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Ramjattan is playing with fire here.

Few things unite Guyanese people across race and class as abbe right to party till dawn on a Monday.

I am gonna predict this Maduro Decree is gonna get modified and or withdrawn.

This proves that Ramjattan is absolutely unsuited to be Home Minister. Granger should make him some junior minister in some third rate ministry. Maybe make him Nagamootoo's junior minister of the chronicle or something.
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Curfew should have started at 10 pm.

Bhai you want them Lungera, Drunkman, Buggerman, Pimp and Sperm Trader
to gang up on you..... them already complaining about 2 AM.....


Nuff man gon got to go home to them wife....and Crab Louse na like da.

Jalil right. Prashad like he want to put the sweet women out of business

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This proves that Ramjattan is absolutely unsuited to be Home Minister. .

Does he have evidence that crime in Guyana only happens between 2-5 AM?


The guy is clearly out of his depths and will be destroyed if the end of the year comes without significant reduction in crime.


Given the larger societal issues, reducing crime in Guyana will be tough. I suspect that Granger ensured that, as not only did he stick that problem with the AFC, but the AFC stuck it with that faction which they want kept under control.


People should be in bed at 2am.  

You guys must be crazy  if you think that water wash coolie can reduce crime

by merely wishing it.

If they find work for the people then crime can be reduce a little.

The army needs 30,000 soldiers and the police force another 7500.

The teaching staff should be doubled by making the class room smaller.

Jail time for first time offenders and a technical school set up, so that these criminals can be taught a trade  and trained, in order for them to live in society again.

Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ sheer stupidness you writing.


  I wonder if you went to bed on weekends at 2 AM when you were in your 20s. Some how I doubt it, so you need to stop revealing your age.


Most crimes in Guyana are committed long before 2 AM.  So what will closing the bars at that hour accomplish.


Ramjattan is turning out to be as much of a moron as Rohee was.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ sheer stupidness you writing.


  I wonder if you went to bed on weekends at 2 AM when you were in your 20s. Some how I doubt it, so you need to stop revealing your age.


Most crimes in Guyana are committed long before 2 AM.  So what will closing the bars at that hour accomplish.


Ramjattan is turning out to be as much of a moron as Rohee was.



2:00 Pm curfew for under aged and those who do not have a reason to be out is sound.  It matters not what crows like you say because some one has to begin to inculcate a tradition for observing rules. This is one. But violates on a chain gang for up to two weeks at a time to clean up the streets.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


Jail time for first time offenders

1.  Will you hire some one with a criminal record?  Most likely no, so why do you think that jailing first time offenders for minor crimes makes sense.


2.  It is a known fact that putting juveniles who have committed minor offences in jail with hardened criminals provides these juveniles with a fast track course into how to succeed as criminals, once released.


Intervention of youths from dysfunctional families is more effective.  There are those who are hardened criminals, and those who are troubled/idle youth who might still be turned around.


This is why a "lock all of them up" in a country with 40% youth unemployment is just a populist exercise in futility.  Guyana cannot afford to lock up thousands upon thousands of people.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ sheer stupidness you writing.


  I wonder if you went to bed on weekends at 2 AM when you were in your 20s. Some how I doubt it, so you need to stop revealing your age.


Most crimes in Guyana are committed long before 2 AM.  So what will closing the bars at that hour accomplish.


Ramjattan is turning out to be as much of a moron as Rohee was.



2:00 Pm curfew for under aged and those who do not have a reason to be out is sound.

You are an old man.  Stop being so stupid.  Unless you were born old you were definitely out after 2AM at some point in your life.


In addition there are those who do work at night, so what do you plan to do?  Have our incompetent and over stretched police force checking up all of these people, instead of focusing on the narrow minority who are societal predators?



If this is the best that Ramjattan can do, he needs to go back to private practice and let some one else handle this job. 2 AM is a joke and must be the PPP who is spreading this lie that Ramjattan really thinks that this will reduce crime.


Unlike other parts of the Caribbean, Guyana doesn't have a serious gang problem.  Most criminals are way over 16, which is when people can begin working in Guyana.


Under aged kids allowed to roam trigger a need for the Ministry of Social Protection to intervene in the households where they are from.  Not to arrest them for breaking a curfew.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
What is Ramjattan hoping to achieve with this 2 am curfew?

I don't think he knows. I suppose it will reduce quality of life crimes. However, violent crime, the proliferation of guns, drug running and armed robbery remains unaddressed. No proposals on reforming or training the police force. No proposal on improving policing in rural areas where the majority of robberies take place.


I'm beginning to think Ramjattan is useless. He spent much of his time braying about shit while in the opposition but now has to produce. He's asleep.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
What is Ramjattan hoping to achieve with this 2 am curfew?

I don't think he knows. I suppose it will reduce quality of life crimes. However, violent crime, the proliferation of guns, drug running and armed robbery remains unaddressed. No proposals on reforming or training the police force. No proposal on improving policing in rural areas where the majority of robberies take place.


I'm beginning to think Ramjattan is useless. He spent much of his time braying about shit while in the opposition but now has to produce. He's asleep.


Ramjattan and Moses are not politicians. They're just not suited to Ministerial Office. At best, they can be placed in inconsequential ministries like Information or whatever.


They lack the necessary intellectual tools for offices like the Home Ministry. I'm not being mean, just accurate.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Ramjattan and Moses are not politicians. They're just not suited to Ministerial Office. At best, they can be placed in inconsequential ministries like Information or whatever.


They lack the necessary intellectual tools for offices like the Home Ministry. I'm not being mean, just accurate.

But your friend Jay (Jagan) Bharrat (Jagdeo) wants MORE of them empowered in the coalition. Otherwise he joins antiman Yugi with the petulant antiman battle cry of "ethnic cleansing".

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Ramjattan and Moses are not politicians. They're just not suited to Ministerial Office. At best, they can be placed in inconsequential ministries like Information or whatever.


They lack the necessary intellectual tools for offices like the Home Ministry. I'm not being mean, just accurate.

But your friend Jay (Jagan) Bharrat (Jagdeo) wants MORE of them empowered in the coalition. Otherwise he joins antiman Yugi with the petulant antiman battle cry of "ethnic cleansing".


My friend Jay and I have different standards of what constitutes competence.


I would prefer a competent Black person any day over an incompetent Indian which I'm not really against a clearly majority Black Government.


Especially it comes to the basic role of Government which is to provide security for life and property, I'll take one of Granger's ex-military folks any day over some third rate Guyanese lawyer who thinks the priority of the GPF should be closing rum shops at 2am.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ sheer stupidness you writing.


  I wonder if you went to bed on weekends at 2 AM when you were in your 20s. Some how I doubt it, so you need to stop revealing your age.


Most crimes in Guyana are committed long before 2 AM.  So what will closing the bars at that hour accomplish.


Ramjattan is turning out to be as much of a moron as Rohee was.



My 20's started in 1977 and I will tell you what that was the Disco age.

Every Disco in Guyana used to close at 2am at that time.


Night club curfew has revelers fuming, others cheering


By Kiana Wilburg

The 2.00a.m cap on the local nightlife has come like a nightmare to revelers, a punch to the gut for club ownersâ€Ķand a blessing to those who like to have a peaceful night’s sleep.
It was implemented over the weekend and already, Ramjattan has become a sweepingly unpopular figure within various quarters, earning himself names like, ‘The Grinch,’ ‘The Terminator’ and ‘Dr. Evil.’ But to others who have lived for years near to noisy bars with music, Ramjattan’s decision has come none too soon.
On Saturday, hundreds of revelers who believe that a good time involves partying the night away until sunrise, were ushered out of the popular clubs and bars and ‘limed’ on the streets for several minutes as they pondered the next possible place to finish the night off.

One of the captioned pictures of Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan taken from Facebook.

One of the captioned pictures of Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan taken from Facebook.

 When the party was over, revelers retreated to Jerrries Waterloo Street. The bar was however, closed off.

When the party was over, revelers retreated to Jerrries Waterloo Street. The bar was however, closed off.

But the adrenaline and liveliness which normally characterized the nightlife after 2.00 a.m simmered rather quickly given the noticeable police presence throughout the city.
Clubbing to death
Kaieteur News visited many of the popular spots in Georgetown and caught up with many of the party-goers, some clearly infuriated, while a few were tolerant of the new change.
“How Ramjattan want come and tell people how they must party and when they must party? What happen? He wasn’t young? This is unfair to those of us in the younger generation. You can’t come and flick a wand or click ya finger and expect us to just change overnight. The reality is that the party life gets pumping around 12 a.m and really goes into overdrive around 2.00 a.m. This is a tragedy,” one 35-year-old reveler at Palm Court grumbled.

Police vehicles packed with heavily armed officers were circling Palm Court at 2am, ensuring that all patrons were out and the bar, closed off.

Police vehicles packed with heavily armed officers were circling Palm Court at 2am, ensuring that all patrons were out and the bar, closed off.

Seeta’s Bar in Station Street, Kitty was brought to order by 1: 30am.

Seeta’s Bar in Station Street, Kitty was brought to order by 1: 30am.

But one female 24-year-old party-goer at Gravity said, “I don’t have a problem with the 2 am curfew. It is about bringing law and order to the country. No one can deny the fact that they have at least witnessed fights and or gun play after 2.00 a.m at some of these clubs. In New Jersey, there are clubs which close at 2.00 a.m and people are fine with it. There are clubs in the Caribbean which close at that time too and some of these same Guyanese who go over there have to comply. But Guyanese believe that in order to have a good time, they have to party until they see the sun and they can’t wake up in the morning.
“And who knows, if some of these clubs were closed by 2.00 a.m, then that young guy who was in the army, Denzil Mingo, who got gunned down in front of Edge Club would still be alive as well as Manu Durant, who was killed in that strip club, Baroombar.”
Another lover of the nightlife, this time from Seeta’s Bar in Station Street Kitty said, “I don’t believe that this curfew will do anything to stop the high crime rate of which Ramjattan says the nightlife contributes to. When the clubs do adjust to this, and the parties start from 9 a.m to 2.00  a.m, you will still have the problem of drunk driving to deal with. You will still have the violence. Ramjattan to me is paying attention to the wrong things. Nevertheless, I can see with him on trying to bring order to the nightlife. These club owners don’t care about my safety, they care about my money.”
Meanwhile club managers and bar owners couldn’t resist the urge to express their frustration at the 2.00 a.m curfew. They all dread how their businesses will hurt financially from the restriction.

 By 1:45am, the size of the crowd at Gravity was already dwindling.

By 1:45am, the size of the crowd at Gravity was already dwindling.

Popular night spot, Buddies on Sheriff Street was preparing for closure before the 2am curfew.

Popular night spot, Buddies on Sheriff Street was preparing for closure before the 2am curfew.

A manager at Palm Court said that she is particularly incensed by the cap on the time patrons are given to enjoy themselves.
“This is definitely going to hurt us because we make about $1.5 to $2M on the weekends between 2.00 a.m and 4.00 a.m. Everyone knows that the crowd starts to trickle in by 12am and gets into gear by 1:30 -2.00 a.m. Obviously this is going to hurt us. There should have been proper consultation with us.”
Those in favour
There are however, several persons who find favour with Ramjattan’s decision.  Residents of Station Street, Kitty rejoiced when Seeta’s Bar had no choice but to turn the music down by 1:40 a.m.
One 54-year-old resident said: “Seeta’s Bar does mek ya life a living hell. I want to say a big thank you to Ramjattan. Owh lawd I could sleep in peace now man. They have no respect for people and the fact that we got to sleep when the night come. The man right with de 2.00 a.m curfew he put in place. These young people believe that they got to stay out till 6.00 a.m to have a good time. Is bare ignorance and lawlessness. Back in de days dance ah done by midnight. Ramjattan doing de right thing. Leh Seeta’s Bar tek duh fuh all she disrespect ova de years.”
Many bartenders and waitresses were also elated about the 2.00 a.m curfew.
One waitress said, “I am a single mom and there are many nights when I would prefer to be at home with my children early instead of going home at 4.00 a.m.  So this curfew is really a blessing. I am happy about it. We have a life too you know. So this is really a good move.”
Is Ramjattan acting outside his portfolio?
But the debate on social media on this matter is getting even more intense with users expressing their views for and against the “night-cap”. Some even injected a bit of humour into the discussion as they posted pictures of Ramjattan captioned, “When you see him in de place, party done !!!”
Former Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, also lent his voice on the matter, on his Facebook profile.
He said that the granting of licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor and for the regulation of such sale, and the control of licensed premises, are largely governed by The Intoxicating Liquor Licenses Act and The Licensed Premises Act. He said, too, that most of these licenses are granted by the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA).
Nandlall said that the opening and closing hours of those licensed premises are fixed by law in the legislation. The former Attorney General also noted that there is reference in both Acts to a “Minister” but it is not defined. He emphasized however, that the subject minister of the GRA is the Minister of Finance not the Minister of Public Security.
“So from whence is Mr. Ramjattan deriving his authority to impose this curfew. The curfew itself seems to be in contravention of the hours of opening and closing which are fixed by the law. As far as I am aware, these have not been changed by way of any amendment, regulation or order issued by the relevant subject minister. So it would appear that not only is Mr Ramjattan acting ultra vires his authority, but he may be violating the relevant law,” Nandlall expressed.
But the Public Security Minister in an interview on the reactions he has been receiving for the 2.00 a.m curfew said that he is the least bit bothered by it and will continue to do what is needed to reduce the high crime rate.
As for Nandlall’s comments, Ramjattan said, “This is an indivisible government  and you can’t divide it up and say because the portfolio minister is the Finance Minister, Winston Jordan in relation to GRA, Ramjattan must be silent. Then how is Jordan as the relevant person in charge of this to enforce it? Not by asking the policemen? I think this kind of thinking is most ludicrous coming from Nandlall, an individual who never wanted to enforce any law.”
“That is why some of his ministers were stealing cars and passing budget line items and all manners of things, just disregarding the financial laws of the country.”
Ramjattan said that in spite of the criticisms, he is going to do all that it takes to reduce the high crime rate and will continue to hold his ground on the matter.
“I am well aware that these small things will help out and it will lead to the big things. Drinking at very late hours does a lot of harm and leads to a lot of things and I don’t need studies to tell me that. There are a set of bloggers saying you have to get studies done to show correlation between the crime and the night life. Well, what studies do you require to know that drinking has a direct impact on domestic violence especially in rural areas and where you have the estates and so on? What studies we need to have to prove that where there is a lot of alcohol there is a lot of violent crimes and other things?” .
“So what should I do? Because people talk about their rights as against law and order I must simply say oh we shouldn’t enforce it just leave it? Oh no sorry. Not me. That is not going to be my approach to this crime solving at all. And it is a very serious matter out there”
Ramjattan reiterated that he isn’t here for the fame but to get a job done and “will do what it takes” for that to be accomplished.
He noted that the 2am curfew is just one of the options on his menu of measures  planned for crime reduction.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

My 20's started in 1977 and I will tell you what that was the Disco age.

Every Disco in Guyana used to close at 2am at that time.

And what does that have to do with reducing crime. Some shootings occur in BROAD DAYLIGHT!

Ask Guiliani how  locking up window washers did reduce crime.

I am dissapointed in that you cannot see the bigger picture.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

My 20's started in 1977 and I will tell you what that was the Disco age.

Every Disco in Guyana used to close at 2am at that time.

And what does that have to do with reducing crime. Some shootings occur in BROAD DAYLIGHT!

Ask Guiliani how  locking up window washers did reduce crime.

I am dissapointed in that you cannot see the bigger picture.

And as we see the police are busy surrounding the nightclubs instead of fighting crime.  Doing what they do best, and that is harassing innocent people who they can bully and demand bribes from "you leff, or I write".


The criminals must be so happy.  They must have been singing praises to Ramjattan.  They think that he will be even better for them than Rohee was.


I forecast that Ramjattan will be back in private practice and Felix will become Minister of National Security WITHIN the Ministry of the Presidency.

Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ why  I am sensing that you feel that a coolie man cannot curb crime?

Why don't you focus on how ridiculous closures at 2 AM is?  How many businesses are open at that hour to be robbed?  How many crimes are committed between 2-5AM?


I suggest that Ramjattan tells Guyanese not to leave their homes, and to hide under their beds.  And pray that gun men don't enter.


The man is quite hopeless, and so are you if you blindly support him only because he is an Indian.



Right now Ramjattan is looking a lot like Rohee.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Ask Guiliani how  locking up window washers did reduce crime.

I am dissapointed in that you cannot see the bigger picture.

i am constrained to point out that crime was not reduced in NYC because of Giuliani's silly publicity stunt chasing down squeegeemen


stop drinking the kool aid

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ why  I am sensing that you feel that a coolie man cannot curb crime?

Caribj thinks "coolie" only place is in the cane and rice fields.

And yet you will be the man screaming Indo Holocaust as more Indians get killed.


2 AM bar closing in a country where guns are as available as take out food is a joke.


OK I get it.  Ramjattan is a PPP man who wants the coalition to look bad, so this is his priority and not upgrading the police force.  He will leave Harmon to talk about getting help from other countries to do this, and then you will squeal how the PNC is taking over.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Ask Guiliani how  locking up window washers did reduce crime.

I am dissapointed in that you cannot see the bigger picture.

i am constrained to point out that crime was not reduced in NYC because of Giuliani's silly publicity stunt chasing down squeegeemen


stop drinking the kool aid

Bratton introduced the type of community policing that I wish that he would re-introduce now.


How about  if Ramjattan spent time having the police get to know about what who does what at night, instead of getting angry patrons out of bars.


It will surprise folks how much these vendors plying their trade to people moving between entertainment establishments will know.


That to me would make sense, but that is too innovative for Ramjattan, who apparently knows no more of this than Rohee did.

Last edited by Former Member

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