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Bruce Willis Wearing a Make America Great Again cap in support of Donald Trump

Bruce Willis: Actor


This Die Hard star is also a diehard fan of Donald Trump. Willis has taken criticism for his open support of Trump including the above appearance on Jimmy Fallon wearing a full Donald Trump makeover including the signature hair and business attire. Don’t you just love the hat as a topper? Start the slideshow for more great celebrities on the next slides.

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Jessica Simpson wearing a n american bikini and blue jeans

Jessica Simpson: Singer


Jessica Simpson is a Republican. She endorsed George W. Bush for president in 2004, but was later said to have β€œsnubbed” him by canceling an appearance at a 2006 Republican fundraiser in Washington, D.C. The singer’s father, Joe Simpson, explained that he and Jessica are β€œbig supporters” of the president, who invited them, but they felt it was inappropriate to attend a political fundraiser.





β€œI think he (Trump) is very funny, and I think he is actually saying a lot of things that other people don’t really have the guts to say and for that reason I applaud him.”

A uterine cancer survivor, Drescher is an outspoken healthcare advocate and LGBT rights activist, and is noted for her work as a Public Diplomacy Envoy for Women’s Health Issues for the U.S. State Department. Divorced from writer and producer Peter Marc Jacobson, she currently lives in Malibu, California.

Click the NEXT button below for: This former contested on β€œCelebrity Apprentice” surprised us




β€œI know him personally. I know him professionally. He’s a great guy. He’s sharp. He’s fast. He can change the country after the last eight years.”

On December 4, 1988, Busey was severely injured in a motorcycle accident in which he was not wearing a helmet. His skull was fractured, and doctors feared he suffered permanent brain damage. During the filming of the second season of Celebrity Rehab in 2008, Busey was referred to psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy. Sophy suspected that Busey’s brain injury has had a greater effect on him than realized. He described it as essentially weakening his mental β€œfilters” and causing him to speak and act impulsively. Sophy recommended Busey take valproic acid (Depakote), with which Busey agreed.




β€œ(Donald Trump is) the best thing to happen to politics in a long, long time. … (He) says what’s on his mind. He gives honest answers rather than prepared answers.”

Cuban has donated $7,000 to political campaigns, $6,000 going to Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah and $1,000 to Democratic California Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren.

On February 8, 2008, Cuban voiced his support for the draft movement attempting to convince New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to run in the U.S. presidential election of 2008 on his blog. Cuban concluded a post lamenting the current state of U.S. politics: β€œAre you listening, Mayor Bloomberg? For less than the cost of opening a tent pole movie, you can change the status quo.” He eventually voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 election.

In November 2012, in response to Donald Trump offering President Barack Obama $5 million to a charity of President Obama’s choosing if he released passport applications and college transcripts to the public, Cuban offered Trump $1 million to a charity of Trump’s choosing if Trump shaved his head.

NEXT: A guy you don’t want to get into a bar fight with even if he does have a girl’s name


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Jon Voight


β€œThere are many Republicans fighting to keep him from winning the Republican nomination. You know why? Because he has no bull to sell, and everyone will discover the bull most politicians spew out is for their own causes and benefits. They never dreamed they would be losing control. . . . I pray all Americans who have seen and felt the meltdown of America with the Obama years, to please fight for Donald Trump.”


8.)  Robert Davi: Actor, singer, writer, and director


β€œIf Ronald Reagan was the Gary Cooper of politics, Trump is the John Wayne. So, pilgrim, I’d rather have a President Trump who tells it like it is than a deceiver who feeds us sugarcoated poison at bedtime, only to have us wake up dead.” (Photo:

Cobra posted:

Jessica Simpson wearing a n american bikini and blue jeans

Jessica Simpson: Singer


Jessica Simpson is a Republican. She endorsed George W. Bush for president in 2004, but was later said to have β€œsnubbed” him by canceling an appearance at a 2006 Republican fundraiser in Washington, D.C. The singer’s father, Joe Simpson, explained that he and Jessica are β€œbig supporters” of the president, who invited them, but they felt it was inappropriate to attend a political fundraiser.

Don't recognize her with any clothes on.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

 Trump has a huge Black and Muslim support base backing him right now. However, most of them wish to be anonymous for unknown reasons.  

Who cares about celebrities.  Is Mike Tyson a good role model.

The fact that the black and Muslims are too ashamed to show their support means that they know that the vast majority of blacks and Muslims loathe Trump.

In fact the best weapon that the Democrats have to get out the black vote in November is Trump, as neither Hillary nor Bernie inspire them.

baseman posted:

Trump's support is deeper and wider than many willing to accept. 

he is polling 35-40% of the GOP, who make up 40% of the electorate.

If Trump "handles" those who oppose him, by ordering his goons to "bash them in their faces", "send them out in stretchers", and he offers to pay their legal bills if they get arrested, he will be a FASCIST DICTATOR.

Come November huge numbers of Americans, including many GOP (claims are that 20% of these will defect if Trump is the GOP candidate), will vote AGAINST this atrocity.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:

This may be the case.  Vast amounts of Whites don't admit supporting Trump but will vote for him.  So will many Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics!!

60% of WHITES in the GOP vote AGAINST Trump.

So where are your claims that he has the majority support?

I will sooner accept ACTUAL votes than your claims that some "invisible" group support him. If he is so popular then why the shame?


As to Trump's support among Latinos.  It wouldnt surprise me that he gets some, as there are many, like you, who are more motivated by their notions that they are superior to blacks, giving them a false notion that they are accepted by whites.

He isn't getting black support though.  Too much blatant anti black racism by Trump!

baseman posted:

Blacks are as equally capable as anyone to accomplish success.  

And, despite your screams, WE DO, BOTH in the USA and Guyana.

Now run along and join the gang of white Trump losers, most of whom have achieved NOTHING!

As to the Nigerian Ivy Leaguers.  Tell me why Nigerians are many times likely to have college degrees than are whites, and even MORE likely to have advanced degrees, yet their median household income is LESS than it is for whites.

Now some would say that these highly educated Nigerians encounter racism, once they leave school, so end up in jobs way below what one would expect, given their education attainment.

In fact when one compares these Nigerians, with an equivalent pool of black Americans, the latter OUT EARN them.  Why?  Because Nigerians face three stigmas. Being black, being foreign, and being AFRICAN.

Look how quickly your fellow Trump racists use African imagery to convey negative things.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many Black Americans feel that immigration has become a major problem for this country.  Many also share the Republican belief of low taxation and smaller gov't. as the way to boost the economy and create jobs. For these two reasons, many of them will vote Republican.


Yet in every election since 1968 over 90% of blacks REFUSE to vote GOP.

Given that you don't think that Indians should support the PNC, then why should blacks support the GOP.  Both are racist anti black parties, which campaign based in spreading the notion of the violent and unproductive black.

The GOP in 2008 left this country in the same mess that the PNC did in 1992, so don't use that as an excuse.  In late 2008 700,000 jobs were being lost EACH MONTH!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Blacks are as equally capable as anyone to accomplish success.  

And, despite your screams, WE DO, BOTH in the USA and Guyana.

Now run along and join the gang of white Trump losers, most of whom have achieved NOTHING!

Many Guyana Blacks are like you.  Filled with rage and hatred towards Indians and carry a feeling of entitlement and power drunk!!

On Trump, he was just endorsed by a very accomplished Black, Carson!!  I am sure he is very well aware of Black accomplishments!!

You are filled with deep rage and hatred towards blacks, so you run to any entity which is set up to abuse us. In Guyana, the PPP, and in the USA Donald Trump.

What is interesting is that YOU, Trump, and the PPP all paint blacks as violent savages.


Look at his screams about the protesters, who only became violent on Friday when large numbers of WHITES invaded, sick and tired of "The Donald's" FASCISM!

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
".  I mean, Carson, the accomplished brain surgeon, once attacked his own mother with a hammer!! 

1.  Carson LIED about that.  This shows some mental issue, with his need to peddle lies like this.

2. Why do you think that a man who engages in this behavior is worthy of emulation.

3.  Why don't you ever mention the legions of other blacks, who have achieved great things. Start with Oprah. 

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
".  I mean, Carson, the accomplished brain surgeon, once attacked his own mother with a hammer!! 

1.  Carson LIED about that.  This shows some mental issue, with his need to peddle lies like this.

2. Why do you think that a man who engages in this behavior is worthy of emulation.

3.  Why don't you ever mention the legions of other blacks, who have achieved great things. Start with Oprah. 

You [once again] shift the topic.  This displays a certain propensity to violence even though one can still accomplish many things!!

Carson was NOT as violent, as for some sick reason, he claims. In fact he was a nerd, something that apparently shames him.

Maybe in order to hang around black hating racists, he feels the need to peddle the notion of the "violent black man". Yes even SUCCESSFUL black men, must have a violent side.

Poor thing.

baseman posted:

Look, me tek da man at his words, just as I do with you.  You seh Afros started racism in Guyana, me believe you. 

I never said Afros started racism in Guyana, so you can scream as you wish. In fact I said that "racism" in Guyana was a fact of life, even before the Europeans arrived, as many Amerindian groups battled each other, and I am sure dehumanized and belittled each other, just as racist like you do to blacks.

As to our current problem.  I have said BOTH blacks and Indians have engaged in racism towards each other, and BOTH have suffered.  That was my FIRST post on this forum.

It is the mere fact that I don't exclude Indians as racists, and I include blacks as victims of racism, that has you and your fellow Indo racists screaming that "caribj is a racist".

baseman posted:
caribny posted:

You agreed that Indentureship was the seed to Afro racism in Guyana.

African resentment to the indentures was also Creole  resentment towards the "Islanders", and African indentures.   

As you should know the initial batch of Indians didn't work out, so Indians were NOT the majority of the indentures when the 1848 strike failed.

I set a trap and you fell right in.

The specific African Indian resentments began later and each, because they were used against the other by the planters.

Cease your crap that the blacks started it.  BOTH were pawns within a system which was racist to them BOTH!

caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:

You agreed that Indentureship was the seed to Afro racism in Guyana.

African resentment to the indentures was also Creole  resentment towards the "Islanders", and African indentures.   

As you should know the initial batch of Indians didn't work out, so Indians were NOT the majority of the indentures when the 1848 strike failed.

I set a trap and you fell right in.

The specific African Indian resentments began later and each, because they were used against the other by the planters.

Cease your crap that the blacks started it.  BOTH were pawns within a system which was racist to them BOTH!

I dunno when these fellas will face the facts,the Brits set up the game and left us to the battle,they knew what was coming they mentioned the Africans and Indians does not coalesce tough times ahead.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

I dunno when these fellas will face the facts,the Brits set up the game and left us to the battle,they knew what was coming they mentioned the Africans and Indians does not coalesce tough times ahead.

These fellows have serious problems.  They back Trump because they think that he will "control blacks".

No worries though when we see the white on white battles at his rallies.


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