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* The good people of Guyana have endured enormous adversity over the decades.


* But thankfully they have learned from adversity.


* And in 2014 the good people of Guyana are mentally prepared to receive prosperity.




* And the good people of Guyana are optimistic about their country's future.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Typical anti-man response from the Rev.



* Lord Rama, a sushi connoisseur, and his lovely first lady, Srimati Sita Devi, would be deeply ashamed of some of the dirty, rotten scoundrels here on GNI prancing around as devout hindus.






Mitwah and AFC supporters on this blog are a shining example of what is wrong with a small segment of society today. They are a dark spot on dharma and should be ashamed of their language and vulgarity that is displayed on this forum.


Overseas Guyanese are not tolerant of these types of behaviour which is a reflection of the AFC/PNC coalition. They are doing daily harm to their party on a daily basis. The good people of Guyana will give the PPP a majority at the next election and send a strong message of disgust to these dirty and rotten AFC/PNC supporters.


yuji bhai:


* First of all, let me wish you and your loving family a happy new year 2014.


* As you know yuji, in any gathering, whether it's here on GNI or wherever, you will always encounter nasty, negative, and TOXIC PEOPLE.




* They are destructive---and must absolutely be avoided.


* You mentioned a certain poster by name--that name is DOGSHIT---and the Rev will refrain from mentioning it on GNI in 2014.




* In fact, avoid toxic people like the plague.


* In 2014 the Rev will only respond to intelligent comments or questions---the idiots and dipshits on GNI will be roundly ignored.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* The good people of Guyana have endured enormous adversity over the decades.


* But thankfully they have learned from adversity.


* And in 2014 the good people of Guyana are mentally prepared to receive prosperity.




* And the good people of Guyana are optimistic about their country's future.



conscience already doing dis simpleton's job [just as incompetently] fuh misir & co


rev, is this the kind of 'intellectual' work product incubated during your "investment banker days" in 1980's NY?


har har har har har har har harrr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

2014 will continue with continued progress and prosperity for Guyana.



* The IDB remains fully committed to supporting energy sector modernization in Guyana.


“During the meeting with President Ramotar, President Moreno emphasized that the IDB is fully committed to playing a leading role in helping Guyana to modernize its energy matrix and to advance its innovative Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in a manner that maintains debt sustainability while providing the desired benefits to Guyana’s economy and its people,” the release said.


* Guyanese people can expect significant progress to be made in 2014 regarding the energy sector.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

2014 will continue with continued progress and prosperity for Guyana.



* The IDB remains fully committed to supporting energy sector modernization in Guyana.


“During the meeting with President Ramotar, President Moreno emphasized that the IDB is fully committed to playing a leading role in helping Guyana to modernize its energy matrix and to advance its innovative Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in a manner that maintains debt sustainability while providing the desired benefits to Guyana’s economy and its people,” the release said.


* Guyanese people can expect significant progress to be made in 2014 regarding the energy sector.



sound like bullshit you is bullshit for a man that boast of his intelligent you is more of a fool how can you believe a country can move forward with 49% of its people its like one step foward two step backward you riding a horse that is already rouge   


Listen Folks!


* It was the President of the Inter American Development Bank(IDB), Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno who indicated to President Donald Ramotar that his institution was "fully committed to playing a leading role in assisting Guyana modernize her energy matrix."



* 2014 will be a pivotal year in Guyana.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

yuji bhai:


* First of all, let me wish you and your loving family a happy new year 2014.


* As you know yuji, in any gathering, whether it's here on GNI or wherever, you will always encounter nasty, negative, and TOXIC PEOPLE.




* They are destructive---and must absolutely be avoided.


* You mentioned a certain poster by name--that name is DOGSHIT---and the Rev will refrain from mentioning it on GNI in 2014.




* In fact, avoid toxic people like the plague.


* In 2014 the Rev will only respond to intelligent comments or questions---the idiots and dipshits on GNI will be roundly ignored.







Happy New Year to you and our family. May this year bring happiness, good health and success.


I agree with you regarding TOXIC posters. I have learnt to avoid responding to them. They are the lowest of this earth and belong to the gutter. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Pavi, the only mountain top on the coast is the one I saw at Stabroek market last weekend. The only thing that reached that mountain top ere the goats.

* Hope you had an enjoyable trip to Guyana and Suriname.


* Care to comment on the optimism of the Guyanese people you ran into ?





Bill de Blasio capped the mood of New Yorkers and most of America, including the business and finance class. Guyana has a similar narrative - a tale of two Guyanas. The question though is whether this is a 10% / 90% split. that country is like a construction zone with 5 and 6 stores buildings going up like the Wild West and lots of cars on a network of roads that is in clear need for ramping up - and it's being addressed. The thing that will bleed your heart though is the abject poverty some people live in. I had to go to a house that was being built by charity (that involves my brother), and I cried when I see the condition the kids live in. It's not like the PPP is not trying, but man, the odor of corruption permeates your senses.


instead of all the babble that passes for conversation on this Board, it's time we pause to some realities that may not be palatable. 



Originally Posted by Kari:

Bill de Blasio capped the mood of New Yorkers and most of America, including the business and finance class. Guyana has a similar narrative - a tale of two Guyanas. The question though is whether this is a 10% / 90% split.



* Thanks for the response.


* Your assessment of Guyana is a fair and reasonable one.


* The rich are doing well while the poor continue to struggle.


* But don't we have the same situation in nearly every country---a huge gap between the poor and the rich ?


* Regarding corruption---former President of the world bank James Wolfensohn once tried to address the subject---he got many 3rd world leaders involved---called them to a meeting----nothing happened---he admitted that he failed----corruption in 3rd world countries will remain prevalent as long as there are greedy and dishonest leaders.




Yes there is a huge gap between the poor and rich in Guyana---and yes poverty is prevalent---and yes corruption is almost endemic----but Guyana today is much better off as a nation and as a society than it was under the years of the PNC.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Bill de Blasio capped the mood of New Yorkers and most of America, including the business and finance class. Guyana has a similar narrative - a tale of two Guyanas. The question though is whether this is a 10% / 90% split.



* Thanks for the response.


* Your assessment of Guyana is a fair and reasonable one.


* The rich are doing well while the poor continue to struggle.


* But don't we have the same situation in nearly every country---a huge gap between the poor and the rich ?


* Regarding corruption---former President of the world bank James Wolfensohn once tried to address the subject---he got many 3rd world leaders involved---called them to a meeting----nothing happened---he admitted that he failed----corruption in 3rd world countries will remain prevalent as long as there are greedy and dishonest leaders.




Yes there is a huge gap between the poor and rich in Guyana---and yes poverty is prevalent---and yes corruption is almost endemic----but Guyana today is much better off as a nation and as a society than it was under the years of the PNC.





 Let's buy the mediocrity that passes for the standards by which we justify what happens today in Guyana - all nations are corrupt, all nations have poverty and huge gaps between the poor and rich all over the world - but we have to drop the 70s and 80s as a measuring stick. That is even below mediocrity. You've just given us a "can't do better", but we're better off than the Stone Ages.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Bill de Blasio capped the mood of New Yorkers and most of America, including the business and finance class. Guyana has a similar narrative - a tale of two Guyanas. The question though is whether this is a 10% / 90% split.



* Thanks for the response.


* Your assessment of Guyana is a fair and reasonable one.


* The rich are doing well while the poor continue to struggle.


* But don't we have the same situation in nearly every country---a huge gap between the poor and the rich ?


* Regarding corruption---former President of the world bank James Wolfensohn once tried to address the subject---he got many 3rd world leaders involved---called them to a meeting----nothing happened---he admitted that he failed----corruption in 3rd world countries will remain prevalent as long as there are greedy and dishonest leaders.




Yes there is a huge gap between the poor and rich in Guyana---and yes poverty is prevalent---and yes corruption is almost endemic----but Guyana today is much better off as a nation and as a society than it was under the years of the PNC.








Yes there is a huge gap between the poor and rich in Guyana---and yes poverty is prevalent---and yes corruption is almost endemic----but Guyana today is much better off as a nation and as a society than it was under the years of the PNC.







Rev, you people have been told of this so many times but yet it doesn't seem to sink it.


What you are speaking of here was a loonnnngg time ago and yes things were bad and not just with the PNC in power, it was with both the PPP and PNC alike while at the helm. Guyana seemed to be lagging behind as though stuck in a time warp. Yes, since then Guyana has come a long way, but don't you think that regardless who was in power, things would have also come around?


Even though Guyana has made some moves forward, it still has a long way to go.

Originally Posted by cain:

Even though Guyana has made some moves forward, it still has a long way to go.




* There is no question Guyana has a long way to go in its development.


* But a little progress day by day adds up to big results in the end.


* And the good people in Guyana are seeing progress.


* Listen! Half the Guyanese people would love to see the PPP removed from office.


* But the problem is the PNC has never won a free election in the history of Guyana and the AFC is just a 10% party.


* That means the PPP will continue to win elections.


* Look! Regardless of which party rules Guyana----corruption will continue----crime will continue----poverty will continue----but the good news is PROGRESS will also continue.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:

Even though Guyana has made some moves forward, it still has a long way to go.









* Listen! Half the Guyanese people would love to see the PPP removed from office.







You are a liar. Less than 51% support the PPP/C and their support has been on the decline.

Last edited by Mitwah

Guyana IS addressing the state of Poverty. However, it will take a decade or more to really make a dent. Transparency and Accountability MUST be improved. Crooked Ministers and Heads of Dept(PS, CA, CMO) and other high ranking Officials in the Civil Service and the GPF and GDF MUST be removed. However, no systems nor Plans are in place to do so.


Dem boys sehâ€ĶSome people going to jail fuh de New Year

January 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Happy New Year to everybody, except all those who mek de masses, include dem boys, get vex wid dem thiefing and other corrupt action. Dem boys always remember that great man, Mahatma Gandhi, seh that “Corruption is a disease, it eats away at the foundation of people’s faith in Government; it undermines de stability of nations.” Dem got people who get jail fuh wholesale corruption. Days before Christmas de 16th most richest man in de world get pardon and walk out of jail. He and de Rat is de same age. Putin mek he spend 10 years in that jail. He did exactly what de Rat and Bobby do to Guyana. “Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky accumulated wealth through the development of Siberian oil fields as the head of Yukos, one of the largest Russian companies to emerge from the privatization of state assets during the 1990s.” Boris Yeltsin was de President. Putin come in, arrest he jail he fuh ten years. In Guyana de Rat, Brazzy and Bobby and dem others, do de same thing. Dem get rich off state assets. Khodorkovsky became the 16th richest man on earth. But dem boys want tell de nation that Guyana got 16 richest people in de Caribbean. De richest of dem all name begin wid Bee—Bobby. De other Bees fall under he, and dem have Shaati, Rob de Earth and Irfaat. Privatisation deals see Khodorkovsky tek over de oil industry in Russia. In Guyana privatization deal give Bobby de whole New GPC plus allow him de hog of de drugs to de Ministry of Health and to de hospital. Privatisation deals give he de Sanata complex plus a whole lot of concessions including tax breaks fuh donkey years to come. That is only two big deal. De had nuff underhand deal, like renting warehouse. Dem boys hope that Donald do wha Putin do. If can’t jail dem fuh ten years, jail dem fuh 20. Mandela serve 27, came out and forgive all he jailers. Dem boys want tell Donald don’t go down that road, that he shouldn’t tek a page out of Mandela book. He should tek a sentence because de things on a page gun definitely be too much fuh he, just like how leadership too much fuh Granger. All he life he tek order-yes sir, no sir. Now he in a position to give order he still tekking order-this time from Donald. Dem boys nah seh suh, is he party gyal who seh suh. Dem seh that dem fed up watching how he throw back wid he shirt tuck tight in he pants and enjoying de kickback. Prak does get kick too but he does get kick in he face and all over he body. De Rat never get kick in Guyana. He was too big but he nah big in Uncle Sam. After he left office, he get de climate change people fuh give he a diplomatic passport because he want to continue to travel like a big boy. When he gush to Uncle Sam dem treat him like a lil boy and he get vex. He get de Foreign Affairs people in Guyana fuh write de US and ask fuh immunity. Uncle Sam tell he that de only immunity you gun get is Unity foreshore, Maraca. Uncle Sam seh that is not he alone gun get things in de New Year. De stumpy crook, Shiite, gun get a pair of three-colour kickers. Brazzy, de fat crook gun get something fuh clear he throat to speak de truth and sound better. Bobby gun follow in Mandela footstep, not as president, but in jail fuh 27 years. Boyah don’t know that all de land he need that extra six by four feet. Rob de Earth got to get piece of de earth fuh match de size of de airwaves that he get. And all dem thiefing contractahs, line dem up and wid weight pun dem stomach, push dem overboard one by one. And dem boys gun tell how some people get dem big stomach. Brazzy and Bharrat go in Bakewell. Bharrat often don’t have to pay fuh anything suh he pick up three pine tart and put dem in he pocket. He do de thing suh fast that nobody didn’t see but he had to tell Brazzy. This is a man who like eat suh he tell de Bakewell manager that he know magic. De man seh, “Show me.” Brazzy seh, “Give me a pine tart.” He eat one; no magic. “Give men another one.” He eat that and still no magic. Bakewell get vex. “Wheh de magic?” “Give me another pine tart.” Brazzy eat that too. When Bakewell ask wheh de magic Brazzy tell he to look in Bharrat pocket. That is wha shock Nazir. Talk half and keep out of jail.


. Brazzy and Bharrat go in Bakewell. Bharrat often don’t have to pay fuh anything suh he pick up three pine tart and put dem in he pocket. He do de thing suh fast that nobody didn’t see but he had to tell Brazzy. This is a man who like eat suh he tell de Bakewell manager that he know magic. De man seh, “Show me.” Brazzy seh, “Give me a pine tart.” He eat one; no magic. “Give men another one.” He eat that and still no magic. Bakewell get vex. “Wheh de magic?” “Give me another pine tart.” Brazzy eat that too. When Bakewell ask wheh de magic Brazzy tell he to look in Bharrat pocket. That is wha shock Nazir.






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