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$300 per month equals real increase in Old Age Pension – PPP/C

Former Junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill scrutinising the figures presented in the Budget Estimates for Old Age Pension during the Committee of Supply

Former Junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill scrutinising the figures presented in the Budget Estimates for Old Age Pension during the Committee of Supply

Pensioners “duped” by new Govt

The Opposition and the Government on Wednesday clashed over the funds estimated for the Old Age Pension and Public Assistance with the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) contending through figures proffered that there was a major shortfall in the funds allocated for pensioners and the vulnerable population of Guyana.

During the consideration of the Budget Estimates, former Junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill contended that while the David Granger Administration would have announced an increase in Old Age Pension from $13,125 to $17,000, sufficient provision has not been made for such disbursement. In effect, the announced increase was not actually funded and was, therefore, not real.

In 2015, $8.085 billion was allocated for the provision of Old Age Pension and Social Assistance when compared to $7.895 billion, a mere increase of $189.8 million. Edghill, in addressing the matter in the Committee of Supply, demanded an explanation for the major shortfall, noting that if a mistake was made, the Government must admit and make the relevant corrections to the Budget Estimates.

Minutes after the matter was raised by Edghill in the Committee of Supply, the PPP/C issued a statement calling on the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Administration to provide a proper explanation on the inadequate budgetary allocation for the proposed increase in Old Age Pension.

Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence responding to the barrage of questions posed by the former Junior Finance Minister Bishop Juan Edghill

Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence responding to the barrage of questions posed by the former Junior Finance Minister Bishop Juan Edghill

The PPP/C pointed out that “in 2014, the PPP/C Administration spent $7,895,554,000 to benefit approximately 43,500 pensioners and almost 10,000 persons on Public Assistance. However, in 2015 the Granger Administration, with its announced increases in Old Age Pension to $17,000, has only allocated $8,085,442,000, approximately $190 million increase over 2014, to finance this increase for the period September to December 2015.”

The Opposition is maintaining that approximately $675 million would be required: some $485 million more than what was budgeted for in 2015. “A simple crunching of the numbers will show that based on the increased sums allocated in the 2015 Budget, Old Age Pensioners in real terms will only benefit from a $300 increase monthly. This most recent act of deception by the Granger Administration is a flagrant betrayal of Guyana, more particularly our senior citizens,” the political Opposition added, noting too that the APNU/AFC promises on the campaign trail were purely to hoodwink Guyanese into voting for the coalition.

In supporting the statement of the PPP/C, Edghill told the press that the 2015 Budget presented by the Finance Minister Winston Jordan is riddled with flaws, an issue the Opposition has pointed out since the commencement of the consideration of the Budget Estimates on Monday.

“We have been making the point that this Budget is flawed, it is filled with flaws and every time we point it out…we are met with arrogance,” Edghill told the press.

In responding to the concerns raised by the former Junior Finance Minister and by extension the PPP/C, Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence said the increases in Old Age Pension would be catered for under the Finance Ministry where some $2.7 billion was allocated for “Pension Increases”.

However, this was refuted by Edghill who explained to the Committee of Supply and the press that the money allotted for “Pension Increases” will cater for the pension of Government Workers and not Old Age Pensioners.

But after seeking further clarification, Lawrence explained to the Committee of Supply, that approximately $2.8 billion has been budgeted for 42,397 Old Age Pensioners for the period of four months from September to December.

An additional $243 million was set aside for Public Assistance of which some 9361 persons were expected to benefit, while some $30 million was budgeted for single parents. It was also pointed out that some $4.8 billion was used from the period January to August 2015 for the disbursement of Old Age Pension.

He made it clear that the Government’s decision to remove the subsidies for water and electricity for the pensioners also impacted the final $300 figure.

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now, lemme see here


in 'better' economic times (gold soaring and ting), the PPP chose to give pensioners shyte and build bhariot instead


now wringing their hands wailing that the "PNC" increase budgeted for the next 3 months not enough



Originally Posted by redux:

now, lemme see here


in 'better' economic times (gold soaring and ting), the PPP chose to give pensioners shyte and build bhariot instead


now wringing their hands wailing that the "PNC" increase budgeted for the next 3 months not enough



The PPP did improve the lives of Guyanese.  After 1992, the Guyanese enjoyed a good meal once again after 28 years of total destruction of the country. They gave the people everything, bigger houses, better roads, economic freedom and freedom to travel, worship and speech.

The PPP completed over 5000 projects and the people of African origin once again enjoyed the essence of life. All under the watchful eyes of Bharat jagdeo.




2015 Budget does not provide for Old Age Pension increases ­- Opposition

August 27, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

After scrutinizing the 2015 budget estimates yesterday, the political opposition said it discovered what it described as another aspect of the “deceptive budget.” It said that that nowhere in the estimates provides for the increases in the Old Age pension to $17,000. Leveling this accusation against the government was former Junior Finance Minister, Juan Edghill. He told members of the House that after perusing the estimates, it is clear that the current allocation in the budget would not be sufficient. Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence, in defending the budget, said that the increases are not provided for under the allocations of her ministry but under the Ministry of Finance. She initially stated that $2.7B was provided for to cover the increases, and later clarified that it was $2.82B. Lawrence failed, however, to clarify that this sum was allocated under her ministry as revealed by the budget estimates. But when the calculations were done by the opposition, it still insisted that the figures still did not add up. The People’s Progressive Party later issued a statement to the media informing once more on its position on the matter. The Opposition called on the Granger-led Administration to provide a proper explanation on the inadequate budgetary allocations for the proposed increase in Old Age Pension. The Party pointed out that in 2014, the PPP/C administration spent $7,895,554,000 to benefit approximately 43,500 pensioners and almost 10,000 persons on Public Assistance. It stated however, that in 2015 the current administration, with its announced increases in Old Age Pension to $17,000, only allocated $8, 085,442,000, approximately $190 Million increase over 2014, to finance this increase for the period September to December 2015. The party made it clear that approximately $675 Million would be required, $485 Million more than what is budgeted for 2015. It stated that “a simple crunching of the numbers will show that based on the increased sums allocated in the 2015 Budget, Old Age Pensioners in real terms, will only benefit from a $300 increase monthly”. It emphasised that “this most recent act of deception by the Granger Administration is a flagrant betrayal of Guyana, more particularly the senior citizens”. Finance Minister, Winston Jordan was subsequently asked to shed some light on the matter. He said, “Look, he (Edghill) is dead wrong.” Jordan said that $243.4M has been allocated for public assistance while a total of $2.82B has been allocated for pensioners. The Finance Minister noted that $30M has also been provided for, to assist single parents. This, he said, gives a total of $3.156B which is provided for under the Ministry of Social Protection. He said that Ms. Lawrence was just ill­-advised by her technical staff. Edghill later reiterated to the media that the Finance Minister did not truly provide any real increase for the pensioners in the budget, but rather eliminated the subsidies for water and electricity and took the usual allocation for that and redirected it this year to the increases for pensioners.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by redux:

now, lemme see here


in 'better' economic times (gold soaring and ting), the PPP chose to give pensioners shyte and build bhariot instead


now wringing their hands wailing that the "PNC" increase budgeted for the next 3 months not enough



The PPP did improve the lives of Guyanese.  After 1992, the Guyanese enjoyed a good meal once again after 28 years of total destruction of the country. They gave the people everything, bigger houses, better roads, economic freedom and freedom to travel, worship and speech.

The PPP completed over 5000 projects and the people of African origin once again enjoyed the essence of life. All under the watchful eyes of Bharat jagdeo.

ahmmm ramadrunk, u look up "non sequitur" yet?

Originally Posted by asj:

If you are in Guyana, $300 Dollars can buy one bottle Soda, so pensioners can drink one mouthful everyday.

Pensioners will have to beg for $80 to buy one loaf of bread: Surely that is very shameful.


In the PNC day of Forbes Burnham, babies uses to go to bed hungry, there was no milk for purchasing, with rice flour, there was no bread for the poor and needy.........they went to bed hungry too.


In this day of the PNC/AFC  the poor pensioners cannot even afford to purchase a bottle of soda or a loaf of bread, and the Government take over billions of dollars from the PPP/C. Seem like they are using these billions to take care of themselves.


They say that a pig is a pig, no matter how much lipstick you daub on their lips...........the same can the said of the PNC, unless of course if they will do better, but that is yet to be seen.



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