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yuji22 posted:

You are blinded once again by race and your hatred for Indos which has finally surfaced. 


The majority of the black and mixed voters have signaled by their votes in 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011 and in 2015 that they fear the PPP.

Were you not such a black hating racists so screaming that Buxtonians (meaning blacks) smell stink it would concern you.

You would know that as the Indian population declines and becomes more diverse in its identities, and perspectives that the PPP couldn't guarantee wins if they didn't make serious in roads into this 45% of the population who just refuse to vote for them.

But YOU are the one who doesn't even want to acknowledge this and scream instead that I am anti Indo for raising this obvious fact.

Neither the PNC NOR the PPP can govern if 45% of the population hates them, regardless as to whether they win.

yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

 I cannot stand the smell of a Buxtonian.

You are expressing the sentiments of the PPP here. Thank you!

Why did you delete the fact that I stated that I am vegan ?


Because we fail to see what relevance that has to the smell of a Buxtonian. Most PPP supporters eat some form of meat, so you should also be repulsed by them.

This is your dog whistle racism.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

 I cannot stand the smell of a Buxtonian.

You are expressing the sentiments of the PPP here. Thank you!

Why did you delete the fact that I stated that I am vegan ?


Because we fail to see what relevance that has to the smell of a Buxtonian. Most PPP supporters eat some form of meat, so you should also be repulsed by them.

This is your dog whistle racism.

Also note that over 75% of those who bothered to vote in GT rejected PPP candidates.  The PPP was demolished in Linden and Bartica and I bet in New Amsterdam.

So where is the evidence that blacks will support the PPP.  Evidence suggests that blacks think that they have two options.

1. Voting coalition   OR

2. NOT voting at all!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

 I cannot stand the smell of a Buxtonian.

You are expressing the sentiments of the PPP here. Thank you!

Why did you delete the fact that I stated that I am vegan ?


Because we fail to see what relevance 

Yes there is relevance. I am vegan.

You brought up buxtonian and when I buss your back you run and cry. take your lumps today !!!

Dont expect posters to tolerate your racist black KKK shyte. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

 I cannot stand the smell of a Buxtonian.

You are expressing the sentiments of the PPP here. Thank you!

Why did you delete the fact that I stated that I am vegan ?


See why I think you are a dullard? What does being a vegan have to do with you not liking the smell of someone? I am a vegetarian from birth. Do you mean my olfactory nerves are compromised by my milk drinking and cheese eating?

yuji22 posted:

You are stuck in the Past. PPP won LGE by 54,000 votes. You can sing, twist and dance. Blacks will not run out and vote in large numbers for a leader who told them that they are lazy and that they should go and sell plantain chips and cook up rice when they graduate.


And can you prove that they will vote PPP. NO!

So you are still left with the reality that the PPP remains so reviled by black and mixed voters that they do not see them as a party that they can support.  If they cannot vote Coalition they then stay home!

And why this comment about Granger's remarks when all of you PPP frauds say the same and even congratulated Granger when he said it?


caribny posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

 I cannot stand the smell of a Buxtonian.

You are expressing the sentiments of the PPP here. Thank you!

Why did you delete the fact that I stated that I am vegan ?


Because we fail to see what relevance that has to the smell of a Buxtonian. Most PPP supporters eat some form of meat, so you should also be repulsed by them.

This is your dog whistle racism.

Also note that over 75% of those who bothered to vote in GT rejected PPP candidates.  The PPP was demolished in Linden and Bartica and I bet in New Amsterdam.

So where is the evidence that blacks will support the PPP.  Evidence suggests that blacks think that they have two options.

1. Voting coalition   OR

2. NOT voting at all!

Dont bring up your delusional shyte again. PPP won by 54,00 votes. You are like a broken record repeating the same shyte and lies again and again  and again.

Let the fearful and cowards in the PNC bring on the election !!!

Bring it on !!!! 

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I have been saying since the signing of that Valentine’s Day love letter that the PNC of now is no different from the PNC of past. They are going to court now because it is the next natural step. At some point when all these legal steps run out, the mo fiah slo fiah will begin. Putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t remove the fact that it is still a pig.

Do not go on as if the PPP were saints. Ramotar prorogued parliament to prevent the vote and only left peacefully because of tremendous international pressure.

Those who attack the PNC from a position of moral high ground are very comedic and hypocritical.  Neither party is democratic in the true sense of what this means.

Where did I say that the PPP were saints Cribby? I said that the PNC has a history of crookedness and violence.


This is for PPP dummies.  In 2000 I voted for Al Gore. In 2001 I voted for Bllomberg.  In 2004 I voted for Kerry.  In 2005 I voted for Bloomberg.

Now is it possible for you to see the difference between local and presidential elections?

Can you see that how people vote in local elections is NOTHING to do with how they vote in presidential?

Cease screaming that the PPP won by 54k votes.  Do you even know what Local Government is?

caribny posted:

This is for PPP dummies.  In 2000 I voted for Al Gore. In 2001 I voted for Bllomberg.  In 2004 I voted for Kerry.  In 2005 I voted for Bloomberg.

Now is it possible for you to see the difference between local and presidential elections?

Can you see that how people vote in local elections is NOTHING to do with how they vote in presidential?

Cease screaming that the PPP won by 54k votes.  Do you even know what Local Government is?

Amerindians were not a part of that either.

ksazma posted:

Where did I say that the PPP were saints Cribby? I said that the PNC has a history of crookedness and violence.

The mere fact that you cannot bring yourself to admit that the PPP has the same record. 

The difference being that the PPP pays associates of the Colombian drug cartels to commit their violence, even when the target is allegedly PPP officials who anger them or Jagdeo.

So yes you do say that the PPP are saints.  Others more honest will see little difference between them. 

caribny posted:

You all just want power

Except for some placard bearing protests in 2015, the PPP were peacefully out of office in time. Can't say the same about PNC behavior in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2015 before the elections were finalized.

I use finalized very liberally here since there is still an outstanding lawsuit regarding the premature finalizing of that election. Whah wrang wid yuh bai? 

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

 I cannot stand the smell of a Buxtonian.

You are expressing the sentiments of the PPP here. Thank you!

Why did you delete the fact that I stated that I am vegan ?


See why I think you are a dullard? What does being a vegan have to do with you not liking the smell of someone? I am a vegetarian from birth. Do you mean my olfactory nerves are compromised by my milk drinking and cheese eating?

Look at this whimp who ran and cried like a lil gyal at admin's door !!! Who the hell cares about what you eat ? 

Ha Ha !!


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

 I cannot stand the smell of a Buxtonian.

You are expressing the sentiments of the PPP here. Thank you!

Why did you delete the fact that I stated that I am vegan ?


See why I think you are a dullard? What does being a vegan have to do with you not liking the smell of someone? I am a vegetarian from birth. Do you mean my olfactory nerves are compromised by my milk drinking and cheese eating?

Look at this whimp who ran and cried like a lil gyal at admin's door !!! Who the hell cares about what you eat ? 

Ha Ha !!


As I said...dummy....on so many levels your stupidity maximizes it self here. If no one care about what I eat why did you tell us what you eat since our preferences are similar? The point I make is you are an idiot to say your veganism is an instrument of your racism/

caribny posted:
D2 posted: 

Proroguing parliament was within his right and a procedure he can leverage that is constitutional.

His intent was malicious and you fully well know this.

How was his intent malicious? He prorogued parliament which is a legal parliamentary function, held elections, lost that election and peacefully left office. The PNC thought they will defeat the NC motion so they didn't see the need to prorogue parliament and effectively the House has successfully issued a no confidence against. Can we get them to hold elections and leave peacefully if they lose or is the mo fiah slo fiah getting ready to start?

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

This could be why they were so unprepared for the debate

Such nonsense.  Do you think that this would have impacted the NC? NO! Charran decided MONTHS ago that this was what he was going to do because his huge ego wasn't sufficiently satisfied by  Nagamootoo so he plotted revenge.  That plus the possibility of a pay off as well.

What is obvious is that this was NOT anything to do with "conscience".

Maybe, maybe not. Nevertheless, they voted and lost. Time to next step which is elections. Lets see how long it takes for them to begin that process.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Where did I say that the PPP were saints Cribby? I said that the PNC has a history of crookedness and violence.

The mere fact that you cannot bring yourself to admit that the PPP has the same record. 


Dude, I comment on what I want to comment on. Why are you seeking to impute something to me. I comment on what you post and don't care to make up things about you. Have I ever called you a black KKK?


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