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24th Ricks & Sari Agro Industries Nat. Park Cycle Meet … Greaves pedals off year in emphatic style; Crawford repeats as top Junior

Jan 29, 2017 Sports, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....peats-as-top-junior/

By Franklin Wilson
Roraima Bikers cyclist Alanzo Greaves, who also rides for the Cure 8 Group Cycling Team of the USA, commenced the 2017 cycling season in emphatic fashion when he won the season opener yesterday at the Inner Circuit of the National Park.
The event was the Ricks & Sari Agro Industries Ltd. 24th Annual National Park Cycle Meet which attracted 50 cyclists and was sanctioned by the Guyana Cycling Federation (GCF).
Greaves showed his class and has made his intentions clear that he will be the man to beat in 2017 after ending the 2016 season on a high following his return to the saddle after serving a one-year ban for the sport for the use of a performance enhancing drug.
It hasn’t taken long for the top Guyanese sprinter to take back the limelight as he pedaled to victory in the feature school boys and invitation 35-lap contest in One Hour 18 Minutes 10.21 Seconds to better last year’s time of One Hour 18 Minutes 38.90 Seconds which was achieved by Michael Anthony of Team Evolution.
Making a welcome return to the top flight was Alanzo Ambrose of Team Alanis who came in about 50m behind Greaves to take the 2nd place, while Marlon Williams of Team Evolution (Digicel), Team Coco’s Jamal John and Linden Bauxite Flyers Cycle Club’s Shaquel Agard and Silvio Inniss closed out the top six positions in that order.
John took 4 of the 8 sprint prizes that were on offer with 2 going to Christopher Griffith and one each to Greaves and Inniss.
Berbician Romello Crawford of Trojan Cycle Club was again the top juvenile cyclist on show winning the 10-lap event, Christopher Cornelius and Nigel Duguid in that order; the top two placers sharing the two primes that were up for grabs.
Regan Rodrigues Jnr. of sponsors Ricks and Sari Agro Industries Ltd., assisted in distributing the trophies and cash incentives after race organiser Hassan Mohamed thanked the sponsor and the competitors for making the 24th event another success.
Each of the first place finishers in the school boys and invitation, juvenile, veteran – under & over 50, mountain bike and 12-14 boys and girls races were presented with hampers made up of products from the sponsor.


Following are the full results:
Race                     Laps      Placing
BMX Boys 6-9            2       Jared Barrington, John Niles, Ajani Cutting
BMX Boys 9-12         3         Alexander Leung, Zab James, Jeremiah George
BMX Boys 12-14       3        Turhan Garbarran, Alexander Leung, Zab James
Veteran Under-50    5        Warren McKay, Sybourne Fernandes, Lear Nunes
Veteran Over-50       5         Andrew Spencer, Linden Blackman, Courtney Hackett
Mountain Bike           5         Shane Bourne, Ryan Canterbury
Juvenile                      10         Romello Crawford, Christopher Cornelius, Nigel Duguid
School Boys &          35         Alanzo Greaves, Alanzo Ambrose, Marlon Williams, Jamal
Invitation John, Shaquel Agard, Silvio Inniss


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