Thamks, for the clarification Bibi
@Former Member Don't go too hard, people have lumps in their throats. Base sipping a glass red wine, chilling and playing with my ***** cyat!
I spoke to a PNC gyal in GT today and she said the PPP ran a better campaign and worked hard. She said all she wants is resolution and a return to normal life.
Amral everyone knows the election results. This procedure is only to make it valid.
The armed forces votes are counted first and that is reflected to their place of residence.
@Former Member Are you saying that the leaders of the PPP are not crooks? Your usual response to everything is ad hominem attacks and even on people you don't know. It goes without saying that I think you are extremely stupid.
One of the first order of business for the new government to do, is totally revamp the entire GECOM and modernize the voting process. Start early and it will be ready for the next Elections
I want to know if DJ will continue to fight for APNU here on GNI
DJ waiting to swear in as the new Admin for the Forum
LOL. He has to wait for an official announcement from GECOM.
PNC rig and he becomes the new CEO
Ayuh leff me jine family alone. The man heart broken. He was a "bring it on" man at the NCV, now he is "ayuh guh get a shock" guy. Now is recoil and boomerang time!
He is like Moses. Jagdeo buss dem balls twice , ouch !
Imagine GNI new CEO walking around wid skin foot later this week.
You are a better crook than the PPP. Hats off to you. Look out for the crook of the year award on Independence Day celebration. Just make sure you donât choke on the medal.
I am trying to get Mudwatta to do a bio on him.
Heard from Sase Gunraj that verification of SOPs for Region 4 have stopped just after 8pm. Anyone knows if it has been restarted?
Jagdeo will never grow weary of politics. He is now feared and respected by his adversaries. He is tough.
@Former Member Is that the best you could do? The deceit of the PPP leaders is well documented and people like you don't like to hear about it.
@Former Member Heard from Sase Gunraj that verification of SOPs for Region 4 have stopped just after 8pm. Anyone knows if it has been restarted?
If you heard from him why didn't you ask him if it restarted?
That koolie Ben chopsticks will do anything for a black man to call him brother.
all we need now is a major blackout to hit the city and see all hell break loose