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32nd FESUPO/16th NAPF & FESUPO Pan American C/ships – Equipped Day 1

Jul 07, 2017 Sports, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....hips-equipped-day-1/

Historic day as 5 lifters combine to deliver 16 medals including 11 golds

By Franklin Wilson in Orlando, USA compliments of Crown Mining Supplies, Fitness Express, Secure Innovations & Concepts, Industrial Safety Supplies, Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club.

Guyana enjoyed its best day yet at the international level when it racked in a total of 16 medals at the 16th North American Powerlifting Federation (NAPF) and 32nd South American Powerlifting Federation (FESUPO) Championships yesterday at the Hyatt Regency, Orlando International Airport.
Winston ‘Little Master’ Stoby led the medal haul with a perfect 4 gold medals out of four followed by Arif Immamdeen who accounted for 3, Britney Mack 2 with one each for Teneisha Toney and 72 year-old Nairianjan Singh, the grandfather of the team.
This historic performance by a team that has braved the cold Hall here at the competition venue was witnessed by former President of the Guyana Amateur Powetrlifting Federation (GAPF) Peter Green who was high in praise for the performances of the lifters.
All of the Guyanese athletes to date, hitting the competition platform have medaled, 5 medals each on the first two days, but yesterday’s performance trumped all, with a total of 16 medals.
Leading the charge was Stoby who captured gold in the Men’s Open and Men’s Masters 2 (50+) in both the Pan American and FESUPO competitions.
The cold conditions did not help the Guyanese cause but pure determination and the will to excel brought out the best in all five lifters. Stoby described the day as one of his worst days since 1993 but was still able to humble his opposition in each category.
The 1993, 1996, 2013 and 2017 Pan American gold medalist missed his first lift, squat, as well as his third but never gave in as he rebounded to show that the lifters from the Land of Many Waters, never say die.
Such was the case also with Arif Immamdeen, who also faced challenges to keep warm and despite failing his final squat, endeavoured to blow away his opposition to win three gold medals and one bronze.
Guyana’s oldest competitor at the championships, Nairianjan Singh also never gave up or in and battled his way to new bench press and deadlift South American records on his way to claiming 1 gold, 2 silver and one bronze medal.
But the pace for the older lifters was set by the 17 year-old duo of Britney Mack and Teneisha Toney who set the pace in the morning session by grabbing three gold medals and one silver.
Mack got South American and Pan American gold; Toney South American gold, Pan American silver.
Still hungry for more medals, Guyana will be unleashing two more lifters today in the form of Andrea and Erwyn Smith and will be seeking to increase their medal tally on the penultimate day of the equipped championship.


Name          Weight Cls           Squat Bench       Deadlift        Total
Britney Mack                   47kg FSJ, F-FSJ          125kg  35kg              115kg          267.5kg
Teneisha Toney              57kg FSJ, F-FSJ          75kg    62.5kg           110kg          247.5kg
Arif Immamdeen             66kg M-O, M-J,          210kg  117.5kg          215kg
Nairianjan Singh         83kg M-O, M-M4             105kg  117.5kg         160kg          382.5kg
Winston Stoby              74kg M-O, M-M2        235kg  130kg            250kg          615kg
M-M2, M-FO


Medal Table for Guyana
Gold    Silver     Bronze       Total
Day 1
                    2               2                 1          5
Day 2                   2               1                  2          5
Day 3                   11             3                 2                     16
Overall total to date:                                             26


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