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The Parliamentary Opposition has been diligently monitoring the APNU+AFC government use of public funds and the levels of transparency and accountability.

From June 10, 2015 to August 8, 2016, in a matter of fourteen (14) months of the APNU+AFC Coalition government, we have uncovered 16 scandals — an average of a scandal for each month. But the month of August 2016 “took the cake”– or so we thought– with the exposure of three (3) scandals (the Sussex St. Drug Bond, BK International/GoG settlement and two (2) fuel licenses issued to the head of Guyana Water Inc.,).

The August 8th, 2016 sitting of the National Assembly will go down as a day of scandals, exposures of the incompetence of this government, their lack of disclosure, lack of transparency, accountability and their violations of the constitution. 

Regrettably it has not ended there. The month of September 2016 has continued to bring new scandals with four (4) new scandals and another one pending.

The latest tally of scandals and corrupt practices has now reached 25 in the sixteen (16) months of this government’s life.

The APNU+AFC government has been exposed with more scandals and corruptions in 16 months than successive PPPC administrations were accused of in 23 years!!!!!

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