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37 Indigenous Communities to Benefit from Donation of Clothing

April 4, 2016 | By | Filed Under News, Peeping Tom, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....onation-of-clothing/

The Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs and the Guyana Foundation inked an agreement which will see thirty seven communities in Regions One, Two, Seven, Eight and Nine benefiting from more than twenty eight thousand pieces of clothing.

The Foundation has recently received a donation of a 20 ft. container of clothing from the Maria Milagrosa Foundation in El Salvador which has been designated to enhance the social and economic well-being of Guyana’s Indigenous peoples.

At the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding at the Ministry’s Thomas and Quamina Streets location earlier on Friday, April 1, 2016, Founder of the Guyana Foundation Supriya Singh-Bodden said her organization is honored to provide support to the Ministry.

Mrs. Singh-Bodden however, posited this is the beginning of a fruitful partnership and requested that the Ministry provide a wish-list on other areas for potential collaboration.

She indicated that the Foundation has a keen interest in marketing both traditional and non-traditional products and services that are and can be produced by indigenous communities, therefore enabling them to become economically viable. Specific interest was placed on indigenous craft, music, films, herbal products among others.

Vice President and Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Sydney Allicock before inking the document indicated that the interest shown by the Guyana Foundation is very encouraging given the fact that resources in indigenous communities continue to make an epochal contribution not only at home but also internationally.

Founder of the Guyana Foundation Supriya Singh-Bodden and Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Sydney Allicock.

Founder of the Guyana Foundation Supriya Singh-Bodden and Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Sydney Allicock.

The communities to benefit are Baramita, Kariako, Chinese Landing, Waikarebi, Assakata, Tobago, Khan Hill, Imbotario, Powaikuri, Kawatta, Haimruni, 7 Miles Branch Road, Bamboo Landing and Warapoka in Region One, Mashabo, Wakapow, Capoey, Swan, Waiakabra and Wax creek in Region Two.

The communities to benefit in Region Seven are Philipai, Chinoweing, Dagg Point, Wayalagene, Amakokopai, Emokeing and Karatabo, while Kaibarupai, Waipa and Pennak will benefit in Region Eight. Parabara, Masekenari, Crash Water, Rewa, Tiger Pond, Towshida and Bina Hill Institute complete the quota for Region Nine.

It was agreed that the Ministry will be responsible for all expenses associated with uplifting, sorting, and distribution of items to the communities selected.

The donation consists of approximately twenty eight thousand pieces of unisex Polo shirts, women’s pants/shorts, men’s/boys pants, boys/girls shorts, unisex scrubs among others.

Also present at the signing were Anthony Autar, Managing Director of Guyana Foundation, Samantha Fedee’ Deputy Permanent Secretary MoIPA, Jude Da Silva Program Coordinator MoIPA, Anil Roberts Principal Regional Development Officer and Errol Ross Personal Assistant to the Minister.

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