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Those clowns who were mouthing off a few days ago that T&T is safer than Guyana should take note of this.


Trinidad and Tobago, 28.3



Although Trinidad and Tobago is the third richest country per capita in the Americas after the U.S. and Canada, and it is recognized as a high income economy, this Caribbean country has been listed among those with the highest homicide rate in the world. In the recent years, on average, more than 28 out of 100,000 people have been murdered annually.

Mars posted:

Those clowns who were mouthing off a few days ago that T&T is safer than Guyana should take note of this.


Trinidad and Tobago, 28.3



Although Trinidad and Tobago is the third richest country per capita in the Americas after the U.S. and Canada, and it is recognized as a high income economy, this Caribbean country has been listed among those with the highest homicide rate in the world. In the recent years, on average, more than 28 out of 100,000 people have been murdered annually.

Listen foolish one....Guyana is Guyana and Trinidad is comparing guava and five fingers.

Who cares if the murder rate is high in other countries? We in Guyana know its high and we all want it eliminated or lower.  

Being high in one country does not justify murder rate being high in Guyana.

Let me will reply telling us that its all the PPP and Jagdeo's fault, right? 

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

Those clowns who were mouthing off a few days ago that T&T is safer than Guyana should take note of this.


Trinidad and Tobago, 28.3



Although Trinidad and Tobago is the third richest country per capita in the Americas after the U.S. and Canada, and it is recognized as a high income economy, this Caribbean country has been listed among those with the highest homicide rate in the world. In the recent years, on average, more than 28 out of 100,000 people have been murdered annually.

Listen foolish one....Guyana is Guyana and Trinidad is comparing guava and five fingers.

Who cares if the murder rate is high in other countries? We in Guyana know its high and we all want it eliminated or lower.  

Being high in one country does not justify murder rate being high in Guyana.

Let me will reply telling us that its all the PPP and Jagdeo's fault, right? 

Read and understand what I wrote first Numbnuts before you start writing your usual claptrap. I am not the one who made the initial comparison between crime in T&T and Guyana. I am simply educating the fools who were mouthing off a few days ago that T&T is safer in comparison to Guyana.

Last edited by Mars

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