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4 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan


At least four American soldiers have been killed in a bomb attack in southern Afghanistan, military officials say.

The US-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said in a statement issued on Sunday that the fatalities occurred “during a partnered operation in southern Afghanistan today.”

A military official speaking on condition of anonymity has confirmed that the soldiers were all Americans and were killed by an improvised explosive device.

The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack, saying several American forces were killed and wounded.

On Saturday, a US-led trooper was killed after an Afghan soldier turned his gun on him in the troubled southern region of Afghanistan.

The latest deaths bring the number of US-led soldiers killed in Afghanistan this year to at least 140.

According to the latest figures released by, more than 3,380 foreign soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since the US-led invasion of the country over eleven years ago.

The increasing number of military casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the United States and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the Afghan war.

The 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was carried out as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but the country is still gripped by insecurity.


One wonders why the USA is still in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a problem for the Afghans.....let them solve their problems. But I guess that those poor soldiers have no choice, there is no jobs, they are hungry, no bread on the table for their family, so they are forced to do a dirty job rather than going and rob and kill for a living.


So how about you Welfare Bum, how long are you going to collect money in a cup standing by the street side? Why dont you go into the Army and finished the job, that others cannot do? Scared eh!!




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