head in the sand and fight the truth

More bull crap from the PPP apologist and Stalinist.

Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny is a known pessimist, one can't expect better from him, its a fact, there is a sharp increase in the pass rate by Guyanese Students, he (caribny) continues to bury his head in the sand and fight the truth

More bull crap from the PPP apologist and Stalinist.

Gal Congrats for receiving the trophy for THE BIGGEST JACKASS ON THE PLANET!!!!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why don't you tell us as it seems you have access to this statistic. Also what is the comparison to the rest of the Caribbean. 

I have told you mnay times.   You didnt believe me then so you will not now.  The fact is that its Guyanese kids and Guyana itself that suffers as our educational standards trail the rest of CARICOM and the best Guyanese teachers educate other Caribbean kids.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny is a known pessimist, one can't expect better from him, its a fact, there is a sharp increase in the pass rate by Guyanese Students, he (caribny) continues to bury his head in the sand and fight the truth

So if 20% of Guyanese kids past 10 years ago and 30% pass now when most other Caribbean nations have 40-50% ppass rates are you ready to celebrate?


I am not, especially when St Lucian kids, who are among the best performers, live in an island where almost 50% of the teachers are Guyanese.  More st Lucians graduate high school and more of then score well in the core subjects.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why don't you tell us as it seems you have access to this statistic. Also what is the comparison to the rest of the Caribbean. 

I have told you mnay times.   You didnt believe me then so you will not now.  The fact is that its Guyanese kids and Guyana itself that suffers as our educational standards trail the rest of CARICOM and the best Guyanese teachers educate other Caribbean kids.

You got to be joking, no survey or study to reference? Or is it your secret study? So you expect us to believe the best Guyanese teachers educate other Carib kids but yet Guyanese kids buss their ass. hahahahhaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why don't you tell us as it seems you have access to this statistic. Also what is the comparison to the rest of the Caribbean. 

I have told you mnay times.   You didnt believe me then so you will not now.  The fact is that its Guyanese kids and Guyana itself that suffers as our educational standards trail the rest of CARICOM and the best Guyanese teachers educate other Caribbean kids.

You got to be joking, no survey or study to reference? Or is it your secret study? So you expect us to believe the best Guyanese teachers educate other Carib kids but yet Guyanese kids buss their ass. hahahahhaha

Told you many times druggie.  No need to retread that bridge.  If you like go research past posts on this subject.


Scream as you wish but these dont change the facts that average Guyanese kids are amongst the most poorly educated in the English speaking Caribbean.


The kids who buss the ass arent average Guyanese kids. They are 4 or 5 very hard working kids, who, faced with bad education, have had to work very hard to excel. 


For the remaining 20,000 of the age group its a very different story.


St Lucian kids do better than Guyanese and a large number of their teachers are GUYANESE.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Told you many times druggie.  No need to retread that bridge.  If you like go research past posts on this subject.


Scream as you wish but these dont change the facts that average Guyanese kids are amongst the most poorly educated in the English speaking Caribbean.


The kids who buss the ass arent average Guyanese kids. They are 4 or 5 very hard working kids, who, faced with bad education, have had to work very hard to excel. 


For the remaining 20,000 of the age group its a very different story.


St Lucian kids do better than Guyanese and a large number of their teachers are GUYANESE.

utter balderdash, St Lucia has more people earning less than $2US per day in a survey of countries in the Caribbean  than Guyana.  In fact there is no evidence that your assertion is true. Go to the CXC site and look at the percentage of passes per Caribbean nation and see Guyana at the top. hahhahaa


Druggie the CXC site says that Guyanese dominated the AWARDS.  It did not say that over all performance in Guyana was good.


What measures educational performance.  How 4 bright and hard woprking kids do.  Or what the average performance is.


I suggest the latter.


2012 results grades 1-111.  English average across all nations was 47%.  With some of the highest performers being St KItts/N and Antigua with 58% and st Lucia with 52%.  Jamaica (always a nation witha troubled educationa system) had 46%. 


Guyana, used to hav e a high reputation, until Burnham destroyed it in the mid 70s, got a mere 37%.  This from the Minister of Education.  Of course the GINA release refers to grages I-IV, when only the top three are considered  a pass rate.  The Minister referred to the top three grades as she sought to boast that the pilot schools are working.


I will suggest that for Jamaica to be slightly worse than the average it does suggest that some larger countries are better though I didnt have trhe time to dig out their results.  So Bdos and T&T also exceed Guyana.


Druggie there are people in St L who claim that the income study to whaich you refer is flawed...indeed I dont know how reliable they can be in these poor nations where few file income tax returns.


What you cant deny is that small island kids perform better than Guyanese.  Guyanese kids perform worse than the average Caribbean kid.  Yet ironically only Guyana seems happy with their results.  In Jamaica their performace was considered a scandal worthy of a high level meeting.


You can google these results thru each country's papers if you wish as CXC does NOT public country performance on their least not where it is visible to the general public.


I did similar analyses last year and the year before and each time PPP idiots squealed that it doesnt matter how badly the 18000 Guyanese kids performed once the top 4 did well.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny is a known pessimist, one can't expect better from him, its a fact, there is a sharp increase in the pass rate by Guyanese Students, he (caribny) continues to bury his head in the sand and fight the truth

More bull crap from the PPP apologist and Stalinist.

Gal Congrats for receiving the trophy for THE BIGGEST JACKASS ON THE PLANET!!!!

Banna, you're such a nice man, can I borrow this for the next time Iman wanna go out an do me some sooring?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny is a known pessimist, one can't expect better from him, its a fact, there is a sharp increase in the pass rate by Guyanese Students, he (caribny) continues to bury his head in the sand and fight the truth

More bull crap from the PPP apologist and Stalinist.

Gal Congrats for receiving the trophy for THE BIGGEST JACKASS ON THE PLANET!!!!

Banna, you're such a nice man, can I borrow this for the next time Iman wanna go out an do me some sooring?

Cain, You can borrow it anytime.

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Shadow:

That fat assed woman needs to shut up Guyana education system has fallen over the years....

how does her fatness affect you?  are you paying for her food? do u know what causes her to gain weight, whether it is medical?

small mind is a sign of other small things

she may be fat but she has her heart in the right place...

Unlike a JUMBIE called Shadow!!!!

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Shadow:

That fat assed woman needs to shut up Guyana education system has fallen over the years....

how does her fatness affect you?  are you paying for her food? do u know what causes her to gain weight, whether it is medical?

small mind is a sign of other small things

she may be fat but she has her heart in the right place...

Kudos to you sista. Shadow posesses a small brain incapable of logical thinking. 


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