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Former Member

$300M City Hall Restoration Fund unaccounted for – Dharamlall

There has been no accountability for the $300 million restoration fund which was contributed to the Georgetown Mayor and City Council for the restoration of the dilapidated City Hall building. Mayor Ubraj Narine

Newly-appointed Local Government and Regional Development Minister, Nigel Dharamlall told Guyana Times in an interview on Monday they are yet to find out where the money went.

“Not a cent has been accounted for. Not a piece of documentation can be provided and that’s an outstanding issue which we would have to look at. We have had cases of gross incompetence and mismanagement which we will have to work to get fixed,” he lamented.

The restoration fund is one whereby members of the public are encouraged to donate monies towards the rehabilitation for the 19th-century building. At the time of the first study by the European Union several years ago, the project was pegged $400 million but to date, that amount has increased to over $1 billion. Hall

Later, $65 million was also provided over one year ago for the construction of an administrative building but according to the new Minister, only a building design plan has been drafted. This building was expected to host employees until the restoration exercise is completed. As it stands, the iconic City Hall structure has become an eyesore and is expected to crumble in the near future.

“The only thing that has been done in a year, despite $65 million being provided to City Hall, was a design review of the structure that ought to be built. I have no idea as yet but that information will have to be provided on whether City Hall has expended those resources on other things or whether they held it in escrow,” the new Minister revealed.

No increase in taxes

In a bid to gain more revenues, the city had previously embarked on a property valuation exercise to increase rates, but this project gravely failed. In that regard, Minister Dharamlall has reassured residents within the township that taxes will not be increased as a mean to fix the city’s lack of funds.

The Georgetown municipality has been cash-strapped for many years – mostly linked to lack of transparency and mismanagement of funds. Dharamlall has included in his mandate, a quest to reshape the operations at City Hall so that Government’s intervention is no longer constantly needed.

He would have recently engaged Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine, where it was disclosed that the municipality is indeed cash-strapped.

“I think it is legendary that it has been mismanaged. In the next five years, I can assure every resident of Georgetown that we will ensure that City Hall pulls itself up and becomes transparent, accountable, efficient and sustainable in all of its management,” he affirmed.

The Minister added, “We have met with the Mayor and he has indicated very clearly to us that they are cash strapped. They are without resources. Their collection is still below par. I think most importantly, it’s the way things are managed.”

As such, it was noted that the new Administration will seek greater accountability to ensure that subventions and revenues are well-spent. The dissolved Communities Ministry would have bailed out the City Council on two occasions within the past three years, in excess of $200 million to pay solid waste contractors, due to their inability to pay these stakeholders for services done.

“We believe that with this new Government, we will work very closely to ensure that they are managed better, the subventions provided would have to be accounted for.” (G12)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

$300M City Hall Restoration Fund unaccounted for – Dharamlall

There has been no accountability for the $300 million restoration fund which was contributed to the Georgetown Mayor and City Council for the restoration of the dilapidated City Hall building. Mayor Ubraj Narine

Newly-appointed Local Government and Regional Development Minister, Nigel Dharamlall told Guyana Times in an interview on Monday they are yet to find out where the money went.

“Not a cent has been accounted for. Not a piece of documentation can be provided and that’s an outstanding issue which we would have to look at. We have had cases of gross incompetence and mismanagement which we will have to work to get fixed,” he lamented.

Probably, the Mayor is clearly stating that he knows nothing that goes on at City Hall.

Maybe he is also stating that the main function of his job is ... Mayor Pandit Ubraj Narine (centre) joins in the clean-up operation.

Georgetown Mayor joins in city clean-up, Jan 21, 2019 News 0, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ns-in-city-clean-up/

@Django posted:

When the $300M was given to City Hall ? anyone knows ?

Django ...

$300_M was granted around August 2015.

Ubraj Narine was elected Mayor in December 2018.

Patricia Chase-Green was elected in April, 2016.


For Immediate Release
18 August, 2020

I reject the attacks on my leadership of the Mayor and City Council by the Newly-appointed Local Government and Regional Development Minister, Nigel Dharamlall.

Dharamlall in his attacks via the Guyana Times and other news outlets spoke of
Mismanagement by the Mayor and City Council, this is decietful and vile.

The newly appointed Minister and I spoke on Local Government matters, I explained to him that I inherited a Council with over 6 billion dollars in debt and was hoping that he would reach across the isle for the benefit of the City, Citizens, businesses and the Country.

The Minister has not even had a meeting, engagement or stakeholder forum with the entire Mayor and City Council to enquire on the strengths or weaknesses of the Council, yet he has been constantly attacking the City Council.

Under My leadership there was never a scandal, I have inherited a Mayor and City Council in January 2019 with a colossal amount of debt.

I, along with the former APNU/AFC Government have worked along with Local Government Councillors and contractors in good faith. Through engagements, forums and meetings we have worked tirelessly to improve the livelihood of the residents of the City and businesses who dwell within the environs of the City of Georgetown.

We have rebuilt and rehabilitated dilapidated Markets and rehabilitated washroom facilities throughout the Georgetown Municipal District they were all neglected and in rundown conditions under the previous administrations this was due to spite and constant political interference from the then Local Government Management.

I am calling on him as the Local Government Minister to call on all businesses and explain to them that every country in the world pays taxes to facilitate the cleaning and effective management of Cities worldwide.

I call on him to use his office to encourage all of Guyana to pay their taxes whether residents or businesses who fall under the ten Municipalities across Guyana or under the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDCs). His focus at this early stage should be to engage with all stake holders and empower the Councils to work to build Guyana not threaten and attack to serve political scores.

These constitutionally elected Local Democratic Organs (LDOs) need guidance of Impeccable and prudent Managerial qualities and thus far it looks bleak with his utterances. We have until December 2021 for a new Local Government Elections cycle. The Minister careless start on Governance of Local Democracy leaves one to shudder and to think of the vindictiveness that is ahead.

I am also calling on the International Community that are here to encourage the newly appointed Minister on democracy and good Governance when they pay him courtesy calls. Their input will be a valuable asset to reaffirm that the 2016 to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) needs collaboration and co-operation to be implemented. These 17 development goals set perimeters for achievements in health, nutrition, waste management, water and sanitation among others benefits for the achievement of better quality of life for citizens in Communities worldwide. Guyana being one of the signatories to the (SDGs) has performed well at the level of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council through maintaining and improving services across the city.

There is Development under My leadership as Mayor and it is visible to the Public. I can assure the Citizens of Georgetown that there has been transparency, accountability, and proper management of the affairs of the City Council and it will continue in this regard. As the Mayor of Georgetown, I continue to extend the Olive Branch to the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.


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Last edited by Django

In the video statement the pandit confirmed that his office did receive the $300M so that is no longer in dispute. The newly appointed minister stated that although the $300M plus another $65M were granted hardly any work has been done on the building. Actually only blueprints were done I believe he said. Now the pandit is saying that he inherited some $6B in debt so the problem is even worse than what the minister is saying.

All in all, still a PNC incompetent problem.


After running Georgetown like a mauby shop for decades the PNC decided to put an East Indian puppet to run city hall.  This puppet of Green is more of a nincompoop than anything else.  The PNC has no real interest to uplift Georgetown and making it a friendly place for doing business. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

After running Georgetown like a mauby shop for decades the PNC decided to put an East Indian puppet to run city hall.  This puppet of Green is more of a nincompoop than anything else.  The PNC has no real interest to uplift Georgetown and making it a friendly place for doing business. 

They decided to throw the blame for stealing $300 million on the Coolie man.


After running Georgetown like a mauby shop for decades the PNC decided to put an East Indian puppet to run city hall.  This puppet of Green is more of a nincompoop than anything else.  The PNC has no real interest to uplift Georgetown and making it a friendly place for doing business. 

Georgetown is a lot cleaner and welcoming after the PPP government left it.  Piles of garbage were everywhere previously. So any person of another race like Philips, is a nincompoop puppet also like Ali. While Jagdeo runs the show ?

@Tola posted:

Georgetown is a lot cleaner and welcoming after the PPP government left it.  Piles of garbage were everywhere previously. So any person of another race like Philips, is a nincompoop puppet also like Ali. While Jagdeo runs the show ?

Jagdeo knows how to manage his manager. It's a skill very few people possess.

@Former Member posted:

In the video statement the pandit confirmed that his office did receive the $300M so that is no longer in dispute.

The newly appointed minister stated that although the $300M plus another $65M were granted hardly any work has been done on the building.

Actually only blueprints were done I believe he said. Now the pandit is saying that he inherited some $6B in debt so the problem is even worse than what the minister is saying.

All in all, still a PNC incompetent problem.

There are lots of holes in the statement ,the money wasn't given when Mayor Ubraj  took office.

There was a COI,  link

Last edited by Django


You are defending the incompetent and heartless Hammie who ran GT into the ground.  He was deliberately piling up garbage in GT and blaming it on the central government.  How many times the central gov't. had to use millions in emergency funds to clean up the city?  The City was cleaned just after the elections in 2015 by shaking down businessmen and using BK dredges to clear canals.  It was a temporary fix to show off to the public.  The City began to rot again under Hammie.  

Georgetown needs more than cosmetics changes.  GT needs better water supply, reliable power supply, security for businesses and residents, and host of other things.  The City does not attract major investments because of how its run by the politicians at the city hall.  These politicians are not from the PPP 

Billy Ram Balgobin
@Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo knows how to manage his manager. It's a skill very few people possess.

You mean micro manage and in control over everyone else.  Jagdeo is a thief and a con artist,  while the people who voted for the PPP still struggle to live.   

@Tola posted:

You mean micro manage and in control over everyone else.  Jagdeo is a thief and a con artist,  while the people who voted for the PPP still struggle to live.   

No! That's not what I said. 

However, the People who voted for the APNU/AFC coalition are not struggling to live? Why pick on the PPP? It is only 14 days since they took office and things will get better.  The PPP is not responsible for the last 5 1/2 years of PNC rule. You are biased towards the PPP and I don't know why.



You are defending the incompetent and heartless Hammie who ran GT into the ground.  He was deliberately piling up garbage in GT and blaming it on the central government.  How many times the central gov't. had to use millions in emergency funds to clean up the city?  The City was cleaned just after the elections in 2015 by shaking down businessmen and using BK dredges to clear canals.  It was a temporary fix to show off to the public.  The City began to rot again under Hammie.  

Georgetown needs more than cosmetics changes.  GT needs better water supply, reliable power supply, security for businesses and residents, and host of other things.  The City does not attract major investments because of how its run by the politicians at the city hall.  These politicians are not from the PPP 

I am not defending anyone.  GT and the PPP is like Trump and some states, where they don't talk to each other.

Knocking down an Indian mayor as puppet is like Jagdeo SELECTING Ali as his puppet. Don't tell me it was an election, because Jagdeo has control over the CC. Where guys like Mustapha will clean his shoes. I know, he don't like people smarter than him and he is incompetent to be Agriculture Minister.  

GT, or any other town in Guyana, cannot operate properly without the central government involvement and its been like that for  a long time.

There don't seem to be a solution in the near future.  



@Ramakant-P posted:

No! That's not what I said. 

However, the People who voted for the APNU/AFC coalition are not struggling to live? Why pick on the PPP? It is only 14 days since they took office and things will get better.  The PPP is not responsible for the last 5 1/2 years of PNC rule. You are biased towards the PPP and I don't know why.

Bhai, get smart na. Who is talking about the last 14 days. 


Georgetown needs more than cosmetics changes.  GT needs better water supply, reliable power supply, security for businesses and residents, and host of other things.  The City does not attract major investments because of how its run by the politicians at the city hall.  These politicians are not from the PPP 

So how come you know all this yet while the PPP were  in office 20+ years these items were not taken care of?  You know, water supply, power supply,security for all and a host of other things? They were supposed to be better than PNC. Shame on them.

Now they are back with same ole promises and you still expect dem rass fo make a difference?

Last edited by cain
@Django posted:

There are lots of holes in the statement ,the money wasn't given when Mayor Ubraj  took office.

There was a COI,  link

Please list them.

The report didn't say it was done while Ubraj was mayor. It stated 'to the mayor & CC".


Mayor wants special audit of City Hall’s 2019 spending

– says Council working to realize promise of accountability

Auditor General, Deodat Sharma

City Mayor, Ubraj Narine

City Mayor, Ubraj Narine is calling on the Auditor General (AG) to scrutinize the 2019 expenditure of the Georgetown Council, a call that comes in the wake of criticism leveled against the City’s management of $300 M annual subvention provided by central government.Responding to the news reports of which alluded to claims by the new Minister of Local Government, Nigel Dharamlall, that monies were unaccounted for, the Mayor clarified that this was not done under his tenure.He noted that the Council has been working to improve the level of transparency and accountability needed.

Narine disclosed that the Council wrote Auditor General, Deodat Sharma on July 24, 2020 to have the books audited for last year. He said that to date, there has been no response from the AG’s office.“So this report of $300M the Minister spoke about [in the media] that was unaccounted for, was not from my tenure that was for an old administration. I spoke to the Minister, this morning; he said that he was speaking about 2015, 2016 and 2017,” the Mayor added noting that he assumed office in January, 2019.

As such, Narine noted that under his tenure, the $300 M was well spent.
“We have all our records from 2019. When I took over in January, we met with the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Communities … it was actually outlined to me how I must spend this money as Mayor. The garbage trucks were bought, three tractors, the administration building which is under construction, and other areas including the $75 M which was spent in the constituencies. All of which was done when I first took office and all the monies were accounted for,” he explained.
In keeping with his pledge to improve the level of transparency within the Council, the Mayor said that he has been working with the council members to bring this into fruition.

“In 2019,” the Mayor added, “I told the people when I took office that under my watch this council will be working towards, transparency and accountability. We did not divert in any way from trying to do so. We want when money is spent at City Hall people must get value for their money.”Narine also reminded that he inherited a Council which was over $6 B in debt.“We had a lot of matters to work out. We had contracts that were given out to clean the cemetery, some of the documents I could not find. We were told that verbal contracts for millions of dollars were given out and there were no records so we tried to call in those people and have our engineers go on the ground to see if work was exactly what they claim for. I wasn’t the Mayor then, neither was the current Town Clerk in the position,” he reiterated.

As such, the Mayor said that he is adamant about having a special financial audit of the entire Council for year 2019.“We want the public to know that City Hall is moving in the direction of accounting for the spending,” the Mayor said. Meanwhile when contacted by Kaieteur News, Auditor General Sharma noted that he is in receipt of the request for an audit of the Georgetown municipality. Sharma explained however that the Mayor requested a special financial statement audit of the entire council. This he noted, is apart from the annual audit which is mandatory for all local government organs.“What the Mayor is requesting,” Sharma stated, “is a financial statement audit of all the departments of the council. The issue with that is, the Council will need to provide records of its income and expenditure. Providing records of spending is something that Council has not been able to do in the past.”


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