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3 Ministries named in alleged  fuel abuse probe

The Ministries of Home Affairs, Tourism and Natural Resources and the Environment have now become the centre of an investigation into the alleged abuse of the Guyana Oil Company (Guyoil) fuel credit facility. And while the amounts used up by these Ministries, headed by former Ministers Clement Rohee, Robert Persaud and Irfaan Ali respectively, were not released, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon said it would soon be done. Speaking at a news conference on Wednesday, Harmon said he has also instructed all Permanent Secretaries (PSs) and accounting officers of the Ministries to provide assistance to the investigation.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Last week, the Minister had disclosed that Government had discovered rampant abuse of the credit facility, which is extended to the various Ministries and state agencies in Guyana, and has been investigating the matter. He said he had in his possession some evidence that Government personnel in the previous Administration had been abusing the facility. Government had asked the oil company to present it with the accounts and statements and the names of persons. Updating the media on the issue Wednesday, Harmon told reporters, “Guyoil has actually given us full support in our investigation into the matter and has provided us with information on several things. They have given us indication of conflict of interest situations in the company.” Harmon said Government now has the list of vehicles and the names of some of the persons who have drawn fuel from the oil company. He said while he was in possession of all of the necessary information, he was giving persons the opportunity to make payment for the fuel before any contact is made with the Police. He explained that there were at least five vehicles and individuals who were taking gas free of cost while they were not in the employ of Government. The money owed for the five individuals are somewhere in the vicinity of over $200,000 for each vehicle, he related. “There are vehicles that were drawing over 20 gallons a day filling empty containers. I can say to you that there are at least five vehicles and names of individuals who are not employed by one particular ministry….The bills were being taken to the various ministries,” Harmon informed. He said too that he has also been advised that apart from Guyoil, there were private gas stations from which Government vehicles have been drawing gas. In a release to the press following the disclosure by Government last week, Guyoil had explained in detail the steps taken in the transaction of sale of fuel to the various Government Ministries and agencies. It stated that the Government Ministries and agencies were granted monthly credit by Guyoil in purchasing fuel at the company’s service stations and terminals, for which strict procedures have to be adhered to for the supply of fuel. “A Ministry or agency has a number of officers who are authorised to sign fuel orders. The names and specimen signatures of these officers along with a specimen of the fuel order are sent to Guyoil’s Head Office, copies of which are made and lodged at each service station and terminal. “The management of Guyoil also request the registration numbers of the vehicles authorised to be sold fuel, but primary focus is on the authenticity of the fuel order and the authorised name and signature therein,” the release stated. It went on to explain that upon receipt of a fuel order from a Ministry at the service station, the officer on duty verifies the name and signature of the authority with the specimen in place and if they conform, fuel is sold to the vehicle and an invoice is issued. “Copies of invoices are sent from the service stations and terminals to the finance department at Head Office where they are processed and a statement is generated and sent to the Ministry or agency every month. “The Government Ministries and agencies are generally prompt with their payments and are among the better customers of Guyoil in that regard,” it added. Guyoil noted that its management is giving the Government its full cooperation on these ongoing investigations with the objective of reducing and eliminating any such malpractices.

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