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[] – Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh has restored monies that were disapproved by the National Assembly in the 2014 Budget, according to Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon.

Dr. Luncheon told reporters this morning (Wednesday, June 18), that the Minister relied on the Constitution and ruling by the Court on the matter of ‘budget cuts’ to initiate his exercise of restoration of appropriations in the 2014 fiscal year.

Dr. Singh will be moving to the House tomorrow with Financial Papers for the monies that were spent but were not approved by the National Assembly.

When asked about the exact amount of monies restored so far, Dr. Luncheon could not provide details. He did point out that it was part of the total sum of the reduction of over $37B from initial $220B fiscal plan.

He explained that before the end of the fiscal year, the entire sum disapproved may be restored in keeping with constitutional, administrative and moral obligations of the administration.

The Cabinet Secretary pointed out that the monies so far include monies to fund the operations of the Office of the President from which over $5B was disapproved and extends to the other eight areas that funding was not disapproved.

Among the other agencies for which funding was disapproved is the National Communications Network (NCN), Government Information Agency (GINA), Specialty Hospital, upgrading of Regional and District Hospitals,  Amerindian Development Fund, Cheddi Jagan International Airport,   Civil Aviation and Hinterland Airstrips, Rights Commission, Student Loan Fund, Poverty Programme and the Basic Needs Trust Fund among others.

Dr. Luncheon said, “the consequences were of no concern to the Opposition..of no concern to the APNU and the AFC.”

He stressed that the Minister’s remedy of restoration is catered for in the constitution for each agency or project that money has been restored. He said the restoration addressed the inadequacy of expenditure.

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Imagine that; this crooked government sets itself up as the guardian of morality! But then again it is known that the devil is good at quoting scriptures.


I am still perplexed at which half of the budget equation they PPP decides to accept. They approved a budget with cuts. You cannot now go back and say the entire budget is approved. Either they send the whole thing back as unconstitutional or accept it as it. This is a case of having their cake and eating it!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Imagine that; this crooked government sets itself up as the guardian of morality! But then again it is known that the devil is good at quoting scriptures.


I am still perplexed at which half of the budget equation they PPP decides to accept. They approved a budget with cuts. You cannot now go back and say the entire budget is approved. Either they send the whole thing back as unconstitutional or accept it as it. This is a case of having their cake and eating it!

You need to read the Constitution Bhai.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Imagine that; this crooked government sets itself up as the guardian of morality! But then again it is known that the devil is good at quoting scriptures.


I am still perplexed at which half of the budget equation they PPP decides to accept. They approved a budget with cuts. You cannot now go back and say the entire budget is approved. Either they send the whole thing back as unconstitutional or accept it as it. This is a case of having their cake and eating it!

You need to read the Constitution Bhai.

And I guess you are now a constitution expert! Let me inform you what it says per the ruling of the PPP pocket judge. The opposition cannot cut they approve of disapprove ( per the lunatic judge).


Well, there is nothing on record that disapproves the assembly compromising on something. The Budget as passed and signed can be seen as such a compromise. After all, the opposition cut....the president approved.  They cannot now go back and add what was cut without taking it back to parliament!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

[] – Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh has restored monies that were disapproved by the National Assembly in the 2014 Budget, according to Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon.

Dr. Luncheon told reporters this morning (Wednesday, June 18), that the Minister relied on the Constitution and ruling by the Court on the matter of ‘budget cuts’ to initiate his exercise of restoration of appropriations in the 2014 fiscal year.

Dr. Singh will be moving to the House tomorrow with Financial Papers for the monies that were spent but were not approved by the National Assembly.

When asked about the exact amount of monies restored so far, Dr. Luncheon could not provide details. He did point out that it was part of the total sum of the reduction of over $37B from initial $220B fiscal plan.

He explained that before the end of the fiscal year, the entire sum disapproved may be restored in keeping with constitutional, administrative and moral obligations of the administration.

The Cabinet Secretary pointed out that the monies so far include monies to fund the operations of the Office of the President from which over $5B was disapproved and extends to the other eight areas that funding was not disapproved.

Among the other agencies for which funding was disapproved is the National Communications Network (NCN), Government Information Agency (GINA), Specialty Hospital, upgrading of Regional and District Hospitals,  Amerindian Development Fund, Cheddi Jagan International Airport,   Civil Aviation and Hinterland Airstrips, Rights Commission, Student Loan Fund, Poverty Programme and the Basic Needs Trust Fund among others.

Dr. Luncheon said, “the consequences were of no concern to the Opposition..of no concern to the APNU and the AFC.”

He stressed that the Minister’s remedy of restoration is catered for in the constitution for each agency or project that money has been restored. He said the restoration addressed the inadequacy of expenditure.

Whattax.  This is criminal but guess what Mr. Granger would do.  Run in a corner and cry like a gyal.


Well, a bully knows who to bully and the PPP proper bullying Mr. Granger; he too soft.


Asni restore money and build the airport and leave the PNC dullards in the gutters since they are the biggest anti-man politicians I ever see in my life.


THE PNC is a group of wastemen, unfit to be in power and not good enough to represent even the pigs in the pig pen.


That's to show how incompetent they are. It also show that they're not consulting with the constitution. Granger and Ramjattan think they are the constitution. They use the same bullyism to get Rohee out of parliament just to reinstate him. Even the speaker don't understand the law of the land.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The constitution in the Supreme law of the land, the minister's decision  was guided by the constitution....

So why doesn't the PPP uphold the constitution by establishing the Public Procurement Commission and having local government elections? 


"Mars" don't try to derail the thread by throwing a red herring into the discussion, the Finance minister is guided by the constitution and will make any decision that will be of most benefit to all Guyanese, especially those of the working class...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mars" don't try to derail the thread by throwing a red herring into the discussion, the Finance minister is guided by the constitution and will make any decision that will be of most benefit to all Guyanese, especially those of the working class...

I'm asking you a genuine question. Do you have to consult with Kwame before you can give an answer?


The entire constitution is to be honored, not bits and pieces that suit the corrupt PPP.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The constitution in the Supreme law of the land, the minister's decision  was guided by the constitution....

the supreme law of the land does not approve the PPP restoring what they agreed to implicitly by accepting a truncated budget. It is all or nothing not as it fit the PPP convenience


The joint opposition is clearly anti-working class, the administration had provided employment opportunities and the AFC/APNU literally place hundreds of hard working Guyanese directly on the breadline..

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition is clearly anti-working class, the administration had provided employment opportunities and the AFC/APNU literally place hundreds of hard working Guyanese directly on the breadline..

Originally Posted by Conscience:

[] – Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh has restored monies that were disapproved by the National Assembly in the 2014 Budget, according to Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon.

Dr. Luncheon told reporters this morning (Wednesday, June 18), that the Minister relied on the Constitution and ruling by the Court on the matter of ‘budget cuts’ to initiate his exercise of restoration of appropriations in the 2014 fiscal year.

Dr. Singh will be moving to the House tomorrow with Financial Papers for the monies that were spent but were not approved by the National Assembly.

When asked about the exact amount of monies restored so far, Dr. Luncheon could not provide details. He did point out that it was part of the total sum of the reduction of over $37B from initial $220B fiscal plan.

He explained that before the end of the fiscal year, the entire sum disapproved may be restored in keeping with constitutional, administrative and moral obligations of the administration.

The Cabinet Secretary pointed out that the monies so far include monies to fund the operations of the Office of the President from which over $5B was disapproved and extends to the other eight areas that funding was not disapproved.

Among the other agencies for which funding was disapproved is the National Communications Network (NCN), Government Information Agency (GINA), Specialty Hospital, upgrading of Regional and District Hospitals,  Amerindian Development Fund, Cheddi Jagan International Airport,   Civil Aviation and Hinterland Airstrips, Rights Commission, Student Loan Fund, Poverty Programme and the Basic Needs Trust Fund among others.

Dr. Luncheon said, “the consequences were of no concern to the Opposition..of no concern to the APNU and the AFC.”

He stressed that the Minister’s remedy of restoration is catered for in the constitution for each agency or project that money has been restored. He said the restoration addressed the inadequacy of expenditure.

So what this mean???


The Parliament followed Ian Chang ruling and the PPP follow OH Nandalala the DUNCE and do their own thing illegally???


Who has the opposition done?


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