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Billy goat

Oh Shoot! If the PPP won 24,000 more votes in Region 3 than APNU and 23,000 more in Region 6 that alone put them ahead by 47,000.  APNU would have to beat the PPP in region 4 by huge amount to take the lead.

It would also show the PPP gained a cross section of the population so the racist here should ease up with this is a coolie vengeance being eked out against the APNU!!!! Granger was an insipid, inane, uncreative, charmless spit wad. 


@ DJ

You remind me of A former member Kari who was clinging at straws when Hillary lost.

You na see dat APNU supporters didn’t turn out in the required numbers for dem in GT ?  
De 20 percent dougla votes didn’t either. Add some Kule votes to that and you will see. Clean de boo boo from you eyes. Thats why the PNC bais ran away from GECOM last night and one of Dem bais suddenly became sick.

hey hey hey 


Billy goat

Oh Shoot! If the PPP won 24,000 more votes in Region 3 than APNU and 23,000 more in Region 6 that alone put them ahead by 47,000.  APNU would have to beat the PPP in region 4 by huge amount to take the lead.

It would also show the PPP gained a cross section of the population so the racist here should ease up with this is a coolie vengeance being eked out against the APNU!!!! Granger was an insipid, inane, uncreative, charmless spit wad. 


Yo!  Who duh hell u referring to as Billy goat?

Do you want me to call you Fake Amerindo?  

Anyway, there is no such thing as coolie vengeance being perpetrated on APNU or anyone else on this forum.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Big uproar at Region 4 office.

There is a very serious development.

At the region 4 office there is a total breakdown of the tabulation system right now.

The gecom clerk is not using the SOP to tabulate the regional result.

They went into a back room and fill out a spread sheet without party officials.

They are now using that spread sheet and all out totally fabricated numbers.

When the party agents object, because the announced number does not match the SOPs.

They are not stopping, they are racing ahead with the use of the using false and fabricated numbers.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
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