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4,000 jobs created in 2 years by Housing Sector – President promises Corentyne River Bridge, Deep Water Harbour in next term of office



GUYANA’S housing sector has seen impressive growth over the past five years, and this year, it is expected that the sector will see further job creation, mounting to some 4,250 new jobs, up from 3,500 last year.This was disclosed by Head of State Donald Ramotar, who, in his first address to the nation in 2015, reminded the nation that from 2009 to 2014, the budgetary allocations to the sector had grown by some 400 per cent.


The sector, the President said, has been a boon for job creation, “directly creating 3,500 jobs in 2014, a figure that is projected to grow to 4,250 in 2015. In 2009, the Ministry was implementing 51 projects while in 2014 there are now 170 projects under implementation, according to President Ramotar.

“We have also launched a ‘one thousand’ home initiative for working class families…the young professionals’ pilot programme was successfully completed and a new era in urban planning is beckoning,” the President said.



He used the opportunity in his address to the nation to also announce that the feasibility study for the East Coast – East Bank bypass road had been completed and “we are discussing next steps to advance this project.” This, he said, will catalyse US$65M in investment, building 20 kilometres of roads with supporting infrastructure. “Furthermore, in the first half of 2015, we will be constructing an alternative link between Diamond and Eccles that will greatly relieve traffic congestion for commuters on the East Bank of Demerara,” according to Ramotar.

On the matter of continued infrastructure developments in the coming year, the President said, “We will also continue to expand our roads and bridges network, including ensuring greater access to our geographic neighbours.”

Confident in a successful bid at the upcoming polls, the President announced too that during the next term of office: “My Government will work with our partners to bridge the Corentyne River and to complete the road from Brazil along with the accompanying deep water harbour.”

He said too that there will also be moves to improve ease of movement within Guyana’s borders by upgrading the major hinterland arteries and through the widening of the major coastal highways.

“Within our towns and villages, rehabilitation and upgrading our urban and community roads will continue apace, all with the aim of improving access.”

He maintained that a People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) administration will continue to invest heavily in the physical infrastructure that is so critical to creating jobs and improving livelihoods.

In pursuit of fulfilling its mandate as promised to the electorate, the President gave all assurances: “We will continue to improve the economic environment, working harder to make Guyana an even more attractive place for doing business, and to incentivise investors to establish and expand operations here.” This, he said, “will help to grow our economy, broaden our revenue base, improve our fiscal capacity to meet the needs of our people, and reinforce our economic resilience.”


The President also used the opportunity to reiterate his pronouncements on numerous occasions that, “the foundation has been laid for a brighter tomorrow for all Guyanese… With a renewed mandate, my Government pledges to sustain and build on the gains we have already made as a country.”Ramotar at the time remarked that 2014, was indeed very eventful and marked with both significant gains and major challenges, many of which will impact on developments in this New Year.

“I have no doubt in my mind that we will overcome the challenges, and we will continue to advance our all-round gains and improve the quality of life of our people…My optimism is grounded in the history of our country.”

According to the President, “Our people have always displayed remarkable strength and resilience in the face of major challenges…It is this history that has moulded our character….We must now use this eternal optimism and strength that our foreparents displayed to continue to forge ahead in the face of the many challenges that are posed due to both international and local events.”(Guyana Chronicle)

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Confident in a successful bid at the upcoming polls, the President announced too that during the next term of office: “My Government will work with our partners to bridge the Corentyne River and to complete the road from Brazil along with the accompanying deep water harbour.”


More bad news for th opposition.


Bullshit, 4000 jobs created where?


and NIS is stating that their income is down? this is total and complete bullshit. What data is being used to demonstrate this???????????????????


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