Bai stop posting fake news.
PPP Presidential Candidate, Irfaan Ali was shunned by citizens who congregated in Goed Intent, West Bank Demerara. He needed police protection.
Those people were behaving like Animals. Guyana cannot move forward with that type of Behaviour.
Dave, this might be too pre mature to ask but what's your take? U think the PPP have the advantage?
Sean, u can weigh in too
@Former Member, Are the people not animals?
You can rest assure, if Granger wal through a PPP stronghold, they will never treat him like that.
@ Mits
Humans are Mammals.
@Sean, Correct we suck bubby!
@Former Member your racism shows when you refer to the blackman as a subhuman. Not only humans are mammals. You said that Humans are Mammals. So too are dogs, goats sheep, whale, elephant, Baseman.....âĶ.
Bai Mits please don't lie and stoop so low banna. I NEVER made any such statement at GNI. Stop lying and hanging onto a Race Crutch. Tek you dhall and Staan easy.
Is Ramjattan flying to Canada to cry on your shoulders ?
@Former Member, you are referring to the blackman as subhuman. Sad!
Bai, last election you lied and spread you legs for the AFC and now that they gave it to you good and proper, you lying. You are a shameless person.
For that, you now return to my blocked list of idiots.
In Regions 5, 6, and 9, PPP and APNU running neck and neck.
Bai stop your nonsense. DJ should put your rass in the pen for spreading fake news.
Rama just being mischievous. I know he good, he's mi jine family!
@Former Member, You are a congenital racist and it is still with you. It's up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet. I doubt, you can/will overcome.
Everyone is Baseâs jine family. ð