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After twelve years and and fighting with all the modern weapons, one would have thought that all the Talibans would have been killed off by now, instead what do we have? Talibans kicking the United States asses by yet another:-


4 US soldiers killed in rocket attack on Bagram

US-led soldiers in Afghanistan [file photo)



Four US soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan in a rocket attack on Bagram Airbase, US military officials say.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to provide details on the deaths, said on Tuesday that the troops were killed by indirect fire, likely a mortar or rocket.

Taliban militants have claimed responsibility for the attack.

Bagram Airbase is the main US base and largest detention facility in Afghanistan. It is located just outside of Kabul.

Earlier in the day, Washington removed a series of preconditions for talks with the Taliban to facilitate the first official negotiations with the militant group in Qatar.

According to the website, 2,238 US soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since the US-led war began in 2001.

The increasing number of military casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the US and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the Afghan war.

The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity continues to rise across Afghanistan, despite the presence of over 100,000 US-led troops.






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Originally Posted by asj:

Their Legacy after leaving Afghanistan will be

"Killers of Innocent Women and Children and Babies"

 Dude, carry your hapless old turtle head that way! The taliban murder their own daily. Why did you not complain of the beheading of 10 year old begging for food to help their starving family as enemies consorting with the enemy? You are a poison, the thankless scum this land rescues who live to hate it. Get the hell out and go live with your beloved talibans if they please you so much. 

Originally Posted by Prince:

If Russia and America can't get rid of the Talibans after decades of fighting, no one else will. The Talibans will outlast/outlive any modern weaponry. BTW, the peace talk between the Talibans and the US turn sour within 48 hours. So much for peach.

The Americans are not Kublai Khan. They do not erase people even though they can. They reconstitute others to defend themselves while making the other incapable of fighting.


Modern warfare always end in talks. When we stop doing that we will return to the days of the Khan by dumping neutron bombs on enemy population sparing infrastructure and sanitizing it of life. Humanity has not gotten that far along the road to yet. Had the taliban that technology they most certainly would have used it on the west. That is why they cannot survive far into the future with the same morbid fundamentalism.   

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Their Legacy after leaving Afghanistan will be

"Killers of Innocent Women and Children and Babies"

 Dude, carry your hapless old turtle head that way! The taliban murder their own daily. Why did you not complain of the beheading of 10 year old begging for food to help their starving family as enemies consorting with the enemy? You are a poison, the thankless scum this land rescues who live to hate it. Get the hell out and go live with your beloved talibans if they please you so much. 

Are you comparing the Talibans with the United States Soldiers??

The United States Soldiers are supposed to be the most civilized in the world, whilst the Taliban is supposed to be the most backward cave dwellers still living in the past. Hence one would expect the Talibans to be like the Talibans which they are.


We cannot say that for the United States Soldiers instead of being civilized, like they are supposed to be, we do find them to be murderers of Innocent Women and Children and Babies. They behave like savages and project an image of the world most disgraceful soldiers ever. Not only in Afghanistan and Pakistan......everywhere they go, it is the same thing to be expected of them.


Now you can mix that with your tobacco and chew it up, at least you will get a flavorful taste.

Originally Posted by Prince:

If Russia and America can't get rid of the Talibans after decades of fighting, no one else will. The Talibans will outlast/outlive any modern weaponry. BTW, the peace talk between the Talibans and the US turn sour within 48 hours. So much for peach.

Eventually what I think will happen is that the United States will leave Afghanistan, and the Taliban will take back some control for now.


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