Pray for calm my dear brothers and sisters.
Nehru Bhai, it's indeed sad that all that they sing about is rum. It's a reflection of how the Guyanese culture has deteriorated.
All those crabdaag Coolies who stupid enough to help the PNC gain power which is hurting the Guyanese people.
@Ksazma What's a crabdaag coolie? I know you like to use racist terms but is a crabdaag coolie like one who, say ,gets a fake degree from a non-existent college?
Mitwah and the AFC bottom house crew were the ones who spread Fake News to help PNC last election. Anyway, letâs bury the hatchet.
who or what is a crabdaag coolie?
@Ksazmaji, I thought dem Craabdaag Coolies moved to South Florida.
Totaram /Ray, here is the official explanation
Nehru stop calling another race Animals.
Nehru: Moses is better person than Irfaan could ever be.
Ram Ram.
@Former Member, so you picking fight with me. You are just being the usual gas bag today.
Bai Mitwah, I will make an exception and extend a hand of peace today. Jai Shree Ram !
I do not see a whole race acting like Animals, I see a bunch of hooligans acting like animals. Look at their behavior, would you ever behave like that??
@Former Member, Jai Shree Krishna!
HAHAHA One has to be worst than a SERPENT to look up to a Neemakaram Crabdaag!!!
Totaram, you want to know who is a Craab Daag coolie? Take a look in the mirror you will see one.
so what if an INdo support PNC....?
isn't that what democracy is all have to be an ignorant doofus to call someone a crabdaag coolie because he support an Afro dominated party