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$21M in cash, jewellery taken as…Heavily-armed 15-man gang storms cambio dealer’s home…No police response despite 40-minute ordeal

– Ex-cop among seven detained

By Malisa Playter Harry
A former policeman and six others were in custody last night as detectives attempt to

track down a gang of 15 heavily-armed individuals who escaped with some $21M in cash and jewellery, after launching a military-style, pre-dawn attack at the home of a Number 79 Village, Corentyne cambio dealer.
The bandits, who were armed with assault rifles, shotguns and cutlasses, used sledgehammers to smash their way into the Lot 93 Albert Street home of businessman Devendra Churaman, also called “Katak,” shortly after 01:15 hrs yesterday.
Churaman said that the masked men escaped with some $1M in jewellery, but could not say exactly how much money was taken. However, police said the gang made off with $20M in local and foreign currency.
Churaman said that he was told that the gang fled through a nearby track which could take them to canefields in the area.
‘B’ Division Commander Senior Superintendent Errol Watts told Kaieteur News that his ranks have detained seven men, who reside at various areas in Berbice, including Canje and New Amsterdam.
He said that an ex-policeman is among the detainees, most of whom have previous charges for armed robbery.
The suspects have already been swabbed for possible traces of gunpowder residue.
Commander Watts said that the suspects were taken into custody “based on evidence received,” and will also be placed on identification parade.
So far, none of the loot has been recovered.
There are reports that while five gunmen entered Churaman’s home, ten others stood guard in the street, while firing shots to keep neighbours at bay.
Shots were also fired directly into Churaman’s home.
Confirming the extent of the gang’s firepower, Deputy Superintendent Gary McAllister said that 21 live 7.62 x 39 rounds (used in the AK-47 rifle), about eight 7.62 x 39 shells; two twelve-gauge shotgun cartridges, and a warhead were retrieved from the scene.
Churaman and several neighbours said that the gunmen took some 20 minutes to enter the residence, and spent another 20 minutes inside.
However, ranks at the Springlands Police Station allegedly took at least an hour and 15 minutes to arrive, despite receiving a number of phone calls from the victim and neighbours while the attack was in progress.
Churaman told Kaieteur News that he was alone when the men smashed their way into his home.
“Dem man tek sledge hammer and bruk meh steel door and front window and come in.
“About five of dem come in meh house with one set ah big big gun and start fire shots”. Churaman stated that the men took approximately 20 minutes to enter his home, during which time he called a police rank from Georgetown. This rank reportedly made contact with the Springlands Station, but no one came.
Springlands Police Station is reportedly located some two minutes away from Churaman’s residence.
“When they (the gunmen) got in, dem start pull out and tumble up, they had me at gunpoint asking for the cash.”
Churaman related to Kaieteur News that he told the bandits that he hadn’t money at home but this angered one of the men, who rushed up to him with a cutlass.
He revealed that the men used a steel hammer to remove a steel door to his bedroom. They also searched another room in the upper flat, where they located an undisclosed sum of money and about $1M in jewellery.
Churaman stated that throughout the ordeal he was ordered to lay face-down with a gun pointed at his head.
The gang also vandalized surveillance cameras on the premises.
Churaman’s wife and two children were not at home at the time of the robbery.
According to a resident, at around 01:45 hrs, “we just hear like gunshots going off. We didn’t know if it was fire rockets, but when my son peep through the window, he saw four persons trying fuh break open the door and front window (of Churaman’s house), so we immediately called the police.”
He said that seven calls were made to the Springlands Police Station, but the ranks said that no patrol was available.
“This ting tek like about twenty minutes, a lot of gunshots were fired, like about sixty, seventy, I can’t really say, but plenty,”
Another resident told Kaieteur News that “I heard the explosions and talking going on. One ah dem (bandits) askin if “alyuh get everything bai?” but I ain’t hear no response, but then I hear ah next one say “let’s move it.”
That is all I hear, because I didn’t come out.
I stay in me house after I hear the gunshots.”
Commander Watts, who visited the scene, said “we discovered twenty-one live 7.62 by 39 rounds of ammunition and we also retrieved cartridge casings, so it clearly tells us that these men were armed with rifles and shotguns.
“Fortunately, the victim was not shot, but several rounds were fired in the area which caused residents to be alarmed.”
Commander Watts also said that a team from Georgetown will be sent to boost the manpower at the Springlands Station.
Asked about the slow response time by his ranks, the Commander said that “we had ranks on the road, but information was not immediate for us to respond to.
I received a call at my residence at 02:50 hrs, and I can confirm this.”
The commander charged that with the increased manpower to support the police in township of Corriverton “this should reassure the public that we are concerned and we have adequate security measures in place to have a crime-free holiday.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

RiffRaff posted:

that's a lot of money to keep at home...

The man is a cambio dealer. He needs to keep money for his business transactions. The police force is a waste. They just sit and collect a paycheck. A crime is taking place and they are saying there is no patrol? Why are they there?


15 AK-47 bandits hammer into cambio dealer’s home

AK-47 brandishing gunmen on Monday morning stormed the home of a Corentyne, Berbice cambio dealer by hammering their way into the premises.
The bandits gained entry to the Lot 93 Albert Street, Kingston, Corriverton, Corentyne home by hammering open a window at the front of the two-storey house to remove the iron grille.

Robbed Cambio dealer: Devendra Churaman
Robbed Cambio dealer: Devendra Churaman

At the time, businessman Devendra Churaman, 48, also called “Katax”, was at home alone.
Reports are that five of the gunmen used sledgehammers to break open the window.
Churaman said that all of the men who entered his home about 01:45h were carrying AK-47 rifles.
According to Churaman, as the men hammered into his home, others were standing guard on the outside.
He said the men took in excess of $1 million in jewellery along with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The house at Albert Street Kingston that the bandits targeted
The house at Albert Street Kingston that the bandits targeted

“Dem man take sledgehammer and broke in and five of dem come in me house, with one set of big, big gun and start fire up shots and they take money, but Ah can’t say is how much yet,” the businessman told this publication.
According to the cambio dealer, the gunmen after gaining access to his home, used sledgehammers to break open the steel door leading to his bedroom. The men then demanded money. During this time, the father of two was being held at gunpoint. Several shots were also discharged in the house.
When Guyana Times visited the home on Monday, several bullet holes were seen in the ceiling and walls.
Churaman said that it took the bandits about 30 minutes to gain entry to the house during which time he called the Police, but they arrived one and half hour after the initial call was made to the Springlands Police Station. Before leaving, the bandits also took away the surveillance footage.

The steel door hammered open to get to the Cambio dealer
The steel door hammered open to get to the Cambio dealer

Meanwhile, one of the businessman’s neighbours recalled hearing about 60 shots.
The man said about 01:45h he heard what appeared to be firecrackers exploding. When he peeked through his window, he noticed several men at his neighbour’s window using sledgehammers to break it open.
According to the neighbour, he immediately called the Police and called again six other times to let them hear the gunshots over the phone.
“It take the Police one hour and ten minutes to get here. When everything done and people come out and ready to go back home back, then them reach here…,” the man recalled.
Another neighbour, in recounting the incident, said, “My dog was barking and that was when I get up to go and see, but when Ah open the door to come out, is then I hear the gunshots and then me ain’t worry come out.”
She also said she did not peek outside. However, after about 20 minutes later, she heard voices. “One of them say, if ‘alyo get everything, boy;’, and me ain’t hear no response and then he say, ‘let’s move it’,” the woman recalled.
Meanwhile, Berbice Divisional Commander, Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, speaking at a press conference Monday morning, said that according to the report Police received all of the men were heavily armed.

“At least 15 bandits, five of whom entered his home armed with handguns and rifles and took away an undisclosed sum of money. As a result of this, neighbours managed to call the Police at about 02:05h and the Police responded, but by which time, the bandits had already left the house,” Watts told the media.
According to Watts, the bandits also used firecrackers. “They also fired squibs for it to appear as though it was squibs being fired so as not to alert members of the public to the fact that they had rifles.”
He explained that the remains of used firecrackers were discovered in the area. The commander also noted that it appeared that some of the men were strangers to the area. This conclusion was reached after residents reported to Police that some of the bandits were asking others which way to go as they exited the area.
Watts said that on Sunday evening, six ranks were on duty and were responsible for patrolling from Moleson Creek to Number 43 Village – a stretch of about 25 miles. The Police so far recovered 21 live rounds which are used by AK-47 rifles and two used cartridges which are used by shotguns.
An investigation has been launched. This newspaper understands that several persons have been arrested for questioning regarding the robbery. (Andrew Carmichael)

Chief posted:

A few weeks ago when Yugi and I said that we have no confidence in the Guyanese Police many of you were quick to jump on our throats . 

I always criticize the GPF. I always think they are a waste of time. Time for a vigilante force heavily armed with Uzis and AK47s.

Mitwah posted:

They have taken jewellery. Most of the jewel businesses are operated  by Indos. So the fence must be an Indian Jeweller supporting these bandits.

Does it really matter?

A thief is a thief.

Chief posted:
Mitwah posted:

They have taken jewellery. Most of the jewel businesses are operated  by Indos. So the fence must be an Indian Jeweller supporting these bandits.

Does it really matter?

A thief is a thief.

Find the Fence and  water board him.


‘B’ Division Commander Senior Superintendent Errol Watts told Kaieteur News that his ranks have detained seven men, who reside at various areas in Berbice, including Canje and New Amsterdam.
He said that an ex-policeman is among the detainees, most of whom have previous charges for armed robbery.
The suspects have already been swabbed for possible traces of gunpowder residue.
Commander Watts said that the suspects were taken into custody “based on evidence received,” and will also be placed on identification parade.
So far, none of the loot has been recovered.



I did not read all of it as yet  but i am thinking this is a set up  maybe the cambio dealer owes millions  to people and this is one way to get out of it.  the whole thing is fishy

Amral posted:

I did not read all of it as yet  but i am thinking this is a set up  maybe the cambio dealer owes millions  to people and this is one way to get out of it.  the whole thing is fishy

Or, since we are speculating, it could  be a fund raising drive by the PNC criminals, targeting Indos to makeup the shortfall in the budget. 


If every time a major crime like this occurs and we speculate and blame the victim or those associated with him/her then the problem of crime will never be solved. Government must pass tough laws to punish criminals. Once criminals get the message that the system is hard to beat we will see a reduction in crime.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

“Katax”, was at home alone.

Why the media use people's nickname so carelessly in every story they wrote? I see nickname used before like buttacan, tinincup, etc. What's the reason behind this? 

RiffRaff posted:

the people dem reading the story only know the man by katax...if they put he right name, they would have no idea who it is

So all eeh money gone, the whole country know him now and he get Katax. What next?

Prince posted:
RiffRaff posted:

the people dem reading the story only know the man by katax...if they put he right name, they would have no idea who it is

So all eeh money gone, the whole country know him now and he get Katax. What next?

Hope he had adequate insurance.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Amral posted:

Ram even the govt is crookish both past and present 

The PPP gov't. had the powers to push tough legislations to punish criminals.  They failed to do so. 

They couldn't punish their own friends. The whole system needs an overhaul by an independent body.

Mitwah posted:
Prince posted:
RiffRaff posted:

the people dem reading the story only know the man by katax...if they put he right name, they would have no idea who it is

So all eeh money gone, the whole country know him now and he get Katax. What next?

Hope he had adequate insurance.

What insurance? Money and valuables at home were meant to be undisclosed assets of the poor. It called the precious knot until thieves shows up to collect.

Amral posted:

I did not read all of it as yet  but i am thinking this is a set up  maybe the cambio dealer owes millions  to people and this is one way to get out of it.  the whole thing is fishy

Something looks fishie...

It's not impossible for a cambio dealer having large amount of cash home, but 

Where was his family that night... did he arrange to keep them out. 

He was not hurt... I am surprised he's alive. 

How was he able to count 15 plus arm men and he knew they surround his home... 

As boss man say, he owes money or he collect large amount of foreign cash and have to pay out local currency and arrange this robbery. 


Mitwah posted:

They have taken jewellery. Most of the jewel businesses are operated  by Indos. So the fence must be an Indian Jeweller supporting these bandits.

Or the fence can be Ramjaat, the crime was well orchestrated., Katax was alone at home, he didn't get a scratch, ten bandits surround the house, several shots fired, the ordeal lasted almost one hour before police arrived. I would like to know if any of these bandits were criminals that Granger PARDON.


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