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Former Member

Despite seeking to block funds allocated in the 2013 Budget for the operation of the Office of the Fist Lady, the opposition voted unanimously to approve over $22 million for the Office of the Leader of the Opposition yesterday.
Some $6.7 million of the amount was granted to the office to be used for the purchase of furniture and office supplies. Granger and other members of his party had complained about the lack of furniture for his office. They said furniture was purchased prior to Granger taking up the office, but it was disposed of. β€œThis is a deliberate attempt to paralyse my office, it was brought to the attention of the president and to the attention of the Speaker, the office cannot function at present by the way it is, the amount allocated is not designed to allow the office to function in its full capacity,” Granger argued.
But government’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira said the furniture was purchased for the then Opposition Leader Robert Corbin, but was not utilised. Corbin had operated out of Congress Place as leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and opposition leader, and as such, there was no need for the furniture.

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First Lady visits female prisons on Int’l Women’s Day

March 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

By Leon Suseran

Guyana’s First Lady, Deolatchmee Ramotar, was hailed for her courageous and historic visit to the New Amsterdam Female Prisons yesterday  to mix, mingle, serve them lunch and share love and joy with the inmates there on International Women’s Day.
It was perhaps a first visit to a prison by one of Guyana’s First Ladies. One of the inmates thanked the Frist Lady for the visit especially during a time when visits to such facilities are highly stigmatized;

First Lady receives International Women’s Day gift, craft work from two female prisoners.

Mrs. Ramotar was described as brave.
Mrs. Ramotar complimented the inmates for the enormous talent. ’When you leave this institution, there is a lot you can do out there”, she charged them. She wished them a happy International Women’s Day, much to the applause of the women.
β€œI am very happy to be with you here today and have an opportunity to meet with you all. I have never visited a prison or a correctional institution.”
She also commended the prison authorities β€œfor the work that they are doing in providing you with new learning skills and enhancing old skills you have, which, of course can be used upon your re- entry into the civilian society”.
β€œWe never really know why we are given the experience we are given, but I believe every experience is an important learning experience that, on the basic level, allows us to not only build character and strengthen who we are as a people, but our individual experience would allow us to enhance collectively, our society.”
Mrs. Ramotar stated that for women particularly in prisons, they may sometimes believe that being in prison has β€œspelled the end of your lives… I do not want you to think so or believe so because this is not true”.
She did agree that women will face some challenges and some stigma attached to prisoners once they enter society. β€œHowever, do not let this disadvantage you; do not let this prevent you from taking steps to live a full and productive life…
β€œNo matter what the circumstances or difficulties or situations, you can change your livesβ€”you and I we all have in us, the qualities, the strength, the focus and determination to turn around our lives, to make a complete transformation…do not let this experience hold you back or prevent you later for pursing a university Degree, if that is what you want or becoming a businesswoman, nurse or doctor…”

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar serving female prisoners lunch yesterday in New Amsterdam.

She told the inmates that it is not too late in life for them to get qualified and to succeed.
β€œI really have great optimism that each of you is strong and capable of making a personal transformation. Thus I urge you to take up the programmes offered to you and work to your utmost, so that on the day of your release, your time spent here can be put to productive use, not only for your society, family or friends, but most importantly for yourselves”.
Officer-in-Charge of the New Amsterdam Prisons, Linden Cornette, stated, β€œReflecting on Guyana’s situation, when our sphere has made significant achievements and we started with [a woman] holding the highest office in the land, as Chancellor of the Judiciary, and so forth, unlike other countries, our women have the liberty to expand”.
He added that the historic visit yesterday really and truly coincides with the Guyana Prison Service’s Strategic Development Programme. The inmates staged a cultural programme for the First Lady and sang songs, recited poems, etc.
First Lady Ramotar then presented hair-care products to the prison officers’ salon representative. She in turn was presented with crochet work and other craft work by the female prisoners.
That part of the programme over, the First Lady served the inmates, and even sat and dined with them. She was accompanied by Member of Parliament, Mr. Faizal M. Jaffarally.


Not enough being done to curb gender- based violence – First Lady

April 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar has stated that the law enforcement officials are not doing enough to curb gender-based violence. She said, recently, that even though there are the relevant enacted legislations aimed at protecting the rights of women in the home, workplace and in society, the wanton abuse of women continues.

Mrs. Ramotar shares a close moment with a female prisoner in New Amsterdam recently.

Legislations, she stated, do serve a purpose. β€œThey guide us legallyβ€”you have legal rightsβ€”so although right now we [women] are getting all the rights, law enforcement authoritiesβ€”I don’t think are doing enough to stem this violence”.
But she also blamed some of the victims who, after reporting incidences of gender- based violence to the police, β€˜go soft’ and beg for their perpetrators’ release.
β€œYou go to the police and when your husband or partner comesβ€”you beg for them and withdraw the case. This happens all the time and the police will get fed up too”.
She urged women to go right through the process after taking the necessary legal steps. In this way, the perpetrators can be dealt with according to the law.
During recent times, several women have been butchered by their partners, lovers and husbands across Guyana. In some instances, the perpetrators commit suicide after the heinous acts.
Mrs. Ramotar wishes that Guyana can go back to the days when the community raised the children. β€œSo maybe in days gone by the whole community was a family and they took charge of your children…we would be a better place”
She added that the family is the essential key to any stable society and that Guyana has come a far way in women issues. The First Lady recalled the time when Guiana’s women fought against colonialism; women such as Jane Phillips-Gay, Winifred Gaskin and former President Janet Jagan. She stated that the movement started in the 1900s when women were oppressed and experienced great inequality.
She also said that there have been other heroines such as, Gail Teixeira, Indra Chandarpal, Former First Lady Viola Burnham, and Kowsilla. β€œWe have moved a far way…These women have brought us a far way to prosperity,” she posited.
Mrs. Ramotar stated however, that there are still a lot of challenges to face even though more women occupy jobs previously occupied by men. β€œWomen still have a lot of challenges and one of the main challenges is equal rights…Our women are abusedβ€”both physically, verbally, emotionally and sexually.”
Women, she added, have to make sure that they believe in themselves and respect themselves. β€œThey must work with our menfolk to gain respect from them and we must give back respect. When we talk about equality, we should look at partnershipβ€”For example, if you and your husband work together….this would eliminate some of the ills of society and we must bring up our children in a healthy environment to give back that love and respect they received.”
The First Lady added that the family is the first and foremost key to any stable society. But she remained resolute that women’s struggles in this country continue.
She said that not all men are evil or bad men. β€œThere are a lot of liberated men; who help their families  in the home, and who take responsibility.”
Mrs. Ramotar gave her husband, the President, as an example. β€œHe still does that. We have grown children who will ask for advice and he is there to give it to them”.
β€œI am proud of my familyβ€”even my boys. They are very decent young men and my daughters too…so the struggle continues,” she related.
β€œThe men know what triggers them to commit heinous acts, so if we can work with them, together we can move ourselves and [move] Guyana forward,” she asserted.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar has stated that the law enforcement officials are not doing enough to curb gender-based violence.


This is a serious indictment against the PPP/C, Ramotar and Rohee.

The operative phrase

Jagdeo locked his wife out of the matrimonial bedroom. Do you not abuse your wife too?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar has stated that the law enforcement officials are not doing enough to curb gender-based violence.


This is a serious indictment against the PPP/C, Ramotar and Rohee.

The operative phrase

Jagdeo locked his wife out of the matrimonial bedroom. Do you not abuse your wife too?

Since when not wanting to sleep together due to marital discord is now "abuse".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar has stated that the law enforcement officials are not doing enough to curb gender-based violence.


This is a serious indictment against the PPP/C, Ramotar and Rohee.

The operative phrase

Jagdeo locked his wife out of the matrimonial bedroom. Do you not abuse your wife too?

Since when not wanting to sleep together due to marital discord is now "abuse".

He could have slept on the couch. But you won't understand.

Originally Posted by albert:

Despite seeking to block funds allocated in the 2013 Budget for the operation of the Office of the Fist Lady, the opposition voted unanimously to approve over $22 million for the Office of the Leader of the Opposition yesterday.
Some $6.7 million of the amount was granted to the office to be used for the purchase of furniture and office supplies. Granger and other members of his party had complained about the lack of furniture for his office. They said furniture was purchased prior to Granger taking up the office, but it was disposed of. β€œThis is a deliberate attempt to paralyse my office, it was brought to the attention of the president and to the attention of the Speaker, the office cannot function at present by the way it is, the amount allocated is not designed to allow the office to function in its full capacity,” Granger argued.
But government’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira said the furniture was purchased for the then Opposition Leader Robert Corbin, but was not utilised. Corbin had operated out of Congress Place as leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and opposition leader, and as such, there was no need for the furniture.

 The first lady and the leader of the opposition are not on par. The equivalency could only come from the haplessly crooked PPP. Further, why the hell is she getting that much money from the state? And again I ask, what was Varshnie's allowance?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar has stated that the law enforcement officials are not doing enough to curb gender-based violence.


This is a serious indictment against the PPP/C, Ramotar and Rohee.

The operative phrase

Jagdeo locked his wife out of the matrimonial bedroom. Do you not abuse your wife too?

Since when not wanting to sleep together due to marital discord is now "abuse".

O rass yuh does practise the 'lock out of bedroom' thingy...


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